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  1. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in This Forum Is Dying, Give Me Likes.   
  2. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Spam in THE SKY IS BLUE   
  3. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from S_k in Spartan Carnage vs Frantic Brute, Scientific: 40 tests in WU   
    I would like to start off by thanks Vassago from the discord.  He ran 40 tests on a dual frantic brute versus a dual spartan carnage mech and came up with the results.
    SHORT STORY: Dual Spartan Carnage wins 29 out of 40 matches in WU (72% roughly) against Dual Frantic Brute.
    LONG STORY: In WU, two identical mechs were created, each with either dual Frantic or dual Spartan.  In these 40 matches, Vassago made sure they both started out with two shots by moving the mechs around and/or shutting down.  Below are the configurations he used. 

         First, this probably means that my constant complaint about Frantic Brute not being weaker than Spartan Carnage may be wrong.  Maybe Spartan Carnage is actually premium.  However,
         Second, this means it may be the effects of RNG + additional shots.  Frantic Brute's average damage is 360 versus Spartan Carnage's 323 (without arena buffs).  But it also may reflect the fact that the amount of variance in Frantic (310 range of damage at divine) is inferior to Spartan Carnage's 170 damage range.  Meaning RNG has less of a powerful effect on Spartan Carnage's damage output, but a much stronger effect on Frantic Brute's damage output.
         Third, however, if I might theorize, if people are hacking SM using tools intended to increase the damage output by injecting higher random numbers into the game artificially, that Frantic Brute is the preferred weapon of the hacker, as you stand to gain more by injecting random number hacks with Frantic.  I'm not suggesting that people hack, or saying that this is possible, just that my unscientific opinion is that your hackers are more likely to be wielding dual frantics, if they're performing RNG hacks.
         Finally, because this is a test in WU, i.e. an artificial sandbox, it's not possible to assume fights like this would go the same way in SuperMechs.  But it's about as close as we're going to get without literally building two identical divine mechs in SM and then fighting them with two accounts.  (But if you're interested in doing that, please contact me.)
         I'd like to thank Vassago for the raw output of his tests.  I've been really busy with school, and he helped me quite a bit.
         If you'd like to help me test various things in WU, contact me please.
  4. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Naveedgood in The problem with Heat Bombs   
    So ... you're saying that because you don't like encountering heat bombs, we should nerf them?
  5. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Naveedgood in Spartan Carnage vs Frantic Brute, Scientific: 40 tests in WU   
    I would like to start off by thanks Vassago from the discord.  He ran 40 tests on a dual frantic brute versus a dual spartan carnage mech and came up with the results.
    SHORT STORY: Dual Spartan Carnage wins 29 out of 40 matches in WU (72% roughly) against Dual Frantic Brute.
    LONG STORY: In WU, two identical mechs were created, each with either dual Frantic or dual Spartan.  In these 40 matches, Vassago made sure they both started out with two shots by moving the mechs around and/or shutting down.  Below are the configurations he used. 

         First, this probably means that my constant complaint about Frantic Brute not being weaker than Spartan Carnage may be wrong.  Maybe Spartan Carnage is actually premium.  However,
         Second, this means it may be the effects of RNG + additional shots.  Frantic Brute's average damage is 360 versus Spartan Carnage's 323 (without arena buffs).  But it also may reflect the fact that the amount of variance in Frantic (310 range of damage at divine) is inferior to Spartan Carnage's 170 damage range.  Meaning RNG has less of a powerful effect on Spartan Carnage's damage output, but a much stronger effect on Frantic Brute's damage output.
         Third, however, if I might theorize, if people are hacking SM using tools intended to increase the damage output by injecting higher random numbers into the game artificially, that Frantic Brute is the preferred weapon of the hacker, as you stand to gain more by injecting random number hacks with Frantic.  I'm not suggesting that people hack, or saying that this is possible, just that my unscientific opinion is that your hackers are more likely to be wielding dual frantics, if they're performing RNG hacks.
         Finally, because this is a test in WU, i.e. an artificial sandbox, it's not possible to assume fights like this would go the same way in SuperMechs.  But it's about as close as we're going to get without literally building two identical divine mechs in SM and then fighting them with two accounts.  (But if you're interested in doing that, please contact me.)
         I'd like to thank Vassago for the raw output of his tests.  I've been really busy with school, and he helped me quite a bit.
         If you'd like to help me test various things in WU, contact me please.
  6. Thanks
    SawzAll got a reaction from Jahy Sama in The problem with Heat Bombs   
    So ... you're saying that because you don't like encountering heat bombs, we should nerf them?
  7. Like
    SawzAll reacted to SoulmortGTA in I did a Supermechs fanart !!!   
    I always liked super mechs, I started playing in 2014 at that time it was good, right, in my opinion the drawing looks good, I wanted to make a + - 3D fanart because I hardly saw anyone doing it before, I wanted something new "Yes" I thought * . and it was l! I liked the result, bye !!.
    * please, if there is something wrong with my English, ignore it *

  8. Like
    SawzAll reacted to Spam in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    complaining about anything isn't going to help so if you think it's dying then give us some good proof, I've also been playing since legacy, and I don't think it's dying  so saying that it's dying because of how much it's different from legacy won't help you. Also the game in legacy had no campaign only arena, and saying that base is slowing down progress and killing the game is even more unsupported and opinionistic, as I have used base and silver boxes and base is currently better and makes it easier to develop as a new player using base as long as you upgrade everything in base not just one thing and then struggling to do the rest when they finally need to. The game is the same as before the only difference is that it's harder to get bored ino and harder to get higher rank using heat mechs unlike legacy, In legacy it was easier to gain progress than reloaded but took less time and got boring faster. The game is not growing and is probably not going to become the next big thing anytime soon, but that's doesn't mean it's dying either in fact it's just stagnating from what I've seen last.   
  9. Like
    SawzAll reacted to Spam in Sacrifice Cannon   
    True, make it a better version of rapid destruction but worse than brute.
  10. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from GORGONA in SM Official Memes Thread   
  11. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from MasterChief in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    That you know of.
    Plenty did.
    I will, because what we are talking about is the future of the game.  And no human being can predict the future, thus everyone who tries to will get the same reply from me: "you don't know."
    Sure seems that way though.
    Nope, not sensitive, just no tolerance for bull krap.  You didn't impact my day.  You didn't impact my emotions.  You were just a random nuisance.  "You're too sensitive" is often the last refuge of someone caught in the act of spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
    Based on what?  Your decades of game market research?  Your master's degree in business administration?
    But you don't know.  And you can't read minds.  So I'll say the same thing to you, too: stop spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt.
    Also, who would buy a dying game?  Sounds like a horrible idea to me.  Given what I've seen from Alexander, he's not dumb, so he wouldn't buy a game that is dying.
    Besides, given the ads we see in this game for other games, SM looks really good.  Most the games being advertised in SM, other outside games, look horrible.
  12. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Tigergeezer in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    No, because that would be too nice.  If it was something that didn't infect the minds of people playing SuperMechs and become a self-fulfilling prophecy, I probably wouldn't have been so direct.
    But because you (and those like you) are trying to tear down a game you didn't create and apparently are having a bad time with, and you're saying things that could infect the minds of others and bring about the very thing you assume, it's worth confronting you directly.
    SuperMechs is not dying.  I'm on the balance team, so I know.  And with all due respect, if your opinion is this toxic, I doubt you ever will be.  Because Alexander is smart enough to put people on the balance team who know the game and/or care about the game enough to come up with ideas to keep SuperMechs alive.  You don't get to see the stuff we do on discord like I do.
    But not like I care.  The opinion of someone who doesn't know anything about what they're talking about doesn't bother me.
    But don't be surprised if I confront your bull krap, you and whoever else.  Not because I want to harm you or anyone else, but because the requirements for a game to flourish tend to include confronting people who are toxic and/or bad for the game.
    That's how you know the game is alive: people are willing to put in time defending it.
    If you want to discuss a different topic, sure, I'd love to be friendly with you and everyone else.  I'd buy you a beer if you're of age, or invite you to my house for dinner.  But if your goal (you and the other toxic people who are trying to spread fear, uncertainty, and doubt) is to tear down the game, I'm not going to pretend to be friendly about it.  You're wrong.  You have no possible way of proving you're right, either.  And you don't have privileged information to prove it either.   It's almost like you're someone who's never played basketball and would never play basketball trying to cop an informed opinion about basketball.
    Or like someone who doesn't know basketball pretending to know what the coaches in the Lakers are discussing in the locker room right now is probably a better analogy.
  13. Thanks
    SawzAll reacted to MasterChief in Losing a turn every time?   
    ... when you switch mechs, it uses a turn.
    did you seriously not know that?
    and if you start first, you only get one turn...
  14. Confused
    SawzAll got a reaction from Tirreggregars in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    And nothing you just said proves the game is dying.  Maybe what's dying is your sense of entitlement? 🙂 
  15. Confused
    SawzAll got a reaction from DecepT.com in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    And nothing you just said proves the game is dying.  Maybe what's dying is your sense of entitlement? 🙂 
  16. Haha
    SawzAll got a reaction from Zylok in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    And nothing you just said proves the game is dying.  Maybe what's dying is your sense of entitlement? 🙂 
  17. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from epicspeedster in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got it this morning, in 3v3 season no less.

  18. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from heat blast in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Second divine.

  19. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Corvus in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I don't buy that.
    We recently got a new item (defense matrix).
    Another new item is in the works.
    An energy balance is being worked on.
    And I've heard Alex say he's trying to get new staff.
    Yeah, "nothing interesting."
    What did you expect from SM, Elder Scrolls Online?  That game cost (until recently) $15/month.  I'm not saying SM sucks.  I'm saying it was never meant to be a huge universe with endless areas to explore and thousands of NPCs.
    The game isn't dying.  I'm on the balance team.  We've been working on stuff.
  20. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Dark conon mech in The problem with Heat Bombs   
    So first they were overpowered, now they're underpowered?  I'm confused.
  21. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got it this morning, in 3v3 season no less.

  22. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from MasterChief in - - - F l e x - T h r e a d - - -   
    Got it this morning, in 3v3 season no less.

  23. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I still see him around.
    It took me 2 months on a brand new account to get the base to level 15 HQ and gold mines and then only one factory at level 15.  Now I have power kits.  Now I'm maxing my mechs out.  With all due respect, this krap isn't hard.
    If you see a newbie struggling, point them to the forum and/or discord so we can help them.
  24. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from AssClown in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    I still see him around.
    It took me 2 months on a brand new account to get the base to level 15 HQ and gold mines and then only one factory at level 15.  Now I have power kits.  Now I'm maxing my mechs out.  With all due respect, this krap isn't hard.
    If you see a newbie struggling, point them to the forum and/or discord so we can help them.
  25. Like
    SawzAll got a reaction from Corvus in Guys, Super Mechs is dying   
    Then go to the FAQ and request to apply to work for SuperMechs or something.
    And Gato Games hasn't even owned SM for 4 months and in that time they've already put out a new item: the Defense Matrix.
    Much less you forget the stuff in February that TactiSoft (previous owner) made, like all the backfire, non-premium resistance drainers.  It was like a new one of those every freaking week from January through February.
    With all due respect, this is confirmation bias.  I've been accused of having a HORRIBLE memory and even I can remember these deals?  I wasn't even in the single digits arena ranks yet.  I wasn't on the balance team yet.  But I can remember those.
    With all due respect, if you think this game is dying, I have strong doubts about your memory.
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