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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Oh, since when I became popular in my thread. I just noticed this. 10k views. WOW. THANK TO YOU ALL.
  2. good young old days song I got the cd back then
  3. yes. I took me some time. 584
  4. That took you a while to do 583
  5. Getting poor again. Nice weapons max out. Growing stronger.
  6. Sad but I think was the same for me Someday when I grew up I want to be like you. Hmm, I am already old. WOW. Looks those weapons around.
  7. Hi Pilots How are you? I am fine but really tired today. Terrible week at work but finally is over for few hours till tomorrow morning. There is no much to say this time just only the general status for this week. OKI like his little brother O.D. FARM it is been under saving gold mode in order I can start to max out a bunch of myth parts around then to save again and start to make new ones. The gave keep morphing and I have been building parts as general needs to many combos for all 3 types as basic building blocks to be able to make different combos when I need and have desire to play with for fun regardless rank results. Let see what I have... Gold reserve it is been increasing like O.D. FARM close to each other rate. Gold reserves increased to 93millions and it is OKI max record on savings. Tokens still on reserve for weapons deals if are attractive for the account. The account it is not been growing as mentioned previously instead enhancing power and saving gold. Low pvp is been bad to progress faster but it is the best I can do with my busy life. Anyway, like in OD. FARM I am happy to see the gold stash growing making me feel like rich person. Just a bit selfish not making parts except the general basic of making some legends from epics for the future myth parts and consuming some epics to open space. The game plan is to save gold for another week or till reach 100mill as O.D. FARM and then craft 8K power kits and max out myth parts around. I was really luck this week opening a Fortune Box. Never expected but both parts I was hoping to get. Even account is not been growing on weapons this grant was in need so I will say the account grew a bit this week and I am happy with both parts. I think this was Rank Box reward. I really do not remember. CHEER
  8. Ok. Makes me a favor. Open this post after me so I can update. I will check your account and will PM you if need some changes.
  9. Excellent on gold savings. Yes, I will update in a few. Too busy doing some work and not even been able to play a bit pvp today and I was hopping to get some but I need to finish this soon.
  10. Hi Pilots How are you? I hope all it is going well to all of you. I have been too busy at work and my play time increased a bit testing undeveloped weapons at low rank. I have no time to play focus for top area keeping a max R3 when move up just for box. My current status and mind set haven't change from last time. I have been focus only into save gold grinding due to the obvious reason of been unable to play much at arena. The account progress it is been slower and no new parts around just the same. Now, I am a bit happy with the gold stash moving up. I became a bit selfish to accumulate gold and not to enhance weapons just to see 100millions number in the account for first time and then I will craft power kits for 2 weeks if I decide not to change of mind set but for now it is my plan in order to finish Myth parts around to L50. Post craft and max out I will move back to save and to make legendary parts and to L40 legends around in need. I will L30 many epics to make legends for transformation with a bit more controlled direction. My strategy from start was right and now stabilizing will be great to make parts a bit more focus to make mechs with more direction not like now just making parts without direction building up the basic parts foundation for configurations for future mechs for combat. It does pay off to be relax and to enjoy the growth process little by little. The future of the account is looking pretty good. It is weak but will become good for sure. Ok, this is the current status. No maxing parts. Just making some space and few legends for it to be use in the near future. Not now because saving the gold but I needed some space and making some legends from epics was good. Gold moved to 94millions. This is the top level of gold saved so far and I decided to grind for another week till next Sunday to get 100millions or till reach that number then I will start the Factories engine to craft kits. My plan is to craft maybe 8k power kits in 12 days not stopping factories. Normally it does takes for me 6 days to craft 4k and tons of gold. Current gold and tokens around. I forget id was war or rank. Anyway, nice to have those extra relics. I really need them. Cheers
  11. I better start to improve my play. Good stuff there.
  12. Terrible drop. looks like my normal drops
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