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Steel Titans Tournament! 💪


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4 hours ago, DefinitelyNotTrophy said:

what marija said also includes pairs where neither player can sync a time to duel within ... what was it? 2 days? it will be a message race when the new pairs come out and perhaps some stalling tactics to put a loophole in this decision.

I see that now, and something will definitely have to be done about that

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1 hour ago, Yakir said:

my timezone is gmt+3

Earliest I can play today is in about 8 hours. (17:00 for you). Hadn't expected the fight to be on monday, when I had the least of time...

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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12 hours ago, Zylok said:

 am I allowed to paint my mechs after the submission, forgot to do it before. :c

You can paint, paint doesnt bother me at all. 

10 hours ago, DefinitelyNotTrophy said:

this sounds like a fairness issue going forward tbh

Where I applied this before is when someone isnt responding to messages or tags, in days, so we all assume they gave up. 

The reason why there is a 48h time limit to do the battle is because majority of players will do theirs within the first 24h, and then they wait around, bored, the chances are higher they will give up or just forget about the tournament. Its also why I shortened the application time, and probably should shorten the mech building time. 

I dont mind waiting a week for someone to do their battle, my job stays the same no matter, but is it fair to others who are doing their stuff on time or even before time? Would it be ''fun'' to drag this tournament for weeks, even months until we get everyone to do their part.. 

Im really open to suggestions and modifications of times and stuff, but we also must apply some logic to these. I completely understand its not the most fair thing to just write someone off, but if we drag and ask and wait around every single person, whats the point of this xD Tournaments are a privilege for players, and they are optional. You dont have to participate if you dont want to, I also dont have to make them if I dont want to, we all have our free will and ability to choose. But Im also not going to let anyone's time be disrespected, including my own. No one is entitled to a reward or participation, we all need to understand this, therefore we either participate or not, make time for it or not. 

Im going to wait 3 more hours, (this is already beyond 60 hours since pairs have been posted + its been weekend), after that if we dont have the winning person of the pair, either those who reached out are winners or in case they cant set a time, coin flip will do the honor of deciding a winner. If majority of participants doesnt agree to this of course we can wait for people to do their battle, do speak up.  Or if anyone has a better suggestion, do speak up. 


Elcent is the best.


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45 minutes ago, Marija said:


Where I applied this before is when someone isnt responding to messages or tags, in days, so we all assume they gave up. 

The reason why there is a 48h time limit to do the battle is because majority of players will do theirs within the first 24h, and then they wait around, bored, the chances are higher they will give up or just forget about the tournament. Its also why I shortened the application time, and probably should shorten the mech building time. 

I dont mind waiting a week for someone to do their battle, my job stays the same no matter, but is it fair to others who are doing their stuff on time or even before time? Would it be ''fun'' to drag this tournament for weeks, even months until we get everyone to do their part.. 

Im really open to suggestions and modifications of times and stuff, but we also must apply some logic to these. I completely understand its not the most fair thing to just write someone off, but if we drag and ask and wait around every single person, whats the point of this xD Tournaments are a privilege for players, and they are optional. You dont have to participate if you dont want to, I also dont have to make them if I dont want to, we all have our free will and ability to choose. But Im also not going to let anyone's time be disrespected, including my own. No one is entitled to a reward or participation, we all need to understand this, therefore we either participate or not, make time for it or not. 

Im going to wait 3 more hours, (this is already beyond 60 hours since pairs have been posted + its been weekend), after that if we dont have the winning person of the pair, either those who reached out are winners or in case they cant set a time, coin flip will do the honor of deciding a winner. If majority of participants doesnt agree to this of course we can wait for people to do their battle, do speak up.  Or if anyone has a better suggestion, do speak up. 


I agree to making  the one who reached out first the winner. However I don't agree to randomly selecting a winner when the case is pairs that have been trying to fight each other but don't get to due to different schedules, timezones etc. I believe this should only be applied if the pair has exceeded a time limit of like twice the normal time limit (so 4 days) or something.

A week of waiting for each round to start might indeed bother other players. However I don't think the majority will mind waiting for around 4 days in total when participants have trouble competing. I think its an understandable situation. If there's proof that a participant has been ignoring the tournament things can be different. However if it seems like both have been struggling to find the right time to battle, I think it won't harm anyone to wait a little longer.

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2 hours ago, Marija said:

You can paint, paint doesnt bother me at all. 

Where I applied this before is when someone isnt responding to messages or tags, in days, so we all assume they gave up. 

The reason why there is a 48h time limit to do the battle is because majority of players will do theirs within the first 24h, and then they wait around, bored, the chances are higher they will give up or just forget about the tournament. Its also why I shortened the application time, and probably should shorten the mech building time. 

I dont mind waiting a week for someone to do their battle, my job stays the same no matter, but is it fair to others who are doing their stuff on time or even before time? Would it be ''fun'' to drag this tournament for weeks, even months until we get everyone to do their part.. 

Im really open to suggestions and modifications of times and stuff, but we also must apply some logic to these. I completely understand its not the most fair thing to just write someone off, but if we drag and ask and wait around every single person, whats the point of this xD Tournaments are a privilege for players, and they are optional. You dont have to participate if you dont want to, I also dont have to make them if I dont want to, we all have our free will and ability to choose. But Im also not going to let anyone's time be disrespected, including my own. No one is entitled to a reward or participation, we all need to understand this, therefore we either participate or not, make time for it or not. 

Im going to wait 3 more hours, (this is already beyond 60 hours since pairs have been posted + its been weekend), after that if we dont have the winning person of the pair, either those who reached out are winners or in case they cant set a time, coin flip will do the honor of deciding a winner. If majority of participants doesnt agree to this of course we can wait for people to do their battle, do speak up.  Or if anyone has a better suggestion, do speak up. 


I agree that the time limit has been reached and it's time to move on.

If one player has been participating and the other is MIA, than the choice is clear that someone has defaulted.

In a case where both have tried but not made the match, then a coinflip to continue seems like a solution.

(Even though I'm 97% sure I lose the coinflip)

Time is valuable, even for volunteers.

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Dumb Idea : Randomly pair those people with other new people who might be available at the time they also are

But yeah that just takes too much and too long so I agree on the coin flip



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Perhaps before doing a coinflip look at the times when participants eere able to fight or reach out to their opponent.

I've seen plenty of people in this and past tournaments just saying '@XXX can you play  now', and going offline 10 minutes to an hour after.

Some players will actually say ' I'm available tomorrow from X time to Y time'. This gives their opponent plenty of time to read the message and see if they're available as well at those times.

Imo if something like this happens between opponents I'd let the opponent who says the latter pass, as they can communicate well, and will also in the upcoming rounds.

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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5 hours ago, STARWULPH said:

Intentando otra vez 

'alo 'alo

Iré una última ves a arena. Yo también tengo universidad. Me quedé esperándolo hasta la 1y media de la mañana como puede ser posible que en un margen de 5 horas no me responda. No es culpa mía ahí!

3 hours ago, Marija said:

Puedes pintar, la pintura no me molesta en absoluto. 

Donde apliqué esto antes es cuando alguien no responde a los mensajes o etiquetas, en días, por lo que todos asumimos que se dio por vencido. 

La razón por la que hay un límite de tiempo de 48 horas para hacer la batalla es porque la mayoría de los jugadores harán la suya dentro de las primeras 24 horas, y luego esperarán, aburridos, las posibilidades son mayores de que se rindan o simplemente se olviden del torneo. También es por eso que acorté el tiempo de aplicación, y probablemente debería acortar el tiempo de construcción del mecanismo. 

No me importa esperar una semana para que alguien haga su batalla, mi trabajo sigue siendo el mismo, pero ¿es justo para otros que están haciendo sus cosas a tiempo o incluso antes de tiempo? ¿Sería "divertido" arrastrar este torneo durante semanas, incluso meses hasta que todos hagan su parte? 

Estoy realmente abierto a sugerencias y modificaciones de tiempos y demás, pero también debemos aplicarles algo de lógica. Entiendo completamente que no es lo más justo descartar a alguien, pero si arrastramos, preguntamos y esperamos a cada persona, ¿cuál es el objetivo de esto? xD Los torneos son un privilegio para los jugadores y son opcionales. No tienes que participar si no quieres, tampoco tengo que hacerlos si no quiero, todos tenemos nuestro libre albedrío y capacidad de elegir. Pero tampoco voy a permitir que se falte el respeto al tiempo de nadie, incluido el mío. Nadie tiene derecho a una recompensa o participación, todos debemos entender esto, por lo tanto participamos o no, hacemos tiempo para ello o no. 

Voy a esperar 3 horas más (esto ya supera las 60 horas desde que se publicaron los pares + ha sido el fin de semana), después de eso, si no tenemos a la persona ganadora del par, los que se comunicaron son ganadores o en caso de que No puedo establecer un tiempo, el lanzamiento de una moneda hará el honor de decidir un ganador. Si la mayoría de los participantes no está de acuerdo con esto, por supuesto que podemos esperar a que la gente haga su batalla, hable. O si alguien tiene una sugerencia mejor, hable. 


@MarijaDespite the fact that today I have university, yesterday I answered him and I stayed until half past one in the morning and the guy didn't show up... by the way, he was with the account open in the arena, checking all the time... it's not his fault there missing in action. I want it to be clear that for my part I did everything for the fight to take place...

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You are both online now.. 

It seems like you are not communicating outside this topic, a single DM is easier and it costs you nothing. 

I understand the annoyance, I heard from your opponent and it seems like the two of you are just not communicating despite the not so different logging in times.. Im also not sure whats happening behind it really 

Elcent is the best.


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6 hours ago, Zylok said:

Earliest I can play today is in about 8 hours. (17:00 for you). Hadn't expected the fight to be on monday, when I had the least of time...

sorry i just had sabbath on saturday but ill be available then

im ready now

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Hace 8 horas, Manolis109 dijo:

Estoy de acuerdo en que el que se acerco primero sea el ganador. Sin embargo, no estoy de acuerdo con seleccionar un ganador al azar cuando se trata de parejas que han estado tratando de pelear entre sí pero no lo lograron debido a diferentes horarios, zonas horarias, etc.  excedido un límite de tiempo de como el doble del límite de tiempo normal (por lo tanto, 4 días) o algo así.

Una semana de espera para que comience cada ronda podría molestar a otros jugadores. Sin embargo, no creo que a la mayoría le importe esperar alrededor de 4 días en total cuando los participantes tengan problemas para competir. Creo que es una situación comprensible. Si hay pruebas de que un participante ha estado ignorando el torneo, las cosas pueden ser diferentes. Sin embargo, si parece que ambos han estado luchando por encontrar el momento adecuado para la batalla, creo que no le hará daño a nadie esperar un poco más.

No se si lo dices por mi. Pero ayer me quedé hasta casi las dos de la mañana esperando a mi contrincante aun teniendo que ir a la universidad. Pero si no quieres entender está bien...

Hace 5 horas, STARWULPH dijo:

Ok, cansado de estar sentado en la arena durante una hora llamando a...

No conozco un IGN

Son las 5 am aquí, me voy a la cama ahora. Él terminó. lanzar la moneda.


¿Quizás en futuros torneos la gente debería cambiar el nombre de sus cuentas temporales para que coincida con el nombre del foro para que sea más fácil?


El problema es que tú no tienes discord y te dió pereza crearlo. Y no esperes que yo te ande a las 5 de la mañana sabiendo que me quedé hasta las 2am esperándote. ¿Hombre tengo que dormir no crees?. No voy a dormir 2 horas por hacerte caso a ti. Depaso teniendo universidad. Me estuve desde las 9 y media hasta las 2am. El que esta faltando eres tu, No yo, deja de intentar justificarte

@STARWULPHdenuevo me quedaré hasta la 1am. Tendré la cuenta abierta en arena hasta esa hora. Si no pues ya no es culpa mía porque no me puedo trasnochar todos los días 

Edited by Maxogamer24 (see edit history)
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