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Super Mechs Quiz!


Quiz Of Mechs  

19 members have voted

  1. 1. Question #1: Why does an EMP deal 400+ damage sometimes?

    • Because the enemy had - energy resistance
    • Because the enemy used a cooldown before the EMP usage
    • Because the enemy had no energy so the energy drain was inflicted as normal damage
    • Because the enemy was on overheat
  2. 2. Question #2: What is the legacy weapon/item that is still used to make strats today (as of most effective)?

    • Rocket launcher
    • Firewall
    • Shields
    • Healing drone
  3. 3. Question #3: What was the most damage inflicted on an enemy in legacy super mechs? (That was recorded)

    • 321
    • 311
    • 301
    • 291

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Today ladies and gents, im gonna host a super mechs quiz that 99.99999999% of people fail.

Get ready because this isnt going to be the easiest quiz you've faced in a while. 

I made polls as questions so yeah answer them there

I'll give the answers after a good amount of people completed it.

1st option: A

2nd option: B

3rd option: C

4th option: D

Write your answers in the replies. 

(There is some joke questions here and there you can answer them whatever you want it'll be correct.)

Sooooo uhhhhh

As i was making the polls, i got stopped saying: you have reached the maximum amount of questions a poll can have


So im gonna continue from here: 

Question #4: The lowest amount of resistance a mech can get to is: (physical resistance) (by ONLY using resistance drainers)

A - -240

B - -180

C - -200

D - -720


Question #5: There was a bug that:

A - Made the items look like im their mythical form where the items normally was a lower tier

B - That gave everyone fuels 

C - Killed you while you were at 1 hp

D - Randomly logged you off of your account


Question #6: There was a bug that: (yes the same questions with different choices)

A - The drone didnt shoot while it was supposed to

B - Gave you no reward while you were gonna get rewarded

C - Gave you a bunch of mythical supreme cannons

D - Bugged out the glory kill


As of now, these were the only ones i could think of. But i will definitely update this to add 4 more questions.

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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1 hour ago, iSwarky said:

Question #4: The lowest amount of resistance a mech can get to is: (physical resistance) (by ONLY using resistance drainers)

A - -240

B - -180

C - -200

D - -720

In Legacy there were top weapon resistance drainers, so none of these answers are correct.

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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40 minutes ago, Zylok said:

In Legacy there were top weapon resistance drainers, so none of these answers are correct.

Not in legacy, in reloaded.

Yes i did consider that option too but mixing legacy and reloaded wouldnt make up for 1 question. Seperating them would probably be a better way to make questions.

So this only applies to reloaded weapons.


A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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22 hours ago, Pavke said:

Answer for the first question shouldn't be A because in theory it can happen, but C is more realistic and happens more often.


Screenshot_20211115-150719_Super Mechs.jpg

Fun fact: i actually learned the energy drain gets converted into physical damage in the arena waiting tips.

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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10 hours ago, Bring live your dreams said:

The answer i think is C, A, B, A, C, C


Pd: Quiz is good


It was


2nd question might be controversial but the healing drone only restores like 50 hp. Ive actually seen people use heat pushers with the legacy Firewall weapon (yes firewall is basically like a heat version of the repulser.)

A wise noob once said: energy weapons should get nerfed.


PS: The noob was me.

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