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Compensation for downtimes


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It's been 3 days in a row that we've had downtimes, and even though I get that the devs need to update things sometimes, having that much downtime is simply not ok, and I would like to suggest that we get compensation for this.

[Written on the behalf of Chaotic_Shadow]

Edited by ChooseGeno (see edit history)

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Three days in a row, we have had a time where servers went down, some people spend a ton of money on the game, others spend hundreds of hours. We want a compensation for our troubles, or at least prevent this from turning into a habit of server crashes.


HeIIfire (me)



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On 1/7/2021 at 9:11 AM, ChooseGeno said:

It's been 3 days in a row that we've had downtimes, and even though I get that the devs need to update things sometimes, having that much downtime is simply not ok, and I would like to suggest that we get compensation for this.

[Written on the behalf of Chaotic_Shadow]

With all due respect, no.  I understand that sucks, and I understand because I've been up around 5 AM and experienced SM being down before.

But the concept of compensation is when you are legally owed something.  SM / TactiSoft / Gato Games do not owe us anything legally.  I am completely against downtime compensation.  If I were CEO, maybe I would be nice and do something to compensate people, IF it was my fault or my company's fault.  But as a player on a thread where someone is recommending or asking for something, no, I can't agree with you.

They didn't even owe us SM to begin with, but yet it's F2P.  They're already giving us a gift in the first place.

I'm trying to ignore my feelings and thoughts on this, but every time I see someone suggesting that a F2P game company compensate people for downtime, I can't help but be repulsed (recoiled, if you will) by that level of apparent entitlement.  With all due respect, it comes across as very entitled.

I'm P2S (pay to support: I subscribe to $5/month) and you don't see me demanding something from SM for downtime.

Also, I wouldn't post something on behalf of someone else.  I would tell them to create an account and post it themselves.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

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