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    Tirreggregars reacted to Norman in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Finally my premium leg collection is complete.🤗

  2. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Jiyoon in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    My lucky alt

  3. Haha
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from rc in Hi, I'm The Girl Persian and I'm going to introduce myself like this.   
  4. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from rc in Rate my phys mech from 1 to 10   
    Yea, they're shit doe, liek compared to sotne feet
  5. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from rc in Rate my energy mech from 1 to 10   
    Meh, 7, show modules tho and inventory
  6. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from Jesper in BANWAVE   
    Ridiculous, he cheated (to help the administration), made a mistake, is forthcoming, willing to make up for it and provides a way to do so, by which he gains very little, and he gets repayed by having his account blocked. Honestly, idk if he is p2w, or not, but either way just remove the exact ammount of tokens he gained from his account, say he gained 5 k tokens, then just dont give him the next 5k tokens he would get, Or let him save them up, and then take them away, but being so strict on smth like this is ridiculous, especially consideritng you haven't done jacksh*t for ppl like Clevername who got backend deals in Sarahs time, so what, I would assume that is cheating, and he benfitted form it, and you ignore his previous relationships, so ban him too?
  7. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from Jesper in BANWAVE   
    I think its just you, Jesper is one of the oldest players, and I can fully understand his trying to help the devs to solve the problem. And, it seems possible that alexander ignored him, in exactly the same way he ignored me.
  8. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Lord Gorgon in BANWAVE   
    Excuse me but, there are cheaters in this game?
  9. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Alexander in BANWAVE   
    He’s free to bring it up here, really. 
    Banning policy on our end for better or worse is fairly simple:
    If we have evidence, we ban you. If it’s an error, we crawl for you. It’s rare but may happen one day (will, if we ban for long enough). 

    If it’s not an error, the calculation for me is simple: Did they benefit from cheating?

    If yes, it’ll probably stick permanently. I unban mostly people who just tested it, left the gains untouched and reported it. A small handful, less than 1% of the wave, got unbanned for that reason. 
    Ultimately I can’t tell the difference between people who were just testing and accidentally spent their gains and people who were cheating and using testing as an excuse - if I cant take it back, the ban will always stick.
    The people who contacted me immediately after cheating without delay, worked with me and followed my instructions concerning what to do are the ones who ended up unbanned. 
    The current banwave isn’t just based on players reporting each other, that’s misinformation and I already told you that ... The current one I assembled a list of playerID’s based on reports and then manually dug for evidence on each one. The evidence is there, just not as convenient as with the last wave. Hence the scale is much smaller. 🙂
    Last one was fully automatic, with manual unbans for those who didn’t benefit. The intent there is fear - people should understand and know they can lose years of progress for just minor cheats, otherwise it becomes a slippery slope where people cheat more and more until they can’t come back from it.
  10. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Androphonia in Thoughts on my future energy free boiler?   
    not surprising, since thats pretty much a heat counter
  11. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Jesper in BANWAVE   
    Alex only communicates when it suits him. He only solves what he wants. I told him a lot of relevant things but he coughed it up. The whole appeal is one scam. When I wrote to him that he could return my account before the lucky patcher period, he coughed it up. He can't understand with his brain that I'm not a hacker who hasn't used a single dollar to succeed. I even sent him a communication with Sarah, where I dealt with cheating and informed Sarah that I had figured out how to do it. I showed him all this, but he didn't solve it. And don't get me wrong, he now relies only on the players' reporting to each other, because he can't find out, as with the Lucky patcher (who left a trail), that someone multitabged just by opening each reported account. I'm just asking when Alex doesn't know how I came to the money, how I came to the relics, so how can he decide? That's why I laugh at his reports on how people should appeal ... LOL
  12. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from Benja07 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    Yes, but making the replays visible takes up server space, meaning it could crash the whole servers, as alex already said, they are volatile already and any strain could cause abhuge crash and wipe the data of thousands of palyers.
  13. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Burn Baby Burn in your replies have been merged   
    is there option to disable that ?
  14. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Manolis109 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    • The insta quit matches do take place. the fact that first turn quits are invisible only hides these matches.
    • its possible that innocent players get accused but wouldn't you advocate for a whole week against players winning solo medals unethically if you would advocate for innocent players all day? I say that bc, comparably, boosting is a lot more frequent and larger an issue than accusation of innocent players and misunderstandings.
    Players getting accused would be very rare of anything, bc lets be real it will be obvious whether a player is quitting in despair or bc he intends to boost. It will mostly be obvious
    oh, wasn't aware of that.
  15. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Manolis109 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    im talking about making Replays visible, not banning
  16. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from 777 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    Yes, but it will harm Gato's servers, as @Alexander already mentioned, they are already working on making them more stable, but any huge strain could lose the data of thousands of players. So until then, clearing these insta-quit replays lowers the strain and is a price to pay.
    With the risk of sounding very repetitive, I repeat, your solution is a non-solution, Gato does not have the monetary capabilities to render this game appealing. It is one of those games that should have died along with Flash, it survived, but that gives you an idea of how old it is.
    Either way, the basic fact that this community is so competitive over an old and dying game and is willing to boost and hack to win what, a couple of pixels, is ridiculous. 
  17. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Grosboss in Gato Games?   
    Alex : Actually I just felt like replying, it's 3AM here .
    and write long text
    ah i see lol, white powder in the nose
  18. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Manolis109 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    it won't fix everything but it will be a big step closer to stopping boosting bc it will definitely prevent it. Do you have a problem with that? If a player is an ethical one then this change (making replays visible) can not harm them by any means
  19. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to CleverName in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    Deleting alts isn't really an option and would be horrible for SM business. As people who care about pixels tend to be bigger spenders and have large community presence. 
    And evening tracking who owns what account is near impossible (ie. how do you know someone owns it vs. co-pilots it vs. someone played then quit and gave it away). Then you add in VPNs, shared accounts, etc - and it's a real mess to figure out who's boosting who. At best, it would be an incredible manual task for Gato and super controversial. At worst, you just killed the top player base and lost revenue and morale in game. From a business mgmt perspective, it's not worth imo.
    But like you said, there's maybe 15 people in the game who actually care about boosting (I personally used to, but realized it's not worth it). We have bigger fish to catch (exploiters are the priority for me, for example, along with balance changes).
  20. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to CleverName in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    1) How would you know who is boosting vs. an innocent player quitting? (How would you tell if someone intentionally threw a match vs played it out legit?)
    2) Replays disappear over time / sometimes don't show up at all. How would you track that? What about someone who boosts 1 in every 10 matches between a few accounts? Or the dedicated booster who plays friendly non-ranked 1v1s to clear replay history?
    3) Don't you think an "ethical" player will just claim these accounts aren't his/hers? Basically claim that they are people he/she plays against (there's really not many top players...) and know they will lose, so they quit? 
    4) To troll an enemy clan, you can just always insta quit against them and accuse them of boosting and ruin their reputation...What's your fix for that? Many people know they will lose matches before turn 1, so this way they can punish enemies lol...?
  21. Like
    Tirreggregars got a reaction from Manolis109 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    Unfortunately, SM is not a game people would like. The player base is roughly at the value you'd expect a game such as this to have. What I mean is, it is a 2D, turn based, slow progressing game, that has old graphics, little features, little satisfaction, no new F2P player can get into rank 1 basically, and overall it is just not fast and cool and well-made enough to be a game that the youth of today would play. I, for example, came across this game since it wasn't banned on school computers, I don't play any other video games, but when I came across this again it had nice memories so I found it enjoyable.
    It is completely possible to make this game viable again, but it would need a complete rework, form an old 2010 style game to a 202 style game, as well as money into advertising, which I believe Gato does not have. And besides, making the whole game 3d, reworking it into a fighting game, making it compatible on consoles and creating a better AI for farming are all huge and very time consuming things, that need to happen for the player base to increase to a significant amount.
  22. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Manolis109 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    @Alexander we are all greatful for the banwave. I hope that all top ranks cheaters were caught. However Cheaters are not the only ones who grief the arena. Boosting does too. Please check the leaderboard in the end of every season, even right now. Unless something is done about boosting, manipulative arena won't really change.
  23. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Manolis109 in Fix for boosting issue - restoring instant quit replays   
    The past months ,several players have been deceiving the community by winning solo medals and reaching high ranking by boosting themselves using alt accounts or having others boost them. As a result, individual medals are losing their value and players become demotivated, competition is being destroyed. I believe the only possible way to deal with this is to make all Replays visible, including instant quit Replays so that the players who boost will be exposed at least. In that way they will probably stop boosting since the community will acknowledge that those players are ethically cheating. Please spend a few minutes/ seconds on the poll, your opinion matters a lot and can determine whether boosting will be prevented, and how soon this will be. The sooner, the better.
    I believe that since it has been several months already that competition is being harmed and most solo weekly wins are a lie, its high time action was taken, **as soon as possible** , so that the game will become a little better. The more making the game better by fixing any competition issues is delayed, the more pointless fixing it in the future becomes since more and more damage is being caused, damage that can not be eraised. 
    Thank you for your time.
    @Alexander please visit this topic from time to time to see the results.
  24. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to rc in The Base   
    I wouldn’t say the base destroys the game. For new players, the base does make it harder to progress. For veteran players, the base can be a good thing.
  25. Like
    Tirreggregars reacted to Jesper in Gato Games?   
    Tactisoft proved impossible ... lowered the rating on the new item to 0.03% ...  LOL
    Btw. First I would finish the nerf and buff of all the items in the game. Because now it's a tragedy. A few things were done and they all threw themselves on a few torsos, one drone and a few weapons. This is the number one priority for me because it is very unbalanced.
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