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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Like the song for long. Well I am East Coast Boy but I think is super cool for Jam California boy. Oh well, I live in the West for long so I am half and half hybrid
  2. Is one of the clans I have always seen around from my starting days. Cool to see the members in the video.
  3. Sup bro. Welcome. Any clan, mech name, rank etc
  4. I think that the game give opportunities to decide what direction a player want to go. Some players are pro medals and that it is not useless. It is a way to play the game to have a pixel like everything here it is. That require to have a mind set for that particular direction and to achieve that so the game give some ways regardless some aspects as "cheating" in the game. This is an example of few days ago. Many players have same direction and join to similar group of people. It is up to the person to find happiness in the game and not to pay attention to others what they say. In the end it is the player own direction to choose according game possibilities. I am example of it. I never set my mind to be a top player. Do I am one? No. Many will say I am but I am not. To me a top player is a person consistent on the rank and the desire to be there all the time. Can I still play at R1 all seasons? My answer is yes even with the outdated mechs I have according mech changes trough mechs set ups. Do I care to be R1? My answer it is NO. When I joined to play this with family request my focus was to do the basic. Farm to progress, level up, fight titan, collect tickets, do raid, pvp and enhance account arena stuff plus campaign. War was not possible been solo player. Since I started to play this game, many people asked me to join or to open my solo clan to be my clan mate. I rejected all of them from rank 25 and I still do. Why? very simple, I want to play my game as I can and as I will no matter what who say something. First it is my time and it is my acc that I work hard no one else. Not my children, not my lady no others. My fun it is to make parts. What parts I want? I just want to make parts. I do not care. I want to farm and little by little see the progress for fun. Do I have to pay? No, I was playing free then just decided to get some. Been in a clan it is been subject to internal rules and regulations stablished according the clan changes normally based on members added. If a person it is not ready for a clan membership so is better stay out or to search for a clan that satisfy the basic need as the pilot feels better to be with. I feel fine in CANDELA INC. Sure, we had drama too and we drop and we rise too many times. Why I am there? Very simple, it was an honest request for very long to join the clan when the clan even still in the formulating and having hard time when I was a brand new player in the 20's rank. The leader kept asking me becoming friends from my start in this game. I always rejected to join. Sure it can be seen in my progress thread. Why I joined? Well, I decided to help in a temporary way but under my own stipulations. Why? Simple, it is my time and my acc to play as I want to play on my way. I was accepted to help move up the clan in a hard time. I commit to my words and I then decided to support in a temp way to see the clan stable and healthy as promised to my friend. I do not jump here and there. My words and promise to support the clan is there. If the clan keeps their words as I was accepted and conditions and if I keep my own as basics then there is no reason why to abandon the clan. So far so good. They honor their words to me as I do for them. To me they are my friend that little by little I learn to care for them and for the clan. When a member walk away or is booted or else I am not a person who does not give an S. I actually care about them when in and when out. The game provide the opportunity to make friends that can last, have fun and reduce stress as a distraction like any other game generally speaking. First, search for what was the pilot motive to play this game. Go back in time and search for that feelings. I know my own, I wanted to make parts and farm for it and the other stuff but not ranks and clans or drama from them. This is my kid time, I am an old person. I want to enjoy the fun to see a part changing color like a little kid without offence to those here. I want to see the gold number moving up when I farm. I like to test parts not developed at any rank and many at R1 can see me playing against them with R10 mechs for my own fun testing and get destroyed and see the mech pieces. Top clans require some basics that not all players are ready for it or not interested but some are focus to be there. There is a level of respect to the tops whatever they do to stay there, to those in lower but still top and to those I bit further down in the way they play regardless whatever other person say against the clan as constant offences to each other. Sure not fun for me that part. Why I still play in CANDELA? Promise. Apart of that it does fit to my play ways. I can move up and down at any time. I support the direction when is needed. They play TITAN. I want to play TITAN and always did as solo player. I want to do Raid and still do. I want to play WAR. I want to make wins if possible to collect gold to enhance account. I want to be there because I have friends. They trust me, care and we have fun talking to each other. The clan tops members are real tops. They can do whatever easy. They stay in the clan because they can play as they want too. That is cool. I think they enjoy basics of the game plus they have some goals of rewards that is basic of the game as incentive. What is my vision as player? I am not a ranker. I am a part maker farming for it. I want to make many parts for fun even I end up not using the part. Will some day get a medal? Hmm, I doubt about it since it is not in my radar and do not play for it. Sure I was able to get already some having high AP in all seasons when I decided to play for R1 full stars for fun but dropping to help the team. Sure I will make an strong account for sure. Right now my focus is to play R3 or lower for test back to my own normal play time as before decided to test my person if playing serious can get reach top spot and I did so no issues to wonder about it for curiosity. Clan politics always will be there. House politic like living with parents and siblings etc. Top clans can be good or a course but it is the way of the members decisions how to make the clan and set direction and there is nothing wrong on it. People choose. The game is fun but also not that easy to progress. People gets tired of the game. It does consume too much time for sure. Players need to rest a bit and forget about the game. Sure some don't. To have fun people need to keep their play ways. I do according time availability that it is almost nothing or better say I should not been playing this because I have no time for it. Just enjoy they ride playing your way. Lets go to FARM
  5. Hi guys I just want to Welcome our new leader Diablodder. Nice guy and hard worker. I want to thank as well our former leaders SIN for his great work ethic and massive support to the clan on all levels. I want to thank as well Ayron our long term member and recent leader for his work and loyalty to the clan. Our former member and short leader Tirred covering the spot for a while. It is been some changes in the clan on leadership but all is good. I am back to the clan post been 5 weeks out due to work and unable to play basics so I left till can recover a bit but I still not in full basic as before. I want to thank to the clan always asking me to be part as team member regardless even during those days not been a real supporter but to stay no matter what and I decided to step out to not take advantage of their hard work. Thank you a lot guys. I appreciate your kind and support and for sure I am trying to do what I can in my busy life. I will add more information as Discord info or the leader with add the info. Our clan still in business and our goals haven't change or requirements unless specials decisions. Thank you Wally-OKI DOKI I forgot to add Azrael. Great leader and one of the best player and contributor. Hard worker and make sacrifices for all of us all the time. SHABBA, The first clan leader. Cool guy and clan owner hard worker. Miss him too.
  6. long time to see that video from SNP. Cool song. cool one
  7. Nice. If you farmed all of this time and not playing you can have 400mill.
  8. not that uncommon with me. It was very often. Also mix boxes I was counting one time in OD. FARM and I got over 200 boxes on the road without rare just plain common. Not kidding. I counted. I forgot the number but was bad. I was furious. I had 974 parts accumulated and almost all were common in full and then when I was in the 100"s is when the game compensated with Legendary Power kits L30 2X, L20 2X, L10 2X and EPIC L30 2X and that it was the way I maxed almost my phys huggers in the account. then with those power kits was fast . For silver box it was very common to have the $32,000 option getting just common. It took me very long to enhance parts when others used to get rare a lot. Was annoying. Now it is average but yes I still opening factories power kits getting full common sets one after another.
  9. That looks like SILVER BOX no base. That is what I used to get in silver box when my account was. Now, if you are poor and use base and can't do other options I recommend to no level up base factories beyond L2 and to use Rare option before power kits, lame common options, super cheap slow etc. With Rare option is like having silver box in the sense of granting common and rare percentage. I used that one in both accounts and worked perfectly controlling craft, base level up, leveling parts of course need to farm a lot. The with the farmed parts you can hold craft and max with those farmed. You can progress your acc all the time. My factories still incomplete because require ton of gold to use L20 so no brain is best to use other options when have parts to develop in hands. L20 option is good for developed accounts and high rank guys making easy gold for not a lot of play time. If you are a 500 wins maker every season then you make good gold depending rank but if your rank still below R8 is best to save and level parts not to hope for a lucky day using L20.
  10. the deal is not bad. Now, if you aim for more boxes and maybe more gold etc or a particular weapon offer is better save. the offer is good for free players that do not play a lot and do not collect tons of tokens playing hard their accounts or for rich ones.
  11. I miss the guy not the food.
  12. OKI DOKI


    Crazy cover but cool. Now this is the original. I like the song and he is a cool guy in person.
  13. OKI DOKI

    Clan war

    just have the mind of kill kill kill
  14. getting interesting. I do not remember when was last one but I think was last year set up with Nerfertary.-Little Lost your lost
  15. This is how boilers work I have this one I think.
  16. OKI DOKI

    how tf

    Yeah, we need the trouble makers to move this.
  17. The information is good. It is op to the player to collect or not to collect according to his/her life conditions and interest. I watch the commercials for the extra gold on the daily 5 pvp and sometimes I collect tokens later. I do not have time to play the game but I do adjust to my possibilities. Many here does have the time but are to lazy for it or other conditions like me that in reality can't play this game due to the time consuming to progress having family and tuff job. Just play for fun and do not complain if you do not go for it having the time or because you get bored. The game give you ways to add some goodies but if you want goodies without nothing in exchange then buy the old nintendo console and all is good. I still have my own form the 70's and still working.
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