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O.D. FARM Progress Little by Little


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7 minutes ago, Zylok said:

Hi mate,

It's been a while since you have posted on here, but Reign Forever wants to let you know that you can rejoin them now. We made a switch of leadership, so we had to kick every member but one.

There was a message in the chat for about 12 hours before it happened, but it might be that you have missed it, so that's why I'm telling you on here.

You can just send an invite to Reign Forever again and it will be accepted within a day.



Ok, I missed. I have not been much connected due to work extra work since yesterday.  😭

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Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine but at the same time really tired. I am at work break, and I have not much time around. 

I have been really busy at work new assignment and with the boss and is taking away my little to nothing play time away. It has been a challenge last 2 weeks to get some wins around. 

Like in my OKI DOKI account, O.D. was idle on wins for days unable to touch pvp and super tired to play. It has not change and will be like that for some time but I still looking for the ways to play a bit as come the opportunities and sneak myself and do some pvp. Sadly, I need those pvp to develop my mechs parts and is constraining the progress. 

In mean time I can farm a bit but even farming has been declining. Oh well....

O.D. FARM is currently at Reign Forever cool clan. 

It is very curious for a player like me not playing for medals and not getting into clans for medals ending up with a medal. My OKIDOKI got 2 at CANDELA INC not searching for it and I got one in O.D FARM at Reigh Forever last season. 

The interesting thing is that both clans were not medalist clans, and my accounts are part of that first medal for the respective clan. I want to congratulate both clans obtaining their first clan medal and happy in particular for those members in their respective clans not having medal obtaining their first and sure for the rest of the players that made possible the event. 

This is a capture of the clan medal now


I forgot to add same screen for CANDELA but I will later. 


OK, for O.D FARM, my focus has been to increase gold reserve as previously mentioned. The account it does have power to sustain high rank at any rank and season, so I have no rush to power up instead focusing in to increase the gold reserve baseline to 150millions and then increase gold to do any activity keeping the 150m in reserve as target. In the future I will increase the baseline as I have been little by little every 10millions. It will be in this baseline for some time. 

I was able to increase the gold reserve to150millions. My focus now is to increase more gold for the future activities like crafting power kits and might divine few items in need for the account. 


Maxed Item


Divined items


Transformed to Myth items




Some war, rank and portal relics. I do not remember what what is. I forgot to separate. Sure, had too many weeks without relics not gold or even epic. 






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3 minutes ago, Clan Red said:

With all those weapons ,

you’ll be able to save 🇺🇦 Ukraine!!

Hooray 😃 


Sad about Ukraine. It has been a country and people abused by other nations for centuries. When the abuse will stop. No USA and no Russia respect the treaty made so Ukraine can be free, and respecting land integrity giving up their nuclear arsenal the 3er in the world more powerful on those days and many crossing their hands around the entire world watching because having deals. Disgusting. 

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On 2/6/2022 at 4:07 AM, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am doing fine but a ton of work keeping me really busy and playing little and forgetting things to do or unable. I am fine but tired and I need some rest to be honest but work id demanding and COVID add too much to cover other people sick week after week with a no ending. 🤦‍♂️

Anyway, it has been a while without an O.D FARM or OKI DOKI updates not having image memory to do so, and the game owner added some recently. 

I do have pictures saved in my comp or phone of the progress, but I will avoid adding all of that and will resume from now as starting point.

I have been focusing more on gold accumulation. Not been lucky getting any new weapon in reality meaning the account is not growing for a while. I have been enhancing or better say leveling up current parts in the inventory but there is not much there, and some decent parts remain to go for it. 

For now, I will be focusing on gold accumulation and enhancing few parts slowly with daily events without any rush. The most important now is to increase gold reserve to be ready for future boxes opening but I will be working with some parts around before the opening. It will take till summertime just guessing to finish some of those items around and some from epic level in need. 

I will include the account current inventory because there is not much to add not using the saved progress and current acc status.

Let see...

Gold moved to 132 million. Actually, I was able to increase to 138 but I used some gold to max items recently in this case divining modules. It is very rare to use gold to divine items and having lack of gold relics, but I was bored and decided to divine some items.



The base it has been idle for a while. Looks very sad.image.thumb.png.47053f92dc4d47888c52f050cf0b32c9.png

O.D. FARM joined Reign Forever. I removed the account from CANDELA INC because I wanted to open space to have heavy grinders plus power to add to the clan. Having lack of time and slowing down because excess of work and not been a person who really like to take advantage of others hard work, I walked away the account.

I want to thank to the Reign teams for opening a door for me and inviting me to be part of their roster. 


My boxes reserve. Not much but managing mix to enhance parts or make legends. 


Clan coins still growing but at slower rate.


Arena Shop is all max out and coins still growing. I would like to find a use for those coins. 


Ok, the inventory is practically the same but with some parts enhanced.


































It is not an awesome account but do the job at any rank and season if play for it, even it is a weak account but will be growing and getting stronger. 





The amount of awesome builds I can make with your inventory is outstanding. Like "WOW"

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1 hour ago, Predator said:

The amount of awesome builds I can make with your inventory is outstanding. Like "WOW"

Hey bro.

Well, the account in the hands of a real R1 pro player like you can be decent at this point and yes, it is an R1 all seasons if play for it in a pro player hand. Sure, if you look properly, it does have limitations to increase more power solid base combos. The account was free to play and got into top basic then added some items. The account delay it was the wasted time on the old modules making been a new account then to start all over to get the new modules delaying big time the weapons level up in need. Another factor the account was solo not clan base like my OKI DOKI limiting to get relics.

The progress against tops has been steady but hard to compare against long term pro accounts having years ahead on power base getting the old parts at portals and offers on those days. The account dedication is to get focus into advance the foundation of the account not raw power till recently giving account stability for combat if needed so modules became priority to get focus on before weapons now is full and solid on modules and nothing to be a shame against real top players. 

The account will increase in raw power post summertime. I am focusing to increase gold reserve to have steady 150millions then push to 160millions and crank up crafting power kits and max items around and then make tons of them ready to open 500 premium boxes and see what I will get from them even I do not have expectations to get anything that good but will add some power for sure. It does have now 176 Myth items. 

It is 2 years account of hard work and farming it has been the basic foundation of the progress. Sadly, pvp it has been limited when I want to add some hundreds per season to get more gold but impossible in my life. 

Now, OKI DOKI account it does have more power and parts to level up for a year in current inventory but also it does have some limitations on some basic weapons in need to make it more powerful. It is a good account for sure. Also, it is fully solid in his foundation and no modules in need. Sadly, is unlucky getting relics but ok for now because power will increase for now on post increase gold reserve like OD. 

It will be fun accounts in the future. Sadly, I won't be playing for some time due to new job role assignment and promotion cutting my play time basically in full. I won't be playing for at least 6 months and today I just got that information in early morning meeting with my boss becoming VP in company and I have to cover for him during his transition. Progress it will slow down and started to slow down already for few weeks. I will see if I my family can play the account to sustain at least raid, titan and few pvp in mean time I will try to farm a bit, but I have no answer and the account will seat idle as far I can see like OKI DOKI been idle already. Oh well, I need to money for the family, and all is getting expensive.  


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am regular and really busy at work. I have an old injury from sports and having some problem with it and making all more complicated but still dealing day by day. I have been off a bit from the game trying to rest as much I can and checking my kids working my account.  They have limited time and ruled by their mother as normal, and they have to follow those rules in order they can play. Sure, I do not get in her way except when I have to put real order to all of them. 😃

I have been farming time to time but not as I used to do, and the kids are farming a bit to compensate some I am missing and getting all slower but to stay steady as much is possible. 

Anyway, O.D FARM reached and passed 150millions and started to craft some power kits to transform and to max some parts around. My focus now is to grind if I can and let the kids do the rest the I will craft and enhance weapons.  It is about to get gold and craft after getting enough and go for parts keeping 150millions around. 

Current gold reserves post maxing parts and crafting some power kits for it. Now I will increase to reach 3million or so and then, I will craft more power kits and stay in that loop for now on till future changes. 


Weapons Transformed



Weapons Maxed


Weapons Divined


Some War/Rank Boxes





Maxed Part. Forgot to add the second. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi pilots

How are you?

As I mentioned in OKI thread, I am totally busy working and not having time to play the game. I just barely farm, and my young kids are playing the account basics and I do the upgrades. Hmm, it will cost me some summer nice gifts post showing me good grades. Oh well, se la vie. 🤣

My focus for O.D it is been farming to keep over 150million on gold reserve and to let the kids to play as they can or willing to play. They have their own games and SM accounts to play so their priority on my accounts is low. 🥴

I have been trying to myth parts around balancing the budget that it is less than before because I do less grinding and not doing pvp but I still doing a decent job on the farming when I can. 🤷‍♂️

My goal is to max some parts now post making some Myth and later I will save and make few more. The account is weaker than OKI and more limited on weapons wise but still a good account. 

Let see... the current gold reserve is back to 153millions and with some power kits on reserve. I will use the reserve to start to max a part and will max some other parts slower than before. I was focus into myth parts and doing L40 because it is easier than to do L50 and I was bored not making parts as before. 

I will be farming and saving to max out parts. It will take some time to get it done. 🧑‍🌾


Parts transformed to Myth


Rank and War


Offer. I do not need the part just the relics. 




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5 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi pilots

How are you?

As I mentioned in OKI thread, I am totally busy working and not having time to play the game. I just barely farm, and my young kids are playing the account basics and I do the upgrades. Hmm, it will cost me some summer nice gifts post showing me good grades. Oh well, se la vie. 🤣

My focus for O.D it is been farming to keep over 150million on gold reserve and to let the kids to play as they can or willing to play. They have their own games and SM accounts to play so their priority on my accounts is low. 🥴

I have been trying to myth parts around balancing the budget that it is less than before because I do less grinding and not doing pvp but I still doing a decent job on the farming when I can. 🤷‍♂️

My goal is to max some parts now post making some Myth and later I will save and make few more. The account is weaker than OKI and more limited on weapons wise but still a good account. 

Let see... the current gold reserve is back to 153millions and with some power kits on reserve. I will use the reserve to start to max a part and will max some other parts slower than before. I was focus into myth parts and doing L40 because it is easier than to do L50 and I was bored not making parts as before. 

I will be farming and saving to max out parts. It will take some time to get it done. 🧑‍🌾


Parts transformed to Myth


Rank and War


Offer. I do not need the part just the relics. 




Nice dual shotgun! this might be your weaker alt but it has some potential

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Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am fine but too busy to play the game. I am just farming when I can, and my kids are playing the accounts when they can to keep it alive. 

This time I will be updating the account current inventory for record keeping as normally I do post multiple months of progress for future reference and see the fun progress through the time and mind set changes or issues. 

The account has been played low in wins. 😞 My kids want to play a bit more, but they have been playing a bit more on OKI due to clan requirements on wins plus they play their own accounts with limited time imposed by their mother. I have been unable to sneak in in to play but I have played a bit the WAR when my kids ask me to help a bit in direction or set ups. They have been playing at low ranks but the y push for R3 box at some moment when they want to push.

It is ok with me because they have limited time to play, and they are making me a favor. 

I was able to max few parts arounds, but I will just add the current status.

The goal for now it is to farm and do some pvp when is possible for my kids and with that I can max some parts already at myth status. It will take some months to finish them and of course all it is slower than before. No matter what, the progress still going as it is possible. 

I made some power kits, but I am holding back for a week or 2 to increase a bit the gold reserve. 

Let see...


Power kits on the making and base no changes.


I decided to open some premium boxes for meat to reduce the use of gold reserve. I got a burner, solar and selfish and the rest just food.


My little flags are growing slowly but still growing a bit


Coins are growing as normal




































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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am busy at work and currently in the middle of my short break. I am taking the opportunity now to add a basic progress. I hope all of you are doing well.

O.D. FARM has been played by my kids but not enough having their own accounts to play including my OKI plus their other games and currently are limited to play having their mother away for some weeks taking care of her parents been sick affecting the gold earnings and parts to level up grinding less than before and poor pvp to enhance weapons to clear what it is in the current inventory at Myth status. The progress it is slow but still in progress.

My focus for now is to grind because I can't play for months ahead even time to time, I sneak myself for a shot or two together with my kids. So, for now is about grind and collect gold to max myth items and will take maybe around 2 months to get it done then increase gold and create power kits to make new myth parts. I think I will open boxes by that time but not sure having few more parts to make from epic and current legend status and basically, I have run out of decent weapons to make the account stronger. 

Anyway, the progress still ongoing slower than before and will be like that for some time. 

Gold is growing and will grow for this week then I will make some power kits and will max few parts and then increase gold again.

Gold stash it is healthy 


Nothing on base and just few mix boxes around in the inventory to be use. I need to grind a lot to add boxes for level.

Parts Maxed 



Parts Transformed


Part Divined





Rank Box





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am ok and working like a mule. 🤡 My lady still out taking care of her parents and me working and taking care of our kids. 

The account it has been played very little and I just do farming when I can. The kids manage the rest except leveling up parts. They do not spend time playing my account having their own and their other games play time and friends. 😭

Anyway, the progress has been slow and will stay like that for long as far I can see. Too many changes right now at work so I can't predict anything now. All is changing. 🤷‍♂️

Well, about the acc progress there is not much to say except few maxed parts. The focus has been about farming if possible and max parts at current myth status. I have been controlling the gold usage to keep it above 150million and no drop to low. 

The goal for the next few months is to keep doing the same controlling gold and maxing parts till I finish them and later make few more parts around but in reality, there are no longer good parts to develop generally speaking even I will max some of them and some epics for possibilities. 

Let see...

Healthy gold around. This week I will increase gold then will work in few parts.


The BASE is looking very sad been idle. 🥺


Transformed Parts


Maxed Parts







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4 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Hi Pilots

How are you?

I am ok and working like a mule. 🤡 My lady still out taking care of her parents and me working and taking care of our kids. 

The account it has been played very little and I just do farming when I can. The kids manage the rest except leveling up parts. They do not spend time playing my account having their own and their other games play time and friends. 😭

Anyway, the progress has been slow and will stay like that for long as far I can see. Too many changes right now at work so I can't predict anything now. All is changing. 🤷‍♂️

Well, about the acc progress there is not much to say except few maxed parts. The focus has been about farming if possible and max parts at current myth status. I have been controlling the gold usage to keep it above 150million and no drop to low. 

The goal for the next few months is to keep doing the same controlling gold and maxing parts till I finish them and later make few more parts around but in reality, there are no longer good parts to develop generally speaking even I will max some of them and some epics for possibilities. 

Let see...

Healthy gold around. This week I will increase gold then will work in few parts.


The BASE is looking very sad been idle. 🥺


Transformed Parts


Maxed Parts








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