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Everything posted by Coddiwomple

  1. Alright, here are three builds I came up with (for the third one, HeronMark is a stand-in for Sikanda or BrightRoar [also, the charge on the third mech is just to get to 1000 kg - you don’t need it for that mech]):
  2. Hence why the mech has full utilities, allowing range 3 to be covered with utility + Reckoning. It’s not the best, but it’s unlikely a battle will go on to the point that the mech will exhaust all its options for range 3.
  3. Here’s a build (you’ll need to wait for Broken Devourer to drop):
  4. Here are two builds that you should be able to cobble together without too much effort based on your inventory right now: And here are two better builds that you should strive for and build up to over time:
  5. It’s been a while since I’ve gotten an LM from a fortune box, and a decent one at that, too.
  6. Took a swing at it and here’s what I got:
  7. I’d replace the Hysteria with Beam - Hysteria + Malice leaves you with a range 3 gap, all so you can have one weapon that works in ranges 7-8. It does less energy drain, too. The res drainer is also a bit unnecessary.
  8. I would suggest this build. However, the heat stats are abysmal, so you can swap the resistance out for another cooling mod if you wish. Also, 2x Malice Beam > Malice Beam + Hysteria.
  9. Deimos, with all due respect, touch some grass, man. I hate to be this harsh, but you aren’t being the valiant warrior of the people you think you are. You’re coming off as petty, that’s it. The rewards for a tournament have never been this high, and may get higher if we can get constructive about it. I’m sorry, but whining about how people who didn’t even place aren’t having their fair share of the rewards in the tournament is not a hill you want to die on.
  10. The weapons clash together too much IMO. I’d suggest this modified setup. Alternatively, you could swap Murmur for Swoop, which allows you to put on a heat bomb in place of the res drainer (you can also take off the teleporter if you want more hp, as it is overweight).
  11. Alternatively, you could switch around the weapons a bit to get a tad more hp…
  12. Here’s a build if you insist on using Chaos Bringer. The Basalt Dissolver could be replaced with a Flaming Scope if you want potential burst damage over consistent damage w/ the res drainer.
  13. As long as the bug or glitch doesn’t give you some competitive edge / unfair advantage, it shouldn’t be ban-worthy.
  14. As it looks like your mech is leaning towards heat, go for Nemo or HeatPoint - Nemo prioritizes overheating and HeatPoint prioritizes damage. Also, while you’re at it, take off that phys weapon as it’ll only hurt you.
  15. If it’s a low stakes battle (i. e. I’m halfway into a rank), I’m much more willing to give free wins, even more so if I’ve already gotten the daily five. However, I never give free wins to counters - their rank is solely based on luck and counters are generally quite scummy (assuming they do have the resources for a rounded build).
  16. It was a close battle, but @GG the RLBandster emerged victorious! GG! Replay Code: EEABC
  17. Twisted Flux does indeed have a premium version (Abomination). Vandal Rage’s use depends on what mech you are running.
  18. @Pavke, to clarify, do we have to have our battles finished before Monday or before Monday’s end?
  19. I’ve been encountering the same problem for all other ad rewards. @Alexander , I hate to do a direct ping, but this seems to be a persistent issue. I know these ads are just supplementary and aren’t an important part of the game, but fixing them would help.
  20. As far as I can recall, the GOAT winners are as follows: Grosbite (although he’s said he lost his perk due to some clan war glitch), Wepwawet (now Neferitey Mitten-Mut or however you spell that), Splatter (quit), Nemesis9 (now Coddiwomple [hey, that’s me!]), Sohoku Gamer (banned), and Jiyoon / Ricemech88 Here’s a pic instead
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