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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. 2 hours ago, Canucklehead said:

    Is the Gold amount not supposed to increase, as you level up? When I hit Level 148, and then 149, just now, the gold amount remained the same, at 75,000. Also at level 148, and 149, I have been getting a secondary screen, showing a Mech, similar to early in the game, when you reach the point, where you can build a second / third Mech. I have also received Premium Boxes, for the last 2 levels. I am unsure, if this is normal, or not.

    could be a glitch. 

    also, certain rewards are only triggered upon hitting certain levels. boxes and inv slots usually only happen every 10 levels. a few tokens and some gold should happen every level tho. 

  2. 1 hour ago, PlainBadLuck said:

    If you look at the 3rd post in the News section, titled "Merry Christmas," Alexander mentions a notification for the box and a link for the snowball perk, both free.

    for last year too?

  3. 41 minutes ago, PlainBadLuck said:

    Yeah. I believe the box was linked here last year,

    no, last year's hat and snowball was in a prem pack.... and you had to spend 335 tokens on it. ....... or at least that's how i got it. 

  4. 2 hours ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    Possibly well i think better is the normal snipers of 7, but what the hell with the Hp? Is a Titan head or what? Just question

    i got a copy of the source file and was playing around with it. 

    i moded a specific area of each phys torso and leg. 

    that avenger have 10000 hp and basically no stats in other areas. 

  5. general tips:

    use energy legs unless you really need hp

    get at least 400+ cap if you wat to survive in rank 10, especially for energy mech. 

    seeing you have that much heat stats, i recommend you replace the legendary malice beam with a hot flash to use when on energy break. 

    don't use delerium. it's an L-M, but not very useful. get a hysteria or basically anything else would do. tho, you can still keep it for some extra dmg and res drain. 

    upgrade that dual storage mod. 

    the thing with the drone is that lvl 40 legendary is already pretty good and can probably stay that way for some time without causing too much trouble. 

    also, for mything, i'd say energy engine for more energy stats. 

  6. 4 hours ago, The_Real_Ramsay49 said:

    Then run a heat mech and a phys mech 🤦‍♂️

    i only have boiler mid-range weapons. plus, i don't have enough cooling to make a fully functioning boiler. pretty sure 500 cap and 250 cooling won't be enough in rank 10-8. 

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