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Healing drones or weapons


Healing weapons and drones  

25 members have voted

  1. 1. Healing weapons and drones

    • Its a good idea
    • It's a great idea
    • We definitely need this type
    • It's not a good idea

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Please add a negative option to your poll! 

For an idea to even be considered we really need to see both the positive and the negative reactions to it. Cutting off either side means we can't really get an idea of how the community feels which is an important consideration for new ideas. 

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8 hours ago, Stevcelord said:

We have so much backfire weapon's and drones, so is it a good idea to have new weapons and drones that give you hp but low damage and these weapons and drones be green new type 👍🙂




Man i just want a new green type of weapons and drone,s in the older version we had a healing drone, why not bring it back we have backfire weapons amd drones?

Plus if they bring back they will make it heal 50hp which is not that opii if you have 3k or 4khp

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Even though I am not playing, this is not cool.  (Just let you know, the healing drone existed in historic time of the game.) This has been brought up many times, especially on TS.  Many were against it. 

Here is why we don't need a healing drone:

- There is no point in use of it. Last time I played, most weapons did over 300 - 500 damage.  That means that the max healing would have to be around 500.

- Having healing drone, would mess up the "RAID".  That means the game will be a full on f2p.  Even if healing were only 1, you win with over heating.

- There is no point to use it anyway.  One turn with two weapon use and a drone does over 1k damage in high ranks. That also means that the healing needs to reach over 500.  Anything under, does nothing.


The only positive that I can see it use in is the campaign.  A healing drone that can only be used in campaign.  Other than that, no.


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I mean it's not a terrible idea, but it would need to be banned in raid and clan wars. If those two requirements are met, I'd be down to see a healing drone comeback.

That being said, it's stats need to be taken very seriously. The healing drone is unlike anything else in the game and needs to be handled with extreme caution, otherwise you'll slip right back into the cancerous legacy diamond shell healing meta. Not fun. Since the point of the healing drone is to provide more utility than the opponent's drone, I suggest the following stats.

45 kg, +150 heal, +3 en/heat/phys resist, 50 energy cost, 50 heat cost.

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I'm going to say this as someone who never played Legacy.

I played Air Mechs for a while and the healing helicopter was my favorite.  I think it's a CV-22 look-alike.  I worked on the CV-22 for a while, so you can imagine why I liked it.

At my rank 9 (more or less) level, I'm going to say the healing pads in the game (100 hp) can make or break matches.  Therefore, I can't agree with those who say a 150 hp healing drone won't make a difference.  I would say the real way to know for sure is to test it in-game, but ultimately I think it would be a good idea.

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On 2/1/2021 at 8:34 AM, SawzAll said:

I'm going to say this as someone who never played Legacy.

I played Air Mechs for a while and the healing helicopter was my favorite.  I think it's a CV-22 look-alike.  I worked on the CV-22 for a while, so you can imagine why I liked it.

At my rank 9 (more or less) level, I'm going to say the healing pads in the game (100 hp) can make or break matches.  Therefore, I can't agree with those who say a 150 hp healing drone won't make a difference.  I would say the real way to know for sure is to test it in-game, but ultimately I think it would be a good idea.

it would be a damn horrible idea. Healing drones would affect battles, but then everyone with a healing drone would zoom up mid ranks, where clutches are everything, since matchmaking is like putting all your money onto a wheel and hoping you hit the jackpot.

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