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    S_k reacted to nose un nombre in tokens   
    seria mejor para todos los jugadores, que en el modo campaña en todas las misiones dieran 1 token de forma infinita en la misiones finales por que hasta donde se no hay demasiadas persona que pagan los packs de tokens por plata real, sera una mejora obtener 1 token al menos por cada batalla en el modo campaña por lo menos para darle un incentivo al jugador para que no pierdan el interes
    It would be better for all the players, that in the campaign mode in all the missions they would give 1 token infinitely in the final missions because as far as I know there are not too many people who pay the token packs for real silver, it will be an improvement to obtain 1  token for at least every battle in campaign mode at least to give the player an incentive so they don't lose interest
    Было бы лучше для всех игроков, чтобы в режиме кампании во всех миссиях они давали 1 жетон бесконечно в финальных миссиях, потому что, насколько я знаю, не так много людей, которые платят пакеты жетонов за настоящее серебро, это будет улучшением для получения 1 жетона по крайней мере за каждую битву в режиме кампании, по крайней мере, чтобы дать игроку стимул, чтобы он не потерял интерес
    Tüm oyuncular için, kampanya modunda tüm görevlerde son görevlerde sonsuza kadar 1 jeton vermeleri daha iyi olurdu çünkü bildiğim kadarıyla jeton paketlerini gerçek gümüş için ödeyen çok fazla insan yok, bu En azından kampanya modundaki her savaşta 1 jeton elde etmek için en azından oyuncuya bir teşvik vermek ve böylece ilgisini kaybetmemesi için bir iyileştirme olacaktır.
  2. Like
    S_k reacted to A Happy F4ce in Small Chance of a Premium Box in “Boss” Missions   
    Hey friendos,
    I remember one of the features of the very early days of reloaded which made me very excited for its direction was the small chance of getting a legendary and a guaranteed epic. Finally, a free to play game which ACTUALLY lived up to the title. You could pay some money to get yourself going faster and easier, or, if you put the work in, you had the potential to achieve just as much for free.
    well, it’s been several years. It’s truly dead now.
    I think a nice compromise would be that one in every 50-100 boxes in boss missions (big boy, mad boy, etc.) have a free premium box.
    this isn’t going to make spending obsolete by any means. Premium boxes are more likely to drop an epic. And when they drop a leggy chances are it’s non premium. And even if it’s premium, there’s a good chance it’s not the one you wanted.
    yet, this would still provide a nice boost to free players and a decent incentive to get grinding.
  3. Thanks
    S_k reacted to Sparks in what is todays event   

  4. Like
    S_k reacted to Bosspoptyx in Bug with the premium box   
    so I tried to buy a premium box but I can never buy it even though I have the right amout of tokens; there is an air message poping up that sais: RECONECTING. But my wifi is perfectley fine...     Please help me fix this problem?
  5. Like
    S_k reacted to SawzAll in Black paint   
    Please bring black paint to the shop so we can choose to paint our mechs black any time we want.
  6. Like
    S_k reacted to khan in Pregunta   
    Click on that, You will have to put your ID in there and wait a few days.
    You can find the ID here.

  7. Like
    S_k reacted to Fordekash in Fortune Box, Legendary drop rates   
    Does anyone care to speculate what legendary drop rates are for fortune boxes? I seem to be able to get at least one fortune box a day but feel they provide a legendary once every six months? So 0.5% of the time?
  8. Like
    S_k reacted to Fordekash in Loop feature in campaign   
    To clarify. Do you mean a feature where the prizes would be collected and it would automatically replay the last level you select until fuel ran out?
  9. Like
    S_k reacted to Repair Drone in How to repair this game (Heat and Energy issues)   
    This post will explore why Supermechs is unbalanced, broken, and how to help fix it.   This game was designed so that any mech should have a fair chance of beating another.  This idea ceased to work with the introduction of energy free and heat free weapons.  Every item should generate heat and would need energy to make it work. All guns generate heat, and to fire a gun remotely from a cockpit would take some sort of energy.  Every drone needs energy to stay airborne and the weapon attached would generate heat.  A charge engine and repluser would take immense amounts of heat and energy to work. To fix this game EVERY item needs to be redesigned so that it has uses energy and gives off heat.  I will repeat.  For this game to get back on track EVERY ITEM MUST USE ENERGY AND GIVE OFF HEAT.   I want to point out a few items that really need a huge fix as well.   1. Grapple Hooks.  They should all need all energy to work and if a 995 kg mech hooks a 1000kg mech. it will actually pull itself to the heavier mech, not pull it as this game does.  Hook should also take up a weapon slot like repluser.  If hook and transform out a weapon spot then it should just take a weapon spot.  No hiding hooks like charge engines.  This is Supemechs not Transformers.   2. Repulser.  So much heat and energy would be needed for this to work.  It would also have to weigh a lot.   3. Charge Engine.  Again the amount of heat and energy needed would be incredible.  Also why is it hidden?  You should always be able to see it.   4. Heat Locking.  If moving doesn't use energy or heat(which it should and feel free to make that a topic), when you are shut down from over heating, you should be free to move like after you are EMPed.  Out of energy and overheating should have the same effect on movement.  I would love to see mechs have to use energy and heat when they move, but for now let's concentrate on the former point of being able to move when overheated like you can with EMP.   5. Claws.   If I claw can't use jumping weapons.  It shouldn't be able to jump with a sword to range 2.  Also how does an item that can't move get to move with a charge engine.  The amount of damage the claw would take from scrapping would be considerable.   6. Any weapon that can lift up a 1000kg mech and have it float across the screen should have to draw insane amounts of energy and produce tons of heat.  This includes swords if you want it to have the range 2 jump.   7. Burning Shower.  This item is way over powered.  This item can move mechs, break resistance, drain cooling, heat, has 3 uses, and is energy free?  Is there anything it can't do?  It does way too much while delivering 400+ damage.   8. Bunker Weapons. Same arguments as burning shower for the most part.  This game should be about strategy not collecting high powered weapons you can button smash(Frantics I'm looking at you).   In closing these are just some fixes that will make this game more realistic, and bring some balance back to the game.  But 95% of these issues revolve around having EVERY ITEM  USE ENERGY AND GIVE OFF HEAT.
  10. Like
    S_k reacted to AftoKrator in Fix the Viking Hammer texture   
    I'm pretty sure that happens to all the hammers
  11. Like
    S_k reacted to Keithon in Fix the Viking Hammer texture   
    Why didn't the developers fix such a small jamb in the texture of the object, although it has been around for several years and even the new company Gato has not fixed it?

  12. Thanks
    S_k reacted to ITRIEDXD in Gift feature   
    they removed it because cheaters like you want to make alts for the early game token premium pack farming, and don't want to play legit 🙂 
  13. Haha
    S_k reacted to Sparks in Gift feature   
    Please, don't talk about trading.
    It never was in game, and never will be.
  14. Like
    S_k reacted to ego_dog123 in 3v3 normal missions   
    i really dont understand why they make them mechs have 1500 hp and deal over 300dmg
     needs nerfed i cant even complete the missions
    without spending over 400+ tokens 😐
  15. Like
    S_k reacted to Sparks in Fix battle invitation system   
    On PC too.
  16. Like
    S_k reacted to YT RAINPLASMA YT in Fix battle invitation system   
    @Alexander can you fix invitation declined and accepting invite on Android
  17. Like
    S_k reacted to Nefertary Meriten-Mut in Campaign improvement & Store comeback   
    Well then I'm happy about that word "basically", because that means that not all game developers think that stimulating interest on gambling in children and adolescents is right.
    It depends on the neighborhood in which you move. If you live in a neighborhood where most people steal and you haven´t seen how the rest of the people live, you will surely think that stealing is good and normal, because "everyone does it".
    Surely, when you go to buy shoes, take a good look at what you are going to buy, try on, choose, review, ask before opening your wallet. That´s what we all do! But here people open their wallets without asking anything and without the right to return.
    Then, someday someone will take the bull by the antlers and put limits to this liveliness of game developers where 4 cats living to naturalize the interest in gambling in the minds of very young people who still lack life experience to determine what is right and what is wrong.
    What a shame that a person has studied and dedicates so many hours of work to a profession as noble as the development of a game should be (one of the best contributions that someone can make to a society), to end up making money with the bets of loot boxes. The world upside down.
    And I congratulate a member of this community who one day wrote "I am not going to spend my family's money on a game."
  18. Like
    S_k reacted to Tiger P in Campaign improvement & Store comeback   
    I have got suggestion;
    What about making next few enviroments? Big Boy is very easy. Just 2-3 days of active playing, and you beat him. In 2v2 is way harder. You fight 2 mechs at once, but made of legendaries, not heavily nerfed epics. 3v3 is just extreme. There are mythicals. I know, Big Boy has got one, but it is just faint. 3v3 would be same as now, because it's almost unbeatable in insane mode.
    And I really want store comeback, beacause we just loved this. Your favourite cards were just waiting in store to buy. The only rarity you can't buy is divine, because it would make no sense. But when you wouldn't accept it, you can make something similiar, but this will be making [selecting the item what you want to make will cost more] card in item factory.
    These are my suggestions. Thanks for reading.
  19. Like
    S_k reacted to Kurt in Base update request   
    Base is despised by most players, new ones follow the trend and try to remove it as soon as possible. How to make people want to use the base? I suggest the next buffs:
    Cut building time to half  Reduce cards crafting time to half Reduce cards crafing cost to half Double gold mines max capacity/production per hour Add a token mine (max 2), i propose the next stats: At lvl 1 it will produce 1 token each 20 hours, with a max of 1 token stored At lvl 20 it will produce 1 token each hour, with a max of 20 tokens stored   
  20. Like
    S_k reacted to Shared-NW in Raid bug   
    new day, new SS
    The day bug is still here.

  21. Like
    S_k reacted to Shared-NW in Raid bug   
    Ah ****, here we go again.

  22. Like
    S_k reacted to brutality 2.0 in Old school (when the game was great)   
    i am going to express how i feel about this game in 2021
    in the old versions the game was for fun the drop rate was good and the ability to mix items to make strong items it was easy to reach high rank but now the game is pay to win
    people who pay money get a lot of advantage
    and hackers ? i did not know that the game can even be hacked i am in rank (11 to 9) and already battle against 3  maxed mechs
    and the updates are slow and by slow i mean vary very very very very slow
    and base the new players will leave the game for this
    so alex pls we need you solve this problem
  23. Like
    S_k reacted to MasterChief in SUPER PORTAL   
    well, since gato bought supermechs, we have had the tactisoft schedule. why not, at the end of tactisoft's reign, we have a super portal. 1 legendary upon completing easy, 2 on hard, and 3 on insane. but there's a catch. every revive is 20 tokens AND 10k gold. 
  24. Like
    S_k reacted to Norman in New version of Yoshimo Blade ?   
    Yoshimo Blade... I still remember that golden age.
    Need balance the heat around 42 will be enough.
    Jump to the Divine tier instead looking for legendary first... wise. How it will look like in legendary tier?
    Like malice beam? same as epic-legendary.
    Sure I still want to see it been ad to the game.
  25. Like
    S_k reacted to Zylok in New version of Yoshimo Blade ?   
    The sword will do about 490-610 damage with arena buffs. With a low amount of backfire and a little more heat generation than the saws this item would be way too good with it's current stats.
    If you want the damage balanced with the other stats the damage without buffs should be around 290-380 in my opinion.
    With buffs this'll become 348-465, which is considerable for a low-backfire and low-weight energy free phys weapon.
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