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⚡️Electric Boogaloo Tournament!⚡️


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20 hours ago, Marija said:

Эй, пилоты! 

Добро пожаловать на новый турнир Electric Boogaloo! ⚡

Поскольку этот турнир новый, я прошу вас внимательно прочитать правила и важные части, чтобы избежать путаницы, нарушения правил или бесконечных вопросов, ответы на которые уже есть в этой теме.


Вы все получите совершенно новую специальную учетную запись с определенным уровнем, коробками и другими вещами, необходимыми для турнира. Вы не используете свои собственные учетные записи . Аккаунт будет заблокирован после турнира. Пожалуйста, не пытайтесь делиться своими паролями, торговать или делать что-либо подобное. 

Вы можете участвовать ТОЛЬКО ОДИН РАЗ в турнире. Это означает, что вы не можете создавать несколько учетных записей или приложений. Один человек – одно участие.

Распространение заявок и аккаунтов , а также размещение ваших мехов будет осуществляться по этой ссылке:  https://community.supermechs.com/knowledgebase/ebt-mech-submission/   , она ведет вас на форму форума, где вы можете подать заявку на участие в турнире, заполнив форму. Форма будет открыта 7 дней

В ЭТОЙ ФОРМЕ ВЫ ТАКЖЕ ПОЛУЧИТЕ ДЕТАЛИ ВАШЕГО СЧЕТА . Я объявлю, когда начнется раздача, тогда вы можете просто проверить свою форму для получения сведений об учетной записи. Никто из игроков не увидит вашу заявку. 

У вас будет неделя, чтобы сделать и протестировать мех, и когда вы будете готовы, опубликуйте окончательный вариант меха в той же форме, которую вы создали при регистрации . По истечении времени публикации меха вы больше не можете редактировать мех. Ваш мех в бою должен соответствовать тому, который вы указали в форме. 


Из названия вы уже можете понять, что этот турнир будет посвящен энергетическим роботам.

  1. Создайте мех, используя предметы до эпического уровня 1 или ниже.
  2. Все оружие, торсы, ноги и специальные предметы должны быть энергетическими.
  3. Вы не можете использовать два одинаковых оружия!
  4. Модули могут быть энергетическими, физическими или тепловыми. 
  5. В турнире запрещены следующие предметы: EMP,

Турнир представляет собой обычную структуру на выбывание, вам будет назначена пара, с которой вы будете сражаться, и победитель переходит в следующий раунд. У вас есть около 48 часов, чтобы провести битву, и вы и ваша пара должны запланировать ее. 

Пожалуйста , опубликуйте повторы в треде с другими подробностями, такими как кто сражался и т. д., чтобы мы могли убедиться, что все в порядке.


1 место – 2500 токенов

2 место – 1500 токенов

3 место – 1000 токенов 

4 место – 500 жетонов

Если я что-то пропустил, пожалуйста, отметьте меня и спросите, или если у вас вообще есть какие-либо вопросы, которые еще не объяснены в теме. 

Я надеюсь, что вам всем понравится этот турнир, и я желаю вам удачи! 🍀

@Marija Is that right?




I like Fluffeh 💀

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To answer some of the questions: 

1. You can paint your mech. 

2. The tokens you have, you can spend on paint, or what I generally advise - expanding the workshop. Im still not exactly sure how many boxes should I put in your accounts, but since you will need specific items it has to be more than usual. And too many boxes can bug your account or start deleting items/boxes like some of players experienced, so I need to have that in mind as well 😄

3. Arena shop CANT be upgraded, nor should you fight in the arena in the first place. You can test against each others and in chat, but please dont go to actual battles as its not fair on the other players. Your accounts are technically considered ''cheated'' as you didnt work for them or anything, I boosted it 😂 (Which is why they are going to be banned after the tournament) 

4. You can use energy drones, energy hooks and teleports. As far as I know, there is no energy charge so therefore cant use it!

5. @Scarlet Lorv you are asking me for the 3rd time and YES, your application is fine lol 

If there is anything I havent answered do please pull me by sleeve. 

Make sure you carefully read the rules and stay updated!


Elcent is the best.


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47 minutes ago, Yakir said:

публиковать ли мне игровое имя и идентификатор моей текущей учетной записи, или я могу придумать случайное имя и идентификатор игры и опубликовать их?

(Your name and ID)



I like Fluffeh 💀

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On 11/6/2022 at 1:38 PM, Marija said:

Guys, please read the topic carefully. 

The link takes you to a forum form, where you click on ''add new build'' and its basically making a post with a title, your application. 

Type in your in game name and ID number. Thats all you need to do to apply. That is all for now. 

After the application time is done, I will give you your account details in the comments of that application you made. 

I will tell you when I do this 😄

Just read the topic please, the information is in there.



Since I have not received a reply, did I join the tournament correctly?

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Are you an SM player? Are you looking like a guest the forum? Are you a forum member? 

So, join the Electric Boogaloo Tournament!

Get into the forum and follow the link provided and have an electrifying tournament.

Have the opportunity to fight TOP players at the same power level and win against them.

Get them, fight them, take the tokens away from them and rule them. 🍻

This is another chance to take the glory and fame. 

Be the strongest and smarter. 

Have fun and enjoy the journey.

Tell your clan mates to join. Tell solo players and other friends to join. No mater your current level, join and follow instructions and you will prevail. 👍


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Guys please stop asking me and sending me messages asking if your application has been accepted. Its a forum form with literally two things to write in the two possible boxes: Your ID and nickname. Is it that hard? xD Chosing any is fine, just write the ID which is the more important one. 

Next, the tokens or packs for participating or anything similar will NOT be given out. I've learned my lesson in the first tournament on the forum so thats no longer an option. 

Please dont overthink the application, its really super simple and thats all you need to do in order to participate, besides following the rules obviously. 

The account details I will just post in the comments of your application like I said, and I will say here when I start doing so - which is when the application time is done. 


Elcent is the best.


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On 11/6/2022 at 1:10 PM, Marija said:

Hey Pilots! 

Welcome to the new Electric Boogaloo tournament! ⚡

Since this tournament is new, I ask of you to please carefully read the rules and Important parts so we avoid any confusion, rule breaking or endless questions that are already answered in this topic.


You will all receive a brand new, special account which will have a certain level, boxes and other stuff needed for the purpose of the tournament. You do not use your own accounts. The account will be banned after the tournament. Please do not attempt to share your passwords, trade or anything similar. 

You can participate ONLY ONCE in the tournament. Meaning you cannot make multiple accounts or applications. One person – one participation.

Application and account distribution, as well as posting your mechs will be done on this link: https://community.supermechs.com/knowledgebase/ebt-mech-submission/  , it takes you to a forum form where you can apply for participating in the tournament by filling in the form. The form will be open for 7 days

IN THAT FORM YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS. I will announce when the distribution begins, you can then just check your form for the account details. No players can see your submission. 

You will have a week to make and test a mech and when you are ready, post the final mech in the same form you created when signing up. After the mech posting time is done, you can no longer edit the mech. Your mech in battle must match the one you submitted in the form. 

The rules 

From the title, you can already see this tournament is going to be all about energy mechs.

  1. Make a mech using items up to a level 1 epic or below.
  2. All weapons, torsos, legs and specials must be energy type.
  3. You cannot use two weapons that are the same!
  4. Modules can be energy, physical or heat. 
  5. The next items are forbidden in the tournament: EMP,

The tournament is a usual knock-out structure, you will be assigned a pair who you will fight and the winner moves to the next round. You have about 48h to do your battle, it's up to you and your pair to schedule it. 

Please post the replays in the thread with other details like who fought etc, so we can make sure everything is okay.

The rewards 

1st place – 2500 tokens

2nd place – 1500 tokens

3rd place – 1000 tokens 

4th place – 500 tokens

If I missed anything please tag me and ask, or if you generally have any questions that are not already explained in the topic. 

I hope you all enjoy this tournament and I wish you best of luck! 🍀

So I need to give ID and name of my account or some alt?

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On 11/6/2022 at 7:10 AM, Marija said:

Hey Pilots! 

Welcome to the new Electric Boogaloo tournament! ⚡

Since this tournament is new, I ask of you to please carefully read the rules and Important parts so we avoid any confusion, rule breaking or endless questions that are already answered in this topic.


You will all receive a brand new, special account which will have a certain level, boxes and other stuff needed for the purpose of the tournament. You do not use your own accounts. The account will be banned after the tournament. Please do not attempt to share your passwords, trade or anything similar. 

You can participate ONLY ONCE in the tournament. Meaning you cannot make multiple accounts or applications. One person – one participation.

Application and account distribution, as well as posting your mechs will be done on this link: https://community.supermechs.com/knowledgebase/ebt-mech-submission/  , it takes you to a forum form where you can apply for participating in the tournament by filling in the form. The form will be open for 7 days

IN THAT FORM YOU WILL ALSO RECEIVE YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS. I will announce when the distribution begins, you can then just check your form for the account details. No players can see your submission. 

You will have a week to make and test a mech and when you are ready, post the final mech in the same form you created when signing up. After the mech posting time is done, you can no longer edit the mech. Your mech in battle must match the one you submitted in the form. 

The rules 

From the title, you can already see this tournament is going to be all about energy mechs.

  1. Make a mech using items up to a level 1 epic or below.
  2. All weapons, torsos, legs and specials must be energy type.
  3. You cannot use two weapons that are the same!
  4. Modules can be energy, physical or heat. 
  5. The next items are forbidden in the tournament: EMP,

The tournament is a usual knock-out structure, you will be assigned a pair who you will fight and the winner moves to the next round. You have about 48h to do your battle, it's up to you and your pair to schedule it. 

Please post the replays in the thread with other details like who fought etc, so we can make sure everything is okay.

The rewards 

1st place – 2500 tokens

2nd place – 1500 tokens

3rd place – 1000 tokens 

4th place – 500 tokens

If I missed anything please tag me and ask, or if you generally have any questions that are not already explained in the topic. 

I hope you all enjoy this tournament and I wish you best of luck! 🍀


quiero inscribirme


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The people who applied and posted their tournament builds (??), I ask to remove those mechs or whatever that is, and read the rules if they want to participate.

Keep it at single application only, if you want to add something or edit, do it in the original application - I will see it because it shows me every single update you make, there is no need to apply 10 times.




Elcent is the best.


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On 11/6/2022 at 4:31 PM, Marija said:

Yes. It will create a post basically, then when the time comes, I ll just comment your account details and so on. 

Its like our little private thread😄

Where do I make the build that I want to submit and when do i get the confirmation that i joined?

Where do I make the build that  I want to submit ?

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7 hours ago, Catalin said:

Where do I make the build that I want to submit and when do i get the confirmation that i joined?

Where do I make the build that  I want to submit ?

You have just to put your ID and the name of your account to participate. if I understand correctly, afterwards, we will have a specific account for the event from which we will have to make a mech for the tournament.

Edited by Electro (see edit history)
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The applications are now over and we are moving to the next step in our tournament.

I have collected your applications and assigned accounts, I will slowly start distributing them now. 

Please check your application for my comment with the details. 

Dont worry if you dont receive it immediately after this post, we have 60 participants in the tournament so its going to take some time for everyone to get the comment. 

I will also announce here once all the accounts have been distributed, and if you still havent received yours - please contact me. 

Each account is identical, it should be level 200, have 10 million gold, 400 epic cards and 250 silver boxes. Please contact me if something is wrong with it. 



Elcent is the best.


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The distribution is now done, you should all have received your accounts. 

You will have 7 days to play the account and submit your build in the same application, obviously post all the pages of workshop and make sure you follow the building rules. 

If something is wrong, please do say. 

If you have any questions or anything, Im here 😄

Elcent is the best.


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