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Everything posted by Tirreggregars

  1. Yes, it isn't but Gato should show that they stick behind their terms, and enforce their rules. Of course it is a huge loss, but either change their terms, or enforce them.
  2. Making a huge player base would also be an option, but as I stated before, you would need teams of professional programmers, working full time for many weeks and months to make that happen, the game, in its current state, is unappealing to most anyone that isn't an OG. After all, most people here have been playing for at least a year, the community is small, everyone knows each other and it never changes, sure some people are added, for example I've been on forums for a year at most, @SawzAll is a also a recent addition, but it remains the same nevertheless.
  3. Yes, I agree, it is easily exploitable, but boosting is not a major problem, and people will boost anyways, the main thing would be for people to only have one account, sure you can open other accounts as long as they are unused. This would fix half the problem. Besides that, there is not much anyone can do.
  4. Considering the fact that your mech is basically a heat counter, which loses to literally any other mech, it isn't surprising that a heat mehc would lose to this.
  5. Unfortunately, SM is not a game people would like. The player base is roughly at the value you'd expect a game such as this to have. What I mean is, it is a 2D, turn based, slow progressing game, that has old graphics, little features, little satisfaction, no new F2P player can get into rank 1 basically, and overall it is just not fast and cool and well-made enough to be a game that the youth of today would play. I, for example, came across this game since it wasn't banned on school computers, I don't play any other video games, but when I came across this again it had nice memories so I found it enjoyable. It is completely possible to make this game viable again, but it would need a complete rework, form an old 2010 style game to a 202 style game, as well as money into advertising, which I believe Gato does not have. And besides, making the whole game 3d, reworking it into a fighting game, making it compatible on consoles and creating a better AI for farming are all huge and very time consuming things, that need to happen for the player base to increase to a significant amount.
  6. It all depends, when I came back to sm after a long break, I had no clue that you could disable the base, and therefore, upgraded my base, so now I have a maxed base, so I don't even wanna deactivate it. But wouldn't it be better if the base was something worthwhile, this could be as easy as making the gold mines mine 2 times as much, so that the base is practically self sustaining.
  7. Problem is, the only weapon is the hammer, and that's energy dependent, so since you're gonna need to try and get 3 uses out of it, and you have no specials and no energy, I think you might need to rethink smth. I would personally play smth like this, that way, your regen won't fall to zero, so once he's getting permannetly shut down, you still have energy for the hammer.
  8. Yea don't challenge him, he's the fastest progressing f2p ik. He was rnak 10 when I was rnak 9, now I'm rnak 8/6 he's rank 3
  9. Well, you have to put yourself in Alex's shoes and consider, why would he use his time and money, on a project that loses him money and has the most insignificant changes. Especially considering stone feet for example do not even have their stats written on them (it does not show that they add resistance). You must also consider that a newbie will most likely have 0-3 epic modules for around 3 months of playing, how are they supposed to build a mech in that time. And, of course the same reason I mentioned at the beginning applies to the 0-1 boxes.
  10. I'd have to disagree on a few points, firstly, a slight damage buff would be sufficient to render it playable again, making it energy free would also do the job. Nerfing the other two would also be ridiculous. As it is, StormWeaver is one of the worst weapons, what is 30 cap damage gonna do against someone with 700 cap, and besides, it has far too low damage and far too little drain to justify a weapon that has only 1 range. In the meantime bulldog has very good damage, low energy cost, better range and resistance drain.
  11. Overall, bull dog is the least effective premium, since it is, effectively, a worse lightning recoiler, it needs a buff, since otherwise it is the first case of a premium being worse than it's e-m counterpart.
  12. The c-r modules are a necessity, newbies wouldn't be able to complete mechs without them. 0-1 is more profitable for the developers, and will therefore remain as it is. The epic iron boots are there because they were from among the first items released, and one of the only common to mythic items, and will therefore also remain as one of the first items obtained.
  13. The first build is a lot better, mercy is better than anni, night eagle is generally worse than spartan, but it can be better on some builds, the first build should probably run a tonto. Reckless beam is worse than night eagle and spartan in I would say all situations. This is the best one imo, but it's better to run just one anni If you have a mercy, use that.
  14. Well, most newbies are unaware of what silver boxes are, and base is overall more beneficial for more consistent players. So I don't think this will be implemented
  15. I mean, once you've maxed everything else in your mech, then max myth it. But otherwise level 1 myth is where you should leave it.
  16. wait imma make a flame thread and define some rules also story for anyone starts here: once upon a
  17. well I think my roast was a bit over the top (it never got approved so no oen saw it)
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