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Everything posted by Shoultz262

  1. Only advantage emp has is that drain. It has a short range, massive cost, and quite heavy for a energy weapon. No offense Lake, but you just sound like you're just biased against emp. So even nerfing the damage of old drones like void? Also, I didn't like the ammo system of legacy, where you had to waste module slots just to put on ammo. I would rather have a fast battle than slow one anyway. Plus, there is a better epic drone than faceshocker, unreliable protector. You also sound like you don't know the meta, so I'm not going to bother wasting time on this.
  2. You can't get 750 drain unless you use both emp and valiant in the same turn, and that's only possible at range 4. In most cases the opponent is smart enough to not stay there anyway. The superb charge engine should also be nerfed. @L4K3Plus, emp is ineffective against energy free builds, and you have to dedicate a lot of modules to energy stats to be able to use it effectively, especially other energy mechs, where often emp is misused.
  3. EMP isn't even that broken anymore. You don't really see it on competitive builds. Nerfing energy and heat modules would indirectly nerf all elements since all of them depends on the modules. Just nerf some specific physical items and the new dual heat+energy modules that are premium. Regular modules don't need a nerf. Everything else I agree with. Plus emp is kind of what keeps energy mechs alive in the current meta, although it's not really used that much in competitive builds unlike upc or valiants. I do agree on a nerf to the backfire emp however.
  4. 1300 hp would make it better than monkeys, just no.
  5. Bruh, it's a common weapon. You can get a better weapon from a silverbox. No one cares about common items unless they can transform into divine. And please don't ever suggest changes to items that don't go to divine, since it's worthless.
  6. Selfish protector is fine as it is, no need to buff it. There shouldn't be energy free physical drones, if you want to use a high damage drone that's energy free, go use a heat drone.
  7. There's still like 2 more months until all of the events from Tacticsoft will be done. We'll have to see though.
  8. No offense, but that just means you don't know how to build a dual hotflash properly. You're a low ranker in any case. It is very good in the right hands, I've battled a couple of them already. If you know when to cool down, you could just get by with 500/300 heat. And being energy free, as well as having better drain outclasses malice beam because you don't have to worry about energy stats as much.
  9. Keep in mind that premium items are supposed to be better than regular items. Buffing regular items to be viable in top ranks is good, but they shouldn't be good as or better than premium items. Weight override is fine, don't remove it, but maybe make it cost a bit more, like 20 hp/kg instead of the current 15hp/kg.
  10. What do you mean it can't fit with other physical items? Just slap on dual frantics and rock recoiler, maybe a sac cannon or nightfall if you have spare weight and you're set for rank 3. Also, it doesn't matter if you low roll when you just need 2-3 high roll hits for a almost guaranteed win. Most mechs won't have more than 3k health, so with drone, that's about 1500-1700 in a single turn. Yes it sucks in the meta, but then again, what doesn't except other meta builds?
  11. Hot flash already received a buff once, it is very good now, but not meta. The buff made it completely outclasses malice beam already, it doesn't need another buff.
  12. Well, if I had them, I would use them, don't you think?
  13. As you know, only divined drones are still gray when every other divined items is black, the default maxed color. I propose to change the color of divined drones to black by default, so that it fits in with the rest of the mech and gray looks kind of ugly because it's the level 1 item color and black was the default maxed item color. If you don't like black, you could just change the color yourself. I also made this suggestion on the old forum and most people there agreed with me. Link: https://community.tacticsoft.net/t/making-divined-drones-black-as-default-color/59321?u=shoultz262
  14. Music and background is perfectly fine as it is, it has nostalgia to it. Adding new things would ruin it.
  15. Thanks for the gift and Merry Christmas!
  16. Nerfing energy free physical I understand, but buffing physical weapons? Have you seen how good physical mechs are right now, and you want to buff them?
  17. If you want to buff it, buff it in all aspects as I said before, or leave it as it is. Drain is a vital component of this weapon and made it unique, don't take that away from it. Just buff it slightly in all aspects or leave it.
  18. Clan medals doesn't really count. That's more of a team effort than a individual, and when discussing this, clan medals don't matter anyway. And yes, the change should not happen.
  19. In recent weeks, no, they haven't got medals at all. Plus, I doubt they only use their energy mechs.
  20. That's old medals, pretty sure that was before the new energy free phys meta came out. And it's not the end of the season yet anyway.
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