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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. ... maybe im thinking about this too much. i'll just draw it out. 


    green arrow means yes. red arrow means no. 

    the flat arrows are recoiling, no self movement, and no other pushback or pull types. shotguns only, that right?

    curvy diagonal arrows are for swords. so yes swords

    upward red arrow means no jump-required weapons of any kind. 

    all that correct?

  2. 32 minutes ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    1.My question now is, why the claw jump when attack with the sword? Thats a thing never understood

    2.This is basically what i want to do with the weapon, convert a leg into a claw legs, that means, no movement from the mech, i dont want nail the mech to the ground 


    from my understanding, the only way the sword would jump is if the arm is so strong that when it swings the sword, it's momentum cause the entire mech to ..."fly" ... toward the enemy. but if the legs are nailed to the ground, it shouldn't be moving at all, except teleport.

    i don't think recoils would work either. that'll be the same as charging.... ripping off the legs. 

    but that does have some other non-benefits to the opponent.

    like no hammer, axe, shotgun, rocket/grenade, stomping, or charging pushbacks of any kind. 

    also no grapple to pull in. and no pull from pulling grenade launchers like night eagle, grim cobra, or backstabber. no pulling rockets. only dmg. 

    basically, following the principle of being nailed to the floor, the opponent also can't do anything to move you. 

  3. On 8/7/2021 at 2:29 AM, Bring live your dreams said:

    Warning: the movement weapons like move-shotguns and swords can move the mechs, weapons like party crasher or that, what requires a jump, no cant be used if you have been traped with that, can use the teleport or charge engine to move the mech 

    this doesn't quite make sense. obviously recoiler shotguns and teleport can be used to move. however, swords jumps just like party crasher or any of the other jump-required weapons, so they should all be not available. charge engine also wouldn't make sense in a sense that the charge booster rocket comes from the torso, which means if your legs are stuck, using a charge engine will rip off the legs.... which basically destroys the mech itself. 

  4. On 8/7/2021 at 2:29 AM, Bring live your dreams said:

    Lets be funny, a trap dont let move your enemy from the space, traping it in the same place

    trapped.... like forever? 

    or just for like a turn or 2?


  5. 24 minutes ago, InsaneSM75 said:

    Improve heat and cooling, choose only 1 type of weapon(energy, heat, physical), use the massive stone feet since you have flaming hammer so no need to use dynamite boots

    i thought you said to choose only one type. the mech is clearly a energy mech so it would need massive shocker feet not stone feet. 

    1 hour ago, Cosmic Radiation said:

    Mech 2.PNG

    find an energy hammer (viking hammer) if you can. if not, try looking for lightning recoiler. both works

    fit more utilities if you can (e.g. charge, grapple). no need to upgrade the teleport too far as it doesn't give extra benefits to the build. 

    i recommend upgrading the malice beam first as it will be the main force in the build. 

  6. what rank are you? 

    upgrade all modules to at least lvl 40 legendary. definitely do this one first

    find some more res for first mech and try not to get overweight. heat point is not the best drone for boiler. 

    energy mech needs more modules. need much more energy cap and regen. 500-600 cap and 300 regen is a good number. 

    i might consider putting the brutality on heat mech and hollow monkey on energy mech. 

    oh, and don't use common-epic weapons (like crazed repeater). 

  7. 4 minutes ago, iSwarky said:

    I mean yeah i appreciate the offer but like no one is gonna buy this anyway.

    it's for people who are either super desperate for gold to use for upgrades, or people who are just plain stupid. 

    ... and yes, a lot of new players see this as a good thing.... i mean, when you're new to something, any kind of discount seems nice, doesn't it. i used to buy gold with tokens too, when i just started way back in the legacy days. 

  8. 1 minute ago, NAME_NOT_FOUND said:

    Unless they roll low. Brute is a wild card, its average is not all that better than Spartan, but with 1 less shot. I know L+, I still recommend at least one armor breaker since phys doesn't get the utility of overheat or energy breaks to supplement things

    what rank are you? there's lots of people who survived up to rank 7-8 without res drainers. 

    Spartan is good, but annihilation does pretty good res drain as well. (just the short range). 

    Also, most res drainers in the game are backfire weapons which needs a considerably high amount of HP to actually be useful. 

  9. 2 hours ago, NAME_NOT_FOUND said:

    Add an armor melter. I run 160+ phys armor, so do many because of its prevalence as a build type. You will run out of bullets before I run out of hps if you cant peel the armor early.

    Not that necessary. have one or two frantic brutes will be fine against high res. 

  10. 7 hours ago, Coddiwomple said:

    Yes - if you don’t defeat the titan, you’ll get roughly half the amount of clan coins as is displayed on the titan tab in clan.

    yeah. that's right. i think it gives even less if the titan phase ends before you unlock it.... not sure tho

  11. 58 minutes ago, Spam said:

    Gravit designer can be opened online like the flash puffin version of sm can be opened. Also gravit designer has layers but I don't know if they are the same a in PS.

    nice. but it does need an account and i'm not sure if i really need it. of course, i do want to see your file opened and stuff, but it won't really be of much use to me since i don't really do vector art and my photoshop can handle most of all the editing stuff i do. 

    anyways, i'll probably just make an account with one of my spare google accounts. i do hope there's a delete account button in case if i actually don't need it. 



    ... holy........ all your fanarts are saved in that one file...... no wonder it took like 5 minutes to open

    btw, @Spam, you know what these are?


    and i also never realized what you did to the tail. are those just blasters layered over one another?


    ... why is this so frustrating....... it program literally crashed when i tried to zoom in... to 400%. and now i have to wait like 5 more minutes for it to load again.....

    after loading for like 10 minutes and actually starting to use the software.....

    ...... i'm really starting to wonder how you keep track of all the layers and stuff. i mean, there's like at least 400-500 layers for the zilla and none of them have "names"....... it sure is driving me crazy. 

  12. On 8/5/2021 at 3:46 PM, Spam said:

    Might not look like it took much work, and it wasn't, but it lagged like crazy, anyway here's the file.Editing.gvdesign. Click that file to download it and open gravit designer, after that it'll show this on screen (Or it might ask you to make an account if you don't have one already).image.png.7ba5f28df2ecec104eea92de5af8e18d.png

    Click 'Open from Computer' and open the file you downloaded and experience the lag.

    .... well, i don't have or use gravit, so i'll have to think of other ways to open it. 

    can you save as svg?

    also, for gravit, does it have layers like in PS or just artboards like in AI

  13. 10 hours ago, IlyaMech said:

    If this is like overheat, then I will say not a bad DISPOSABLE gun for mech.

    what do you mean by overheat? it's a tree. 

    tbh, the best way i can think of if it were to be implemented into the game is as a finish move that requires a heat bomb or emp that turns the enemy into a tree. 

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