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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Sounds good. Also no need to be one single direction. Can be a nice portal and also a nice sale. I will like 10 gold relics of course I will like 500 but 10 in a sale with packs and a premium not common part sale in a package plus drop rates sales like 3 in one day. Get a nice item, get drops sales if the person no need the item and relics and the portal for hat or tokens/gold/relics etc. Too much maybe and crazy but lets go wild 2021 . I know what you will say guys..... Sure can affect sales in others weeks. Oh well......
  2. Yes, I will recommend to keep grinding as much you can. OD6 is good because is fast and mix boxes are better in my account. That does not mean can be good or bad for your account. You can go for F.B if you want. There is nothing wrong on trying and I do recommend to get done for possibilities. For me doesn't work because my drops are terrible plus cut me out on mix boxes grants at those locations and having parts already to max out I go for OD6 faster and giving me good deal on mix boxes. The thing for me is lack of time for F.B. farming because is slower for my taste. For people having a bit of time and can go for F.B. it should do not having enough parts available to progress. The gold still good and fuel is in some ways balanced against gold grants per ride. There are many players that normally go for F.B. and they get a nice deal of grants for them. Try your account. The other factor for OD6 is the XP grants. For people that want to go to L250 fast there is not better place than OD6. Also those XP days specials were maybe my favorite item to play because I was able to see my account level moving fast to L250. I was very happy to get those days. Now I am max out and makes the game a little bit more boring because my account level is been in L250 for more than a year. About 2 mechs it is ok. You no need 3 mechs and you can fully load 2 mechs to kick butts at 2v2 and 1v1 and stay low at 3v3 at R6 or less not having a 3 mech to fight at same plain field.
  3. You can do either way according preferences. Now, in my personal opinion I will hold back if you do not grind a lot. The cost passing L15 it gets expensive and to make L20 parts for more epics than legends options it can be costly when mix boxes give epics just grinding. If you have items to max out I will rather max than to risk. My base still incomplete because there is no reason for me to spend that gold to get L20 when having parts around to work on. Even with the gold on reserve I do have now the cost is heavy. Now, I will recommend L20 because it is a good option for free players or even p2w when you have enough parts ready to fight or better say 3 full mechs that can take you to R3 in the 3 seasons and then hold back on parts max out. If you have 3 mechs and you are happy with whatever the rank result you can reach then go for it. Everyone have preferences so it is hard to say yes or not only can say what is been more benefit to my accounts and the way I do play and it is about farming and very low pvp not having time for pvp. Do not forget that Power Kit option is also expensive and require good grinding. If you are low on grinding and gold reserves I can recommend RARE option to balance 4 factories making parts and full grinding but if you keep 2 factories working at RARE and grind like me you can advance in a balanced way or use one factory running always and help to save gold at the same time. I used RARE option to make my O.D FARM and OKI DOKI base progress and maxing parts at the same time. When I was ready on parts and maxed some for stability then maxed to go to L15 factories. Gold balance is very important. Check my acc progress and will see my factories always in low level. The time frame it does takes to make batches at rare and the speed give you time to manage gold collection.
  4. nice fights and max out. It is your real voice?
  5. Hi Pilots, How are you? Like I mentioned in OKI DOKI I am passing through tuff time at home with family sick. My lady is currently at the hospital already for some days due to covid regardless been vaccinated long ago. She is been delicate and just barely stabilizing. She might stay at hospital for a week or so. Not sure at all. Hospital do not want us there so only visual communication for few minutes with her. My son does has covid and he is with me at home and we have to stay here for 14 days by rule. He is doing ok in some ways but condition still there affecting him been tired when is very active boy jumping around etc. My daughter is getting a bit better trying to get breathing back to normal and feel tired all day long. I am a bit tired too and checking my self and waiting for covid test even I have been vaccinated. My family is currently sleeping and I am taking this short moment to do this and will try some pvp testing parts combos. Hope you all are save. About the game I have been very slow grinding and not doing much pvp. Having family sick and lot of work ahead now pending and delayed but working a bit in the side to not allow accumulate more I have been affecting the clan on wins and basics not getting done. I requested to kick O.D. FARM out of the clan and bring someone can do the job. I will have the account in a stand by for this week and if the clan is doing ok I might search for a temporary clan for this account for only 5 wins and TITAN, WAR, TICKETS at low rank. I will decide if I will join as temporary member since this account is designated to help my clan CANDELA at any given time. In mean time I need to keep developing a bit the acc with some relics. I will look for a temp clan that can fight for gold relic. Not sure. Anyway, lets check progress. I as previously mentioned this acc now is back to solo for now. I make my own solo clan just to get back as normal. The goal has not been changed like in OKI DOKI looking to increase gold reserve and max parts already at myth status. Gold reserve reached 111millions and it is the best gold reserve ever on any of my accounts. Factories are idle and like in OKI I will save a bit more gold till next week changing plan of making power kits this week. Oh yes, it is a "FRANTIC". Why? It is original part of my first mech in this account never developed and because was already at L40 it was easy to click and presto to be use in future phys mechs if have too. It will be max out. I was not having plan to transform few parts but I needed the room to reduce mix boxes and use properly mix boxes epics grants to make more legends and open space in the storage. Clan war Rank Portal I got another shockwave. Oh well. I have another for the collection. Why no different? CHEERS Oh, forgot. I am back to my solo clan MECH CHUNKS FARM now 4.0 version.
  6. Hi Pilots, How are you? I am passing through tuff time at home with family sick. My lady is currently at the hospital already for some days due to covid regardless been vaccinated long ago. Is been delicate and just barely stabilizing. It might stay at hospital for a week or so. Not sure at all. Hospital do not want us there so only visual communication for few minutes with her. My son does has covid and is with me at home and we have to stay here for 14 days by rule. He is doing ok in some ways but condition still there affecting him been tired when is very active boy jumping around etc. My daughter is getting a bit better trying to get breathing back to normal and feel tire all day long. I am a bit tired too and checking my self and waiting for covid test even I do have been vaccinated. My family is currently sleeping and I am taking this short moment to do this and will try some pvp testing parts combos. Hope you all are save. About the game I have not been playing much. Last season I barely did few pvp affecting the clan and I requested to be kicked so they can bring someone can due the work. I have been kicked and helping me out to stay but I requested to kick me at anytime is needed so they can complete the basics in need. For now I am in the clan. Also is been complicated due to changes at work with new assignments holding me back on play time due to lot of training with my own boss and by default I can't do what normally I do to get wins for the clan. I have been a lot less active grinding making all slower to progress recently. I am trying my best to farm and get pvp but is been hard on me. I has been testing few maxed parts around recently on high ranks to see how they respond been attacked and attacking in positions of disadvantage to understand limits of those combos test. Sure used to get at list 5 wins but since I have not been playing much I need to get focus on few wins. Anyway, right now I am trying to develop some others parts and playing at low rank to test with some rounds of pvp. I can't get focus on high rank at the moment and I have to attend family needs since I am mom and dad right now. Account progress. So far not a lot except farming but I was adding some levels time to time to some parts around with mix boxes and few remaining power kits around. Gold is back to 102millions. Few power kits around. I do not know what it is there to be honest. I forgot. I decided to get the last offer in last minute but I do not need the parts. I got offer for the relics. I have not that best luck on relics grants on ranks like the recent with just epics parts not even one relic. Parts maxed Clan war PORTAL CHEERS
  7. Sup bro. Sad you are not active. How is doing Dark? I guess your dad is no longer active. I have not seen Dragon recently.
  8. I think yes. Even worse, I am trying to play undeveloped and the game giving ridiculous mechs matches. Then I decided to switch mech because impossible to play with real rank power R7 due to matches and used a stronger mech recently maxed then the game match me with a weaker R10. Why then the game do not set me up with those stronger as the picture and instead a lower ranker.
  9. Yes, it does cost a lot but it is the way to level up parts faster. Sure can go with rare option. I used to use rare option because I was able to balance better the budget with 4 factories at L2 option plus save some gold. Due to the time to make parts was different I was able to control better. Power kits a batch of 100 takes 1.5 days and come fast but gold goes away fast. It is an option for players that can grind enough gold if not I will recommend RARE option than any other or SUPER QUICK if is in a rush and is poor on gold. As a side note. Well, family is sick and my lady she is at the hospital not doing that great but hospitals do not want people around. I have my 2 children sick one with covid. No easy but managing.
  10. It cost a lot and as shows here it can be a common or rare. The majority are common. Maximum grant is half of full order batch on 14-16 parts on rare grants meaning you can get 1 rare and the rest common or full common or 2 rare till reach 6 or seven max if not wrong. If you have 4 factories at L15 the max normal order is 100 per factory and making 400 of them will cost 2.3millions plus then the cost of maxing part. That mean is does cast a lot and require to grind a lot because drain your gold if use the part to level up your weapon not the power kit.
  11. yes important. distance shredder , combine engine, quad core and heron mark. Sure few others too but less. Those mentioned if you do not have them you should max them at some point
  12. sometimes commercials are not there etc. In my break time 12-2pm around that hour I cant collect full silver tokens and full gold because no commercial. always same hour but no issues the rest of the time
  13. nice offer. I do not need the over/plat but I think GATO set up a good offer and I am happy that GATO started to add gold relics on different activities and now an offer.
  14. not really. you will overheat fast. Your Flame battery armor is low on regen and cooling. You do not have resist. All depend what rank but red rain and in particular that drone will eat your health and will cook you.
  15. OKI DOKI


    just play when you have time for it. You do not need to feel bad about it. you progress as you can slow or fast. forget about others progress just focus in yours and play for fun.
  16. I do not remember. I know for sure some players have deactivated that option and also block followers. Maybe here
  17. cool, nice alt account. 4 months and some L50 around. about the question "how do you pause the "last active" thing?" I do not understand the question.
  18. congrats. yes, I was wondering. No matter what you will come back.
  19. I guess you are right. Hmm, if I am not wrong we do not have new parts since last February and those were the items from TS already in the schedule. Now, GATO is been fixing the game big issues and that needed a major investment and time and a lot of data capture and analysis then to execute some patches and do bans. The game is been in GATO just barely for a year now and we need to give them time so they can come up with other stuff basic things first in order they can move to major things as new items. They need to be focus on portals and few stuff like silver coins use etc and rebalance properly current parts around. Before introduce new parts rebalance need to be fixed then can create and give the proper power level and function to new parts. I do not have the expectation to have new items till another year due to the amount of employees in the company been an small company. Sure affect to some players been around for long but it does takes time and players should understand that. No matter what the players now can get focus in to improve current arsenal and that is what I am doing. I am increasing raw power with diversity. Sure some others already have 3 of a king in full power like those with MERCY/drain or heat huggers or dual recoil phys or energy around. Many do not have full set of new modules trying to catch up with top peers struggling to sustain R1 position and some that used to be R1 till recently now at R3 level. I am giving a year to start new parts releases as I see it. I might be totally wrong but observing I will say it is right to go in that way for now for game stability and capture some revenue after post purchase and investment to try to fix the game bad status. They need to rebalance for now and like I said players need to understand.
  20. new legs should stay as they are. Iron leg still strong but not affecting resist. I think it was a good idea to have epic that can work as is doing. Sure we do not have many L-M legs around like Claw, Sparked Runners, Rolling Beast. Claw was aiming to give health but not movement, rolling for phys damage/movement and runner same action for energy. I think we need the heat version. I will say we need few more legs around but we have pretty much the actions needs on current legs. I will not do changes. It is about progress. Making new legs a rarity it will be even harder to new players to progress and not fair at this point of the game having those legs for a year around. Iron boots and family were the best after Claw in my opinion and are items from common to divine and I used to win against claw users with those. We needed E-M and those are the options to go. Sure I understand the idea to make them Legendary rarity. I will say in some ways before release should be Legend but were portal items.
  21. Thx bro. Yes, I am the first in the reset due to it was reset few months later post been open the forum. SPAM was the one ahead of everyone then reset and I was ahead then he stopped to log that often but I was not in a competition it is just simple action when I connect and just happen. When I farm the accounts I can take a look and react to someone for fun or else due to I do not have much time to look for hours. thx bro. yes I am the first but not competing for it. happens in a normal way posting etc when have time on my farming or breaks at work
  22. in reality I do not know. it is the actions done in the forum per se granting some points. It does count more on posting, reading, giving reactions and receiving them. I think it does count more on posting. If you check your profile it will have a bar of progress and points to get then will move to the next one. You can take a look and do a reaction and maybe will give you an idea what give just posting or else.
  23. Hi Pilots How are you? As I mentioned in OKI progress I am tired for sure and my daughter is sick and my son too. I had to take my daughter to the hospital multiple times hoping get better in a few days. My son is doing ok. My lady is getting sick today too with fever now waiting for covid test results. I have not been playing for few days around pvp but will see how family will recover. I am writing this now post finishing some work and family is now sleeping. Anyway, O.D.FARM as OKI it is been focused to save gold and to max out myth parts available. I was able to move up to 106millions and my goal is to save gold for this week then to craft power kits. I do not have many myth parts around but it will take till end of year to get it done then move to phase 2 of account development. Factories are idle for the last entire week and next one. I was able to max out 3 parts and made some legends parts from epic for future myth transformation. Parts maxed... Clan War CHEERS
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