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Everything posted by Shoultz262

  1. Claw would be broken if it can move. That's a balancing feature of it in exchange for massive hp.
  2. The regular epic modules don't need to be nerfed, the premium dual heat+energy modules do, but yes, I agree.
  3. They won't be able to get medals anyway. You already made this point. And yes, energy requires more brain than heat or physical. And the combined modules actually creates more counters because energy is the worst element now because of them, so not a lot of people play it, hence so many counters towards heat and physical. And of course and you can still get drained with 800 cap if you have low regen or don't play smart. Part of this is already on the valiant thread, so I'm not going to bother arguing with you since you're so against energy anyway.
  4. That doesn't mean it's op. That's a low rank battle, so in high ranks it will never usually hit that high unless you're facing energy free mechs or the opponent is fully drained, but even then they usually have enough regen to recover from it.
  5. It doesn't need that change. Just leave it as it is then.
  6. If you were using energy free heat mechs like dual sorrows or triple magma builds, you most likely would have won. If you were using a hugger, then yeah, you might have lost. If you use a physical mechs with premium dual modules, you be likely to win, if it's a regular rounded physical mech with no premium modules, then yeah, you would have lost. If you were using energy free physical, then you would have won most likely again. And energy is the rarest element in top ranks, especially above rank 3. Energy mechs are easy to beat if you have new premium dual modules or are running a energy free build. Saying that they are hard to beat in the current meta is a joke.
  7. Give it 150 more hp and it'll be good. No need to buff it further than that.
  8. I agree, 20 res drain with a small damage buff would make it much better.
  9. Energy is still kind of dead in top ranks though because of the meta, so most players won't run energy builds so that energy cost isn't really a problem for it. Plus with the dual modules it's very unlikely that energy mechs can fully drain enemy mechs using swoop now. And it causes more heat damage than even energy drones' drain, swoop has been overbuffed.
  10. Hello, I'm the leader of the clan. This clan is mostly for casual players, not competitive players, if you want that, please join a different clan. We're basically just a clan to chill in. Requirements: At least rank 10 or higher At least 10 wins every season And that's basically it, you don't have to participate in titans or clan wars, and just be respectful to other clan members. My discord tag: Shoultz262#1190 Clan's discord server: https://discord.gg/bbxDJqE
  11. This doesn't prove much, you were on a pad for almost the entire game, And you got corner bullied. That doesn't mean energy is that strong, it's just the opponent took advantage of your weakness and destroyed you. If you were using a magma/sorrow mech then it would probably be very different.
  12. 1190 is too huge of a buff, it would outclass most other non premium torsos and will be better than naga. Buffing it to about 1000 hp or so is enough for it. It was meant to be a low hp torso anyway with great energy stats.
  13. You could get by fine without buying inventory space, and your analogy isn't correct because starting a new alt doesn't cost anything unless you want to spend money on it, unlike a subscription where you have to pay. But I agree that most people use alts for other things like arena manipulation.
  14. That's exactly the reason why trading shouldn't be added, if you can just combine alts, what's the point of focusing on one account?
  15. You still see it in top ranks, do you not? And does everything has to be meta? I could argue that emp isn't meta and needs a buff as well if you go by that.
  16. The reason why hollow has less health is because it has better heat and energy stats overall. Just leave it as it is.
  17. That's not the main advantage of upc, but ok.
  18. EFA is premium. And I won't bother talking about upc because you wouldn't get it anyway since you don't play top ranks.
  19. @Alexander You said to "bring those items to the very best level items in the game." So that means that non premium torsos should be as good as premium torsos as a example?
  20. We all know how broken this item is, and it needs a nerf badly, it's also one of the reason why physical mechs dominate in the current meta. If you don't how how op this is, let me explain, it does massive damage compared to the regular charge engine (about double the damage of the regular charge), the damage is comparable to nightfall before it was nerfed. And it's only 3 kg heavier than the regular charge. Therefore I propose a nerf to this item damage, as it is the easiest and simplest nerf without doing overly complicated things like increasing its weight or adding costs to it, or even adding backfire (pretty sure most of use are tired of backfire). This is max mythical stats of the item currently (found in the old forum maxed mythical listing) Link 264-345 dmg 23 kg 0/0 cost This is the stats after the proposed nerf 164-245 dmg 23 kg 0/0 cost As you can see, I only reduced the damage by 100 from both the minimum and maximum damage. And with arena buffs without divine, it still should do ~197-294 dmg, which is about 200-300 dmg, so still a considerable amount.
  21. Welcome to boiler meta. And where vests can have 160+ res.
  22. With all the torso buffs, zarkares is powercrept and is no longer the best non premium torso. Windigo is now much better than zark with less weight. And now the vests with phys res module will have 160+ res. I'm going to be honest, if you just keep buffing everything and don't nerf anything like the superb charge or premium heat+energy dual modules, you will have keep on continuing buffing everything, which makes the buff to the item itself obselete since everything will be powercrept and you will have to buff that item again.
  23. Yeah, that's one of the reason why I stopped using emp. Rarely can I fully drain a mech in one turn, and even then, they usually have enough regen to beat me. Or they just don't care about energy since they're using energy free builds.
  24. I still see hot flash and malice in rank 3, not sure about the heat versions though except on boiler builds, which are rare. You can just accept that the game is going to be a lot more fast paced though, because ever since they introduced high damage drones like faceshocker, it'll probably won't change.
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