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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I think due to I am reloaded player I never had in mind to have those legacy items. Sure many of current items are from legacy improved in different direction of how used to be in the past but some of those missing items saved by old players can be salvage and improve it. Those were functional in the past and can add some fun. About relics, I always say that players need to be able to collect relics regardless been in a clan or been solo player. Some people are in clans just because the relic grant from war as example. In my case I have been playing this game for only 2 years and from those I have been only 10 months in a clan. I became top player as free player then enhanced account getting now some offers to keep up and maintain just basic R3 power level keeping the basic for modules etc. During my solo play time I was able only to max 2 premium items "MERCY" and "Selfish" and no more gold relics to go for any other premium item. My first divined was "CORRUPT LIGHT" and I did it because I had no clue what the heck was divined and players never explained me properly so I make a test and never again because had no gold and spending 500,000 on divined status was tuff on me regardless my farming level. The player should be ale to collect gold relics in an easier way specially reaching rank 10 for box. At that level the players already maxed out some items or even many items like me to L50 and some players got premiums items not like me that I had none ready but many did have them. Portal like the other day getting relics it was a great idea and very important to develop. There are few things I do consider to be fair in the game. One is that the older player already went through the hard time by longevity to get them and some have great luck and some others not that great regardless the time in the game like 5 years in reloaded or whatever is the time that happen and it is a bit unfair to give easy relics for new comers like me without passing the hard work of play time to be at that level. Now, the problem is that some play solo or intermittent on and off in clans and some play just limited time for years and others every single day like me so far not missing a single play day since account was open but been solo player the majority of my play longevity. The progress in ranks it does affect to combat getting matched against divined players. You can see that in the lower ranks and was a pain and it is in some ways at top when the game match maker match me with fully divined accounts or almost the majority of the items having more health and power resource to win by large or mare margin. The game it is a progressing game and for me every time I was leveled up a bit the game compensate with even higher health and more powerful items never allowing me to catch up to those levels and been hammered down all the time. Still today that the majority of my matches the players does have more health than my mechs and divined status. Due to the game does match with divined accounts already and accounts not divined I think is a bit unfair to play in that way even I do understand the years of older players getting those items ahead of me playing before me. I do not complain about it because is progress but I do in the sense of power level regardless longevity in the match selection. Yes I win without divine status to all top players I know in the arena but their power it is superior and I win I think just by luck due to power out put from the weapons when shoot at the high end but if goes into the lower high or middle I am good as dead. The divine status it does provide a bit of margin wins and is good for those playing for long and getting luck but also is hard because the progress keeps going and new item been in clan let say at top those relics comes handy every season been R1 and war fights etc. Players need to get those gold relics in an easier way through portals, farming, sales, war, lower ranks boxes and few others even the players it is a solo players and also prevent some level of cheating. A solo player is in a great disadvantage to progress on divined status due to not been part of WAR and of course been not a ranker at the top side. Sometimes discourage players to keep playing because no hope to progress with those relics resulting to quit the game and sometimes to cheat. Many does have issues to be in clans due to personality because are hipper by nature or some like to be alone away from clan dramas or their rules because want to play their own style but been forced to join to collect relics. Farming should grant time to time those if farm heavy. Some can get relics leveling up the account, farming a lot regardless max out at L250. There are so many ways to implement those grants. Maybe in TITAN apart for coins can give some relics too so the solo player can keep moving. Some relics on raid at he lower side due to is hard to pass raid for many and I remember those days when I barely can pass the TIER1 as solo. Due to relics does not affect necessarily to game sales actually can get some sales too adding some cash to the coffer. Target some relics to low ranks too to get that extra missing relic been desperado to get that relic and complete the missing to transform. The idea is to see the light in the tunnel but not to make it impossible because the game takes very long to progress and item to L50. The amount of time farming is heavy and I surely knows well that been a farmer. Mechzilla does have great points here. Is been here for very long and seen many changes in this game. People like me we still learning ways so a good advise with logic and common sense from top players not for personal desire or gain but for the health of the game is good advise. So, I say yes to add some items enhanced from legacy and add them at portals and yes to look ways to get gold relics that help the entire community not particular rank or been part of clans. Sure is good to have clans and make friends there and I do not discourage clan membership but that has to be by desire of the pilot not forced to join like now because in some ways the player has been forced to be in a clan. I am a top clan member and I am there to help the clan for request been solo player and wanting to play solo. Now, I decided to help the clan as an honest request from the clan owner in good ways and we were friends before even join to help them out but was my choice. I did not joined to collect relics or tokens from their hard work but to help them giving them stability but they carry me and through their hard work I have been able to progress with relics. Now, I am a player with limitations on time to play pvp and the others but I can farm and of course in some ways I only can play as solo because no time to play the others parts of the game like pvp been limited on time. Having limited time to play but working hard my accounts it sometimes gets a bit boring not able to collect relics if I have issues and have to step out of the clan to not take advantage. Players do not need to agree with me but is my personal opinion as solo player mind set and a player who does farm a lot to progress the game limited to play pvp and sustain high rank out of focus. Those are all what I do have in 2 years playing this account OKI DOKI and not much to say. If I count about weapons to fight in the sense of attacking with premium part I have only 1 MERCY, 1 SELFISH and I did those when I was solo player. The others are some torsos and modules and that is thx to the clan. The other few EPIC parts is been granted as solo but not use it conserving gold and managing gold to do it little by little for older sets and current in use. So, in 2 years of play time I have only 2 real premium weapons divined to fight in the arena. This is O.D FARM 4months younger account than OKI DOKI. Premium weapons to attack opponent is ZERO. The premium parts as modules all is thx to the clan. The epic parts is been as accumulated as solo and clan.
  2. cool fight. Is sad that the older players are missing some of the original game basics. I guess I give some fun when you kill me any VEST in your arsenal? I guess you mean you do not have any.
  3. FUN STUFF. CONGRATS ON THE KILLING. Good stuff from Alex
  4. Hi Pilots How are you? I feel a bit better. I was waiting to collect titan tickets local our 2:00am when this appear and finishing a work from work and felt to sleep at my computer desk chair. I have been under lot of work and felt tired and my eyes closed. My kids and lady decided to not disturb me and kept a quiet morning just for me and I stayed sleeping till passing noon. I haven't sleep that long in years. That came good to me. Anyway, lets go to my weekly update and see what the sleeping beauty is bringing to the bed sheet. I was able to reach 105millions on gold reserve but I forgot to do an screen capture and started to craft 1k power kits. Still in process almost finishing and I was able to max out some items already half way level up. My gold dropped but I will now recover in a few weeks and will do another batch of 1k for few items left at myth level. I will balance a bit the gold use even I am in the set to craft 8k power kits but seems I won't have to do it in that way and keeping some gold at high reserves. I think in 2 weeks I will be back on gold reserves and will do those items with the mix boxes in reserve. Post those items I will save up and will then get focus into make new L40 and L30 parts waiting in line but controlled. I will myth and max in a controlled way. This is my current gold reserve post craft 1k power kits and max out some items. The items are not in specific for a mech design rather are for raid, titan etc and to create part options. The factories got some work but will go idle again. Parts maxed out. Portal. I am happy with the Selfish. Sure few meat comes handy. I already had the pumpkin. For those not having the item it is a cool one. I remember watching the old guys with those perks and me without it. Sad moments. Rank- Happy getting the relic CHEERS
  5. I know now you can buy some fuel if you want. just try if you really want the item. My first Hollowing I got none. I got them in my second
  6. NICE TAG. NICE. WELCOME BACK TO DADDY Hmm, becoming too dangerous. I better step up. congrats. I got only 1 pumpkin but I already had them. congrats. nice item
  7. there I said it. Though, won't be able to hear me say it, but I said it.
  8. day 111 waiting for same thing
  9. cool intro and music. excellent fights.
  10. I can recommend one great TOP clan. Just kidding. In RF you have cool guys. Why to leave the Nobel Warriors? Play solo like me. I was solo all the time and developed as top with many myth parts. Never had clan drama.
  11. It is hard to tell. All depend of age and maturity from both sides and mind set at the moment. Looks not all the time is the right thing. Personality and attention help. Be you and do not try to be someone you are not. Build friendship in a normal way. Sometimes feelings betray and building friendship is better. Time will tell but do not let it scape waiting. maybe if she give an small token of signal take her hand. Say hi with a kiss in her cheek. The problem here is about culture and others aspects. A person from USA or a person from Japan will be a little bit different in the approach. A person here is hard to give an advice unless the person is from your country who can understand better the culture.
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