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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Coddiwomple

  1. It’s useful for rng-fishing in raid. On one of the day two raid levels, the boss has 512 hp - which you can hit with top damage on mercy. Setting the speed to 1x allows you to have more time to quit the fight if you don’t hit high enough. This is just one example, though.
  2. As of now, your mech’s weapons and mods aren’t ideal. You’ll want items that a) go to mythical and b) are of the same type. Your best bet for a mech type is heat, just judging from your items. In terms of items you need, epic mods and good torsos (Windigo, Naga, and Nightmare) are going to be at the top of the list.
  3. Coddiwomple

    Nut Poll

    The title says it all - let’s see which nut is the most popular / best.
  4. Maybe (with enough time and luck with drops, anyone can have a shot). The next person vividly remembers day 1 of SM Reloaded…
  5. Yes - if you don’t defeat the titan, you’ll get roughly half the amount of clan coins as is displayed on the titan tab in clan.
  6. Alex has floated this idea on the discord server (albeit with no comments on such a portal’s frequency), and stated that he wouldn’t be comfortable implementing it until tabbing was patched. (The messages are to be read from the bottom to the top)
  7. A great EP from last year - incredibly well composed and crafted. It’s pretty left field in terms of structure and sound design, so it might be hard to follow, though (the video provided is a playlist of all 4 tracks - it’s a little over a 13 minute listen).
  8. Coddiwomple


    “Premium” items are items that can only be obtained at legendary tier (you may also hear people refer to them as L-Ms). As such, they are quite difficult to obtain. While many of them are exceptionally powerful, a good handful are quite useless.
  9. This definitely isn’t the best offer for a 2k token price point, but you still get a reasonable discount on packs, plus some other things.
  10. Not bad for 1k tokens, maybe even above average for the price.
  11. Constantly adding new items to the game only provides an artifice of novelty, and, as pointed out by posters above, waters down drop rates. Shaking up the top meta would be much easier to do with a balance update rather than the introduction of a host of (potentially useless) new items. A lot can change if a few items are balanced to be viable in top rank builds.
  12. How has this topic not been moved to Spam yet?
  13. The best approach imo is to simply make these items obsolete, either by introducing new items or retroactively nerfing them (like the 1 kg teleport nerf). I personally favor the former. The main problem with legacy items in reloaded is how they can provide niche utilities, most notably the repulsers (e.g. Bully, etc.) and lightweight legs (e.g. Surfboard, Rolin, etc.) that other items can’t provide.
  14. sweet Badges were nice on the old forum, and it’s good to see them return in some fashion over here.
  15. Aside from regular, day-long sales, there are also random offers that will pop up at any time (like the one shown here) - they’re never purchasable with tokens, though.
  16. I’m passing on this offer - not because it’s bad, but because I’ve gotten 4 energy fortresses and don’t need a 5th
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