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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Because the bionic arm nuclear power cell was fake and use
  2. You should provide some basics of clan direction and requirements. Provide the info and might someone will be interested. Say rank requirement, how many wins, war, titan and ticket. etc.
  3. Yeah. I test mechs at low rank and I c a n tell about my encounters with the 900 caps around. So when I use my undeveloped mechs working on parts step by step the game love to much me up with those.
  4. Shakira back then with her natural hair color. I like that song. Very old back in 1995.
  5. Interesting top clan positions I nice rising star clan is coming to town. Nah, just kidding. Died hard on me.
  6. Interesting conversation for the readers. Good points around. Hmm, I am a tester and I have collected information for 2 years that I won't share the numbers. I do collect from videos from my fights with the parts prepared for it on purpose of data collection. My charts are accurate since are real data obtained from the game. The bandwidth on my charts has been set per weapons actual ranges and selected the mean for it. That is taking all factors of the weapon stats. The mean from Myth and Divined of course shifted because the range is different. This is done since my start in the game from Epic parts to divined. The consideration is the output power points considering the type of torso and shields played. Using different accounts testing against each other and testing on the arena is been interesting. The low, mid, high output power fluctuation in some points of the charts are out of scale with or without shields tested same torsos. The data indicate that divined status it does have an edge due to the mean is higher by default. The data points for type of mech weapon and against the other 2 types for test do not lie. Divined status add margin edge. The difference it is in the pilot movement and starting point using same type or different type of mech and combos. Regardless data, there is not much science here to understand that divined status is better but not mean the player can't win against. Like I said, the starting point, type of mech etc plus player movement is the factor to win but the game sure recognize the extra power of divined power. Testing same mechs in full divined vs no divined same mechs my divined mech against not divined always won the fight by margin. The margin factor to win against divined is real. That happen to me in real combat against just to say Clever. My losses in the more recent fights against him where pure margin base loses and sure he knew how to play well his mechs. I entered those data on my charts as independent chart and adjusting the range to my own mech set up and status at that moment vs full divined set. I recalculated reducing the percentage to match output by older data average and if the mechs had the same set up I will win the match. Sure with some factors errors but tested in different conditions assuming all parts stats. It is very hard to determinate but basic analysis indicate that possibility beyond 50%. The statistical process control chart it does no lie so far in my constant test I do every week. Anyway, it is interesting the conversation around.
  7. I think all the player I lose when playing serious crossing rank and need to play lose win lose win for hours.
  8. I think it was cool those grants for the opinion. Good job Alex and for the winners congrats.
  9. yes, I do agree as reloaded. I think Mechzilla mean the same. Maybe I am wrong. I think portal with legacy reloaded meaning balanced and adjusted to current parts layout will be cool. Not need to go for a lot of new design for now but use same old items enhanced. Now, when I was watching some similar weapons of today some of them had different function but similar look.
  10. It does happen. If you check my OKIDOKI or O.D FARM progress thread I do not remember in which I mentioned long ago. You need to understand multiple things. 1- People playing at lower rank to get easy wins is real. You are not wrong but all depend of situations. 2- People developing parts. 3- People stranded not 3 mechs in full 1-For the first case, some players play in full power to collect wins but there are not a lot of them because regardless wins they lose gold collection due to lower rank grant less gold. Some of them play knowing is too infected of same powerful mechs that they cannot beat because the system match them up in a carousel against same players and been at R5 the system match them up against R5-R1 players in full disadvantage to be able to get a win. They lower sometimes not all seasons except the one with difficulty and play on R6 against others R5 R4 just to say power level because no more remedy but the system do the same and then match players R8-R7 against them and sometimes even lower like R10 and also been in R6 match you up with R3 even R2 and this is not a joke. The lower ranks suffer for sure but also those that just crossed too unable to win and having just losses. That happen to me when I moved to R5 and had only loses one after another and I remember 26 and 40 loses one after another unable to get daily 5 wins. The game compensate matching not only the weapon increasing in level but also compensate when you increase the level of your modules. I made tons of test for over a year testing module changes and matches level. That has been verify by me one time after another. There are other factors like time. Some players just do not have time to play much and do it to get 5 wins then walk away not because get easy win but still because same conditions. They prefer stay on top because earn more gold in the 5 wins not in lower rank. Many players does have problem about power level and mechs in the arena matches. For example an R1 player had hard time to reach R1 status by the end of the season. When the new season begging the system drop them to R4. So an R1 became R4 and fight against some R5-1 players powerful enough to kill them just starting and can be an R5 that is normally an R3 and those guys can kill R1 like butter if the R1 is not careful or having the right mech to kill them and can't do nothing about it and maybe bad luck because maybe they reached R2 maybe 3 stars or 1 star by end of season maybe with 1 or 2 loses that R1 player dropped to R5 for a moment and end up matching against R8-R6 player next round. For those that have power to sustain R5 by end of season not mean can fight normally at that rank. When season change they are dropped to R7 normally and they need to fight to move up to get R5 box if possible by end of season when the most powerful guys already moved up and they can compete against close power opponent and can win or lose by margin then to move up on rank pulling their hair out trying to do. Those are just example of what in reality does happen between others issues not because the system is totally a mess. 2- There are people like me that play at lower rank sometimes 1 time in a month or 6 weeks or every 3 weeks or sometimes one yes and one no. I can play at all ranks but I am not a pro even I can play for R1 every season if I had time. My time in the game is limited so I tend to test and develop parts from EPIC L1 and when is premium Legend L1. Those parts I assemble them together not as making a mech but as centralize place to max parts for the future. Those parts are developed little by little and growth on their respective level like anyone at lower rank leveling up parts step by step. These are some example current mechs in test just little by little maxing out parts not ready for combat since are not developed for combat instead just making parts. This is an example of my development through the time. Check the time stamp indicating May 17. It does have a different side weapon because I finished time ago and replaced with a different L1 part but still had same look. This is same mech back in August 30. You can see the color change. In my case some players accuse me of smurfing when I do not do it. What does happen I play those mechs as it is learning weapons never used before in different levels regardless I play against them but not me having them developed so I try to test and learn the weapon. Because I can play at R1 some players call me CANCER etc like last week and this week accusing me of holding rank. They hate me because they recognize me as top player but I am not a pro but just a part maker to make many farming as can be seen in my OKI DOKI and O.D FARM thread progress little by little. It is public so everyone can see it and know what I am doing or will do like this season I will play at low rank for test and development. This is another example of mechs been under progress for very long and not ready for combat because just making parts. This is an example of one of the parts since then trying to enhance from last year This is the time of the picture 1/3/21. So As a team set of parts assembled of 3 mechs it is been under development step by step. The mechs are not ready but retired from low rank because can achieve R5 but sometimes I play with the not developed and one of them not fully developed but ok for R5. Now the combo between both as 2v2 I lose all the time because I am against players full developed regardless modules. Below some others example developing parts so of course you will see those in R10 or whatever reach step by step. In other words I do not abuse the system but they want me to look like I do abuse when I play fair and square. Below some examples of win and lose. check the fights and turns. I lose many and I win some others as should in normal matches. Some quit because can't against the mech because counters and some others their stats are 900 in both sides and many play at 3000, 3500, 3200 etc on health with good or low modules. 3- Some players those not have more remedy than to play on R6 been an R5-R3 or even R1 player by end of season but sadly they cannot play at 3V3 season because they do not have a 3er mech to fight and they will be stuck on R5 losing and losing and losing and losing till end of season not even gating daily so they need to play at 2V2 without choice in that sense. Sure they can make some mechs not that powerful and level down power to respective rank to not abuse. Remember, many do not have choices because no power to play at top but powerful enough to reached but not to be able to compete. Some stuck not having enough mechs, some matches as the system set people at new season and some test too. The system it is not a total mess and totally wrong but all players like me had the same issue when I was trying to move up every level against 2 levels up above me and more powerful weapons even divined status at low ranks. Yes, a tiny portion can be abuser but it is minimal but sure some are and normally not because the win thing but due to level of difficulty they have at early stages of the season then clinch by the end of season higher rank. Some example I do face during the pvp developing is the same. Me in the right side. Module also where under development as set for test and progressing step by step been R7 in that fight. Look the opponent stats. Sure is my loss. Another example that I can win or lose at R7 depending initial position etc. Look the stats so we are even in power respecting possibilities even does have more HP than me and my weapons won't affect his attacks. Been R7 vs R6. His stats are better but resist low. To play that mech in R5 will be tuff on him but good enough to kill me. There are too many examples to show me out of luck in lower rank against better mechs in full power but not enough to sustain R4 or R5 and sure some of them yes can but not enough. Another and his second mech against my second. I will say is farming wins. Now, we are in the 3v3 and not mean it does can compete 3v3 with a 3er mech but possibilities are high. As a side NOTE: You can maybe say I smurfing at some point but not on purpose. The problem is that I am playing with lower rank mechs not capable to cross rank to R5 forcing me when I am at lower rank and will move up post playing with undeveloped mech and move to play at higher rank I have to switch mech to a more powerful mech to be able to cross rank and play against top players but that is crossing not abusing. In that case I can't do nothing and you can end up accusing me but that is normal for testers like me. Also, I do not do this for the clan, I play testing from start my account to learn parts before use in real combat and sometimes at the chat room asking for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3 to fight me. I was solo player and my solo play time surpass my recent first time joining a clan time.
  11. I still have some in reserve I like monkey torso look. I do not know why but looks cool to me. When I look VEST it does remind me the Minbari
  12. Yeah, that sucks. Yes, I remember my first REA and was weird 2 weeks thing. I opened a fortune box and I got REA and a scope, then same week opened other F.B. and got another REA, then I got my first platinium plate, then got FHA, then another REA and FHA and Hollow just in 2 weeks span. Two weeks later I got another REA and later got my 5th. Before that I had just NAGA as energy torso.
  13. Hi Pilots This is my weekly update and not that much to add. I am on my break at work and lucky my boss is not here today been on vacation. Sure he left too many things to do to cover him. Anyway, as I was saying I have been saving gold to be ready and be able to max some parts making some parts at base crafting 1k power kits. My goal still 8k power kits to get out of the myths around but this batch is only the first batch. I was able to increase gold reserve to 105millions but crafting and maxing the gold went down fast so I am holding back a bit to increase gold for balance but sure will keep going down for now. My current reserves post maxing some parts and making 1K power kits. I forgot to take a picture for the 105 millions. Oh well, next time. My factories still working to complete the 1k order then will be idles to increase gold reserves for next batch of parts to max out. Some parts maxed for combat but others just because I want to have them max out for fun and to have a mix of weapons availability. I will be making 4 set of 3 weapons per week crafting and stopping and saving. I think will take 6 weeks if I want to clear all out and keeping high gold level then will move to make controlled parts. Portal was not that great but something some food is ok WAR- I need those. Mix Box but do not know CLAN WAR CHEERS
  14. great. that will put you up to R10 soon then will move up. Now. Your heat/energy caps are way low and your regen/cooling as well. You do not have modules for now to support those weapons. work on modules now. you no need to add power instead to balance with modules. crank up modules and will see the difference.
  15. yes. max the 3 molten. and max the energy too. Hold back any other. You have WINDIGO and that one can be use for heat and physical. The VEST torsos help on resistance. Go for it and are good to combine. the molten can be use for the 3 class type of mech. Can be use for energy, phys and heat by the time you have the molten then you can replace WINDIGO use but in mean time use it for heat and phys
  16. Do not use that TORSO. Ok in the past but go for nightmare if you do not have VEST or WINDIGO or Monkey. Use that heat drainer Ok to use heat bomb. You do not have modules to support that mech. No cooling, regeneration or or heat/energy reserves. get modules set in order to prepare mech. As it is without modules impossible. too much weight and will have to reduce some weapons for modules
  17. Funny intro and end. I like the specials effects. Nice builds. Those are belong to top side already.
  18. not that bad. Actually, it happen to me similar to you. I got a set of relics with Magma and I am sure it was not part of the portal. Maybe I clicket a rank box but I was using mix boxes already like 200 of them and I do not recall any event for it. Sure are welcome.
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