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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by Coddiwomple

  1. I struggle to see how this special offer is supposed to go with the Combined Engine Unit sale, or moreover how this sale is misleading accordingly. Combined Storage Unit, while strictly a downgrade to CEU, is accessible as an E-M(/D) and works fine with Overload Preventor in lieu of CEU.
  2. Gato Games / Alexander has been very clear that exploiting bugs is tantamount to cheating and will receive a commensurate response.
  3. If you were banned, it’s likely for a good reason (e. g. cheating, bug exploitation, etc.). However, if you feel that you have been wrongfully banned or that you can somehow compensate for the behavior that got you banned, you can always make a ban appeal.
  4. I personally don’t know how viable damage-based energy mechs are in the meta, so take this build suggestion with a grain of salt. Nonetheless, here’s the WU import code. mechs.json
  5. There really shouldn’t be a penalty for quitting. If a player gets matched in a battle with no clear shot at victory, I don’t think they should be bound by some sense of honor (or by AP punishments) to finish the fight.
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