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Posts posted by NAME_NOT_FOUND

  1. One of those in the back of my mind things....

    If a weapon has damage and res drain.... Does the res drain happen before or after the damage is applied?

    Logically, one would think it would apply (technically) after since the damage would roll against the target as it is, and then the res-drain reduces around, but this game's coding often surprises me.

    Anyone know for sure?


    Reason for this is something like the new armor dissolver. It has an ok punch for an armor melter, but that backfire. but if the damage is applied after the melt, the payback point for using it comes down alot.

  2. I put in to have it happen about 3 hrs ago, nothing so far, but I would wager 48hrs give or take.


    Nothing so far. 

    When I tried the desktop app, it asked for my login, and it seemed to take it, but it still doesn't load anything (still has the new player button)

  3. No it is not. I am an Electrical Engineer by degree, but 80% of my industry work has been software (15% interface, 5% HW). I have done bids from a couple of dozen $K to 8 figures. The process is the same. Its called accountability. Some times all your risks turn into unrealized opportunity, sometimes you get left hanging because you totally missed something. And sometimes the customer screws you over and PM won't go back and ask for more money because they added scope. At the end of the day, you signed off on the bid, and its your responsibility. SuperNoGo missed a lot of things in their bid. They didn't ask the right questions to the customer (Kong). They didn't build in enough schedule. They get a lot of blame.

  4. 9 minutes ago, GeometricalTaco said:

    There isn't any blame to go around. There are unforeseen circumstances affecting what can happen and what can't. If there where no issues that no-one knew would happen, it would all be working smoothly. But there are issues, so it isn't. You can't blame someone for not being able to see the future can you?

    Why, yes; yes you can. Its part of risk analysis when doing a bid. I got 25 years of being an engineer under my belt, and if I fail to identify a problem going into a bid, I get blamed for not having done my job. You have a risk register that is there just for the "unseen" things, because you can't always see the future as you said, but if you don't build enough into your bid and schedule to cover the unseen, then you didn't do your job; "Failed to estimate the scope". Which is why I had naïve as part of SuperNoGo's part in this. They didn't understand fully what they were signing up for. Over promised and under delivered. 

  5. Not to kick SuperNoGo while it is down, but.....

    1) They are on contract by Kong, in which they are getting paid for this


    2) They are freelancing it and promised what they couldn't deliver.

    Either way, the mantra is under promise and over deliver, not over promise and under deliver. They simply were arrogant and/or naïve and now its coming back to bite them, and by extension all of Kong. Kong should have had something in place at least a month in advance to work through these exact issues. And Gato... well you are a victim of TS selectively moving accounts when as you say, it was 'illegal', and now your users are separated into the have and have nots. And we, the people at Kong... well, yeah we knew this was coming for a long time, and we trusted Kong to have a fix in place, and/or TS/Gato to move us like it did others if it all went south, so shame on us for being over trusting.


    Lots of blame to go around on everyone.

  6. If the following is true, its the death knell for the remaining Kong players, as no Kred purchases means no money for Gato which means there is no incentive to keep the game running there.

    From Kong:


    Updated #3 to update that Kong is going to update BotD so that Flash games are not selected as BotD. (citation). This implies that there is not going to be a fix implemented so that there is a way to earn flash games using SuperNova.

    Also, if the issue with Kred purchases and availability of premium content is linked to this same issue, that might not get fixed as well.


  7. And lets not forget the number of Kong players that got their accounts moved over as well.

    Yeah, pure number wise, Kong was probably a low number of total players, but in terms of the higher ranks, way over represented. 

    But I am just an R2-3 scrub from the 1.0 days, so what do I know, right?

  8. For the record, Maxthon is a Chinese browser known for its security holes, including allowing anyone to get admin access to your machine through it to install malware. Be *VERY* careful if you go that route.

    Google "maxthon browser security issues" if you are curious.


  9. Well, it would never be a perfect 1in 1out exchange. If it took 5 Ascend Relics, you might only get 2 back.

    Transform relics are a little trickier because it would have to be limited to myth smashing only. You couldn't smash a divine apart, because it might not have been created by transforming. But again, smash a myth apart and get 2 Transform relics back, that would be ok. 

    The concept is not to allow free-swapping, its going to be painful, but its better than having a bunch of Divines you aren't using anymore just taking up inventory.

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