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Posts posted by NAME_NOT_FOUND

  1. Is it? THe 100 sample size got 20, I was 6 for 32...  both right at 20%... but where I was 0 L+, the other was 6. This would put the L+ chance at around 2.5% per craft, 1 in 40. So it extrapolates out to 15,000,000 gold per L+.


  2. Yes, but as I mentioned, the 2000 token sales are the sweet spot. Its $30ish, but its also a point where people can save up to it and if they get good experience from the free token buy, they are more likely to splurge now and again on the 2000 token buy. But 4000 token/$70 sales, that really catering to whales, and not the masses,


    Im not against making money, but this is just marketing missing its mark.

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