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I found a whole clan of people ruining the game at rank 15


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  • Luckyguy changed the title to I found a whole clan of people ruining the game at rank 15
On 10/25/2022 at 10:37 AM, Iasimir said:

thıs looks so sketchy 

maybe they stay rank 15 with 1 mech to farm wins

Most likely, smurfers exist at low ranks, so it is natural to see weird mechs with maxed mythic weapons.

Retired SM pilot, nothing interesting, and I have once lived in infamy.
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I am not looking for trouble here, and don't try.

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21 minutes ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

surprised this wasnt closed for "witch hunting"

This isn't really witch hunting as it doesn't harass/go after 1 player in particular. 

Besides, this behaviour is normal, lowering your rank is not against the ToS in any way, shape or form. On top of that there isn't a set trajectory for the game, so people enjoy it how they can and want.

While sure it frustrates the newer players, but it also should encourage them to play more and win against these kinds of people. 

silly goober

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ayee thats true i never thought of it that way. I always hate seeing these guys in ladder but i cant say it doesnt make me wanna get better because of it

1 hour ago, Asther said:

This isn't really witch hunting as it doesn't harass/go after 1 player in particular. 

Besides, this behaviour is normal, lowering your rank is not against the ToS in any way, shape or form. On top of that there isn't a set trajectory for the game, so people enjoy it how they can and want.

While sure it frustrates the newer players, but it also should encourage them to play more and win against these kinds of people. 


 Mech Status: In Shop

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/26/2022 at 6:18 AM, Asther said:

This isn't really witch hunting as it doesn't harass/go after 1 player in particular. 

Besides, this behaviour is normal, lowering your rank is not against the ToS in any way, shape or form. On top of that there isn't a set trajectory for the game, so people enjoy it how they can and want.

While sure it frustrates the newer players, but it also should encourage them to play more and win against these kinds of people. 

This is correct, until the player that lowers their rank to farm easy wins.  In the Arena, clans are rewarded for the number of wins they receive (example: 200 combined clan wins gets every clan member 10 tokens)  This is the true definition of a game exploit.  Furthermore, a clan rank is determined by the overall rank of all of its clan members.  This is used to match clans up within WARS.  Tanking ones rank will move the overall clan ranking down so they can have an easier match in a WAR, therefore gaining easy wins and WAR win which gives out rewards.

So, this behavior does violate TOS rules: 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2   I would suggest reporting these players.  You can do so through the game settings (gear icon top right of screen -> Support)  The more reports of these actions the greater chance this issue can be fixed.

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7 hours ago, knarf said:

So, this behavior does violate TOS rules: 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2   I would suggest reporting these players.  You can do so through the game settings (gear icon top right of screen -> Support)  The more reports of these actions the greater chance this issue can be fixed.

It really does not violate, mate. 

As of the current ToS, 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 go as follows:

2.2 User Conduct: When using Services, You agree to participate in any conversation, contribution or conduct in a friendly and courteous manner, without inciting hate or maliciously attempt to circumvent any other User's participation. Moreover, You agree not to use Your User Account to:

2.2.1 Farming: Participate in any activity within Services for the sole purpose of gaining Game Resources, without participating in actual gameplay; and/or acquiring Game Resources in order to sell them to other Users in exchange for cash, payment or other benefits; establishing Users for the sole purpose of transferring Game Resources to Your other accounts. You shall not solicit or endorse any 3rd party to participate in Services in order to convey Game Resources to You.

2.2.2 Fraud: Participate in any activity meant for fraud or to encourage other Users to convey funds, Game Resources or other assets into Your possession. You shall not use automated processes, scripts or macros during gameplay. You shall not employ any script based on reverse engineering or manipulation of any communication between Yourself and Services.

While true, 2.2 does menion that the player should be civilized and not make the others react in a hateful manner or influence how others act. But this category goes about what you should not do with your account. 

2.2.1 Mentions that you should not get their (Gato's) Services through illegitimate means. This also goes over the fact that you are not allowed to sell or buy supermechs accounts, or use 3rd party softwares like a hacked client or an autoclicker. 

Before i cover what 2.2.2 does I'd like to mention that this is what Services means:

Services: All content and services supplied by battledawn.com, battlegate.net, supermechs.com including any objects, pages, software and intellectual property stored on said sites, including flash games and any other software downloaded from websites to Your computer. 

Keep in mind that this section only says you should not get their Services without playing the game, but in our case, smurfing is quite literally deliberately going out of your way to derank, making the player play more. 

Now, 2.2.2 mentions you should not make another player hand you their resources, and to not use blacklisted modifications. 

I'm by no means defending smurfing or condoning anyone that does practice it, it just sounds a bit sumb that people are making such a big fuss out of it as you can always just play multiplayer later as you only need to get 5 wins per day for maximum rewards. 

silly goober

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This may sounds offensive but here is my hot take, the game we are having now is in a state that you can harvest tokens in the 4 digits amount on a monthly basis and you don't even have to be a turbo pro monster tactician in raids for that, literally free tokens are being given and spoon fed to you for free in the thousands and yet you are still having issue with the game means it's just a massive skill issue on your side, the smurfs aren't a problem, you are just trash. 👌

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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2 hours ago, Silient said:

The one named Cerberus, is that Passionate Polarity?

Sorry honey, Thats not me. Cerberus was renamed to polarity and is now gone. This cerberus however is from another country.

The REAL and first cerberus (me) is from Germany but as a US persons American flag. Glad to see you remember me though! @Silient

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15 hours ago, Asther said:

It really does not violate, mate. 

As of the current ToS, 2.2, 2.2.1 and 2.2.2 go as follows:

2.2 User Conduct: When using Services, You agree to participate in any conversation, contribution or conduct in a friendly and courteous manner, without inciting hate or maliciously attempt to circumvent any other User's participation. Moreover, You agree not to use Your User Account to:

2.2.1 Farming: Participate in any activity within Services for the sole purpose of gaining Game Resources, without participating in actual gameplay; and/or acquiring Game Resources in order to sell them to other Users in exchange for cash, payment or other benefits; establishing Users for the sole purpose of transferring Game Resources to Your other accounts. You shall not solicit or endorse any 3rd party to participate in Services in order to convey Game Resources to You.

2.2.2 Fraud: Participate in any activity meant for fraud or to encourage other Users to convey funds, Game Resources or other assets into Your possession. You shall not use automated processes, scripts or macros during gameplay. You shall not employ any script based on reverse engineering or manipulation of any communication between Yourself and Services.

While true, 2.2 does menion that the player should be civilized and not make the others react in a hateful manner or influence how others act. But this category goes about what you should not do with your account. 

2.2.1 Mentions that you should not get their (Gato's) Services through illegitimate means. This also goes over the fact that you are not allowed to sell or buy supermechs accounts, or use 3rd party softwares like a hacked client or an autoclicker. 

Before i cover what 2.2.2 does I'd like to mention that this is what Services means:

Services: All content and services supplied by battledawn.com, battlegate.net, supermechs.com including any objects, pages, software and intellectual property stored on said sites, including flash games and any other software downloaded from websites to Your computer. 

Keep in mind that this section only says you should not get their Services without playing the game, but in our case, smurfing is quite literally deliberately going out of your way to derank, making the player play more. 

Now, 2.2.2 mentions you should not make another player hand you their resources, and to not use blacklisted modifications. 

I'm by no means defending smurfing or condoning anyone that does practice it, it just sounds a bit sumb that people are making such a big fuss out of it as you can always just play multiplayer later as you only need to get 5 wins per day for maximum rewards. 

I cannot believe that a discussion of this subject needs to be had with a moderator.  But, here we go.  I hope this does not come off as disrespectful to you or the leadership of this game or gaming platform.

Let's start with the most egregious of this response.

"....bit [d]umb that people are making such a big fuss out of it as you can always just play multiplayer later as you only need to get 5 wins per day for maximum rewards."

The simple fact that you feel it perfectly acceptable to advocate other players to simply play at another time to avoid this kind of game play, not only shows and points out that there is a problem that no one really wants to identify.  But also that players have to adjust their play schedule to avoid such issues.  While I am no game owner or developer, basic logic suggests that any game owner or developer would want as many players, in their game, playing their game, as often as possible and at all times of the day and/or night.  This attitude (while from a moderator) does not strike me as good business sense nor inclusive/inviting of the community.  Is this the kind of environment you want to portray?

Next topic,

TOS 2.2 states "You agree to participate in any conversation, contribution or conduct in a friendly and courteous manner..."

Is tanking ones rank to farm lower ranked players "contribution or conduct" that is considered to be "friendly or courteous"?  Is tanking one's rank to gain greater clan rewards "contribution" to the game in a "friendly or courteous" manner?  Is tanking one's rank to get matched up with lower rank clans in WAR's considered to be a positive "contribution" to the game or considered to be "friendly or courteous"?  I mean, if it is, then the gaming community needs to know this for transparency sake.

Next topic,

TOS 2.2.1 states "Participate in any activity within Services for the sole purpose of gaining Game Resources, without participating in actual gameplay...."

I understand where you are coming from, but I highlight these words for a specific reason.  I look at the word "services" as indicating any and all services that are provided to players within the context of Supermechs.  If I am wrong in understanding this, please forgive me.  I understand that this can be constituted as a "grey area" and I am by no means arguing with you on this subject, but I am going to question it.  The term "game play" is what can put this whole subject into the "grey area".  What is game play?  Would you or could you consider someone purposefully tanking their rank to farm for easy wins "actual game play"?  Is such a player, playing the game as it was intended?  That is the whole reason why I used the term "exploitation of game mechanics".  If this sort of game play was never intended by the developers or owners of this game, then the term "exploitation" is accurately used and such players could be classified as not "participating in actual game play" because such play was never intended in the first place.  Such an argument could be also used regarding those that outright cheat.  But we are not talking about cheaters here, we are talking about those that are using a game mechanic in a malicious fashion to gain game resources.  If this is an acceptable means of game play, then we all should know about this so we all can benefit from such game play.  Because such players are "gaining game resources" without playing the game as it was intended.  That is my take on this.

Next topic,

TOS 2.2.2 states "Participate in any activity meant for fraud or to encourage other Users to convey funds..."

I have experienced a number of players who have admitted that their clan requires them to achieve X number of wins each week so that the clan itself can reap the benefits of said clan rewards from X number of arena wins.  Would tanking one's rank to generate a number of wins not be considered exploiting game mechanics to gain resources (IE: tokens)?  Would that not be considered fraud?  Is that not gaming the system (loophole) as a whole through exploitation of the system itself?


I feel it safe to say that we all understand that Supermechs is not a large game and that Grato does not have deep pockets with heavy financial backing form multiple sources.  Therefore, there is not a huge team of people working to work out every bug, kink, exploit or loophole within the game.  Passionate players have to take up the reigns to help out the few developers by bringing up such issues.  If this is not considered to be an issue, and my questioning of such game play is not welcomed, please let me know and I will consider this subject viewed by leadership and disregarded.  And I will move on from it.

I thank you for your time


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In lower ranks it's always less balanced compared to the higher ranks. I bet my left thumb that you can win some matches very easily as well, not even using your 2nd mech. Your opponents at that time might feel like you're smurfing as well.

There is nothing really you can do about smurfing, just take the loss and get on with your life.

And lastly, do you know any games that have a ban policy for smurfing players? I surely don't, and I've played a lot of different competitive games with different ranks. You just simply can't ban players for following all rules and TOS but being a bad sport whilst doing so.

Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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1 hour ago, Zylok said:

In lower ranks it's always less balanced compared to the higher ranks. I bet my left thumb that you can win some matches very easily as well, not even using your 2nd mech. Your opponents at that time might feel like you're smurfing as well.

There is nothing really you can do about smurfing, just take the loss and get on with your life.

And lastly, do you know any games that have a ban policy for smurfing players? I surely don't, and I've played a lot of different competitive games with different ranks. You just simply can't ban players for following all rules and TOS but being a bad sport whilst doing so.

Tell me a game you play besides SM or dont play besides SM that has smurfing because Im sure only SM has this problem.. other games havepunishments for quitters such as LOW PRIORITY QUEUE which SM fails to resolve making it a low tier game compared to 2019-2020 reloaded version where it was much easier before 2-3 years later where QCB offers are spammed everywhere so thep2ws grab em and leave top ranks tanking peoples en mechs and heat mechs.

 And 1 loss or 3 is A OK but 7 in a damn row as a player FACING the same SPECIES of players is down fing horrendous.

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  • 6 months later...

having seen the response from a moderator And as i new player i guess i am not welcome in your community thats fine supermechs will uninstalled from both my phone and pc tonight congrats you have just lost a possible paying customer your game will be dead within a year 


if this comes off as dis respectiful  too bad respect works both ways 

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On 5/14/2023 at 6:48 AM, shockwave333 said:

having seen the response from a moderator And as i new player i guess i am not welcome in your community thats fine supermechs will uninstalled from both my phone and pc tonight congrats you have just lost a possible paying customer your game will be dead within a year 


if this comes off as dis respectiful  too bad respect works both ways 

Yeah... i feel really dismotivated to play with all the smurfs, i sometimes go to rank 18-20 only for losing at them. And before you ask, torso rare-epic and legs rare-epic with weapons mythic-divine, thats smurfing. 

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