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The existence of frantic brute makes me want to quit


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I've spent about $1,000 total on this game over the course of 2 years.

I've seen the promise of balancing frantic brute but the numbers that it was assigned when it was "balanced" actually make it more unbalanced (i.e. less random).  You can waltz into the arena with an almost completely divine, almost completely premium team you spend untold hours perfecting and they can destroy you just by basically mashing buttons.

And before you say it, no, I'm not building counters specific to frantic brute because my luck dictates that the moment I do, I meet the worst possible teams that don't use frantic brute.  I always build balanced and I try to build META.

Until frantic brute is ACTUALLY balanced, I am done spending any money on this game.  The way to do this is very freaking simple: make it a 2 shot Spartan Carnage.  That way Spartan is significantly better (you know, like, PREMIUM?!).

To those who would say that this might piss off many players, honestly every "balance" update we've had pissed off someone, so it doesn't matter.  It's not like there aren't a dozen other things about this game that are freaking annoying anyways.

And by the way, if you wonder how I almost never end up at rank 1 with a rank 1 inventory, it's because I simply don't feel like this game is worth hours of my time.  I do my five daily, that's it.

So there it is.  I said it.  Until that item is balanced, I'm done spending money on SM.  This isn't an ultimatum, just an expression of my decision.  To be honest, stuff like this makes me feel like I'm an idiot for spending money on this game.  So maybe if that's true and I'm an idiot for spending money on SM, I should wise up and stop spending money on this game.  Pretty easy solution.

Edited by SawzAll (see edit history)

"Play stupid games, win stupid prizes."


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1 hour ago, life king said:

frantic brute is powerfull but I wouldn't say it's OP enough that it ruins the game, or maybe it just is more OP in higher ranks and I haven't encountered the problem yet

Sir dont sound like an idiot...its so bad lower ranks are talking about how BADLY overpowered it is to the point THEY want to use it. Its so bad its main variant of a counter player you would see. I have a screenshot of a player who used frantic brutes in 2021 and had 1000 wins with it by himself because frantic was so bad back then people quit battles instantly after seeing one and their torso didnt matter, all they needed was resistance and the shotgun.

It has held THE STREAK OF RUINING THE GAME SINCE IT BECAME USED IN ARENA maybe it became that powerful due to something called physical damage increase from the arena shop. Its been a problem then and it still is now hence why it was changed and STILL needs to.

Ive repeated myself for a whole month saying this: If we had the resistance we have now back then the only people complaining would be frantic users. But due to the "Balancing" of it now 180 still doesnt stand a damn chance and back then sure as hell wouldnt NOW.



But sawz well said. Very well said.


Edited by Kendall-Tempest
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Umm, I play in both side at top or low rank. At low rank it does overpower for sure but also, I win against them not at full power with 22-2300 mechs with just a maximum protector as test and some matrix only. At lower ranks like R7, it is crowded with FRANTICS, SPARTAN, recoils etc and it is hard to win with less equipment.  Frantic normally discharge against me 300-500 plus and low output has been less frequent. They blast also test mechs for match making review with claws at 3k using good and regular configurations against them. They kill my mechs often. 

This is an example just now. I decided to use this mech with night fall without using the drain. We are evenly matched. 


He kicked my butt. 


I played as basic just to see the damage. 

For a top player like SawzAll it gets annoyed with reason. In my case in the past or now I do not care much about it so lower ranks can advance and go against tops etc. Now, for a payer is a thing that makes things frustrating. 🤷‍♂️

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Why are you complaining about a weapon that's been outdated and nerfed for nearly more than a year already of it's stats as well as mobility inflation making it's viability barely getting higher in rank 4.

You can cure yourselves, all you need to escape the plague was to never embracing it to begin with, you are given that choice each time, i am not your cure to salvation, my wonderful relic of Mortal Pride, for you are your own infection, the helpless look on your faces is my favorite part for i have enjoyed it a thousand times already. - Herald Of The Ravens.


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I probably suffer more against a dual spartan, scope and en free phy, etc

dual frantic isn't really good imo, that I have 0 maxed frantics on all accounts I have


Frantic is a weapon that does more dmg but with it's cost, you got 2 uses, it does high heat cost, and low rolls can be death for you. 

I believe the only use of it in arena is the frantic spartan build 

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I was very surprised when he dealt 231 damage. this shit always does a lot of damage, more than on video. Apparently, the average damage for the game works, that is, some players ALWAYS take 100 damage, others always 500 +, and on average a frantic is a bad weapon:) usually 99% of all shots at me = about 500 damage. i hate frantic...

2 frantic vs 2 spartan = win frantic! I have 2 spartan, I know what I'm talking about.

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13 hours ago, OKI DOKI said:

Umm, I play in both side at top or low rank. At low rank it does overpower for sure but also, I win against them not at full power with 22-2300 mechs with just a maximum protector as test and some matrix only. At lower ranks like R7, it is crowded with FRANTICS, SPARTAN, recoils etc and it is hard to win with less equipment.  Frantic normally discharge against me 300-500 plus and low output has been less frequent. They blast also test mechs for match making review with claws at 3k using good and regular configurations against them. They kill my mechs often. 

This is an example just now. I decided to use this mech with night fall without using the drain. We are evenly matched. 


He kicked my butt. 


I played as basic just to see the damage. 

For a top player like SawzAll it gets annoyed with reason. In my case in the past or now I do not care much about it so lower ranks can advance and go against tops etc. Now, for a payer is a thing that makes things frustrating. 🤷‍♂️

Oki, i think opponent won cuz he has better drone + he used res drainer, I think you can do better test with your accounts if you have frantics maxed 

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1 hour ago, Mr Lord said:

Oki, i think opponent won cuz he has better drone + he used res drainer, I think you can do better test with your accounts if you have frantics maxed 

Ok im confused here...oki has a better res drainer and his weapons average over 280, and has 3k hp and they both started range 1. Clearly oki shouldve won he had the first few hits

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11 hours ago, Mr Lord said:

I probably suffer more against a dual spartan, scope and en free phy, etc

dual frantic isn't really good imo, that I have 0 maxed frantics on all accounts I have


Frantic is a weapon that does more dmg but with it's cost, you got 2 uses, it does high heat cost, and low rolls can be death for you. 

I believe the only use of it in arena is the frantic spartan build 

yes, for top players is high HP low heat-ener with frantic-spartan- combo. Normally at 32-3400 in proper combo with another set. Yes I do not complain but SawAll it has a point as payer. 

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9 hours ago, Mr Lord said:

Oki, i think opponent won cuz he has better drone + he used res drainer, I think you can do better test with your accounts if you have frantics maxed 

I am original Frantic user only one per account. I tested for a year before and after the adjustment. In my case, it was consistent to shot low not high. Low as 1-to 300 when others were at 600-800. About the drone, yes, it had a better drone not eating health. I decided not to use drain for the test for output power. Taking in consideration resistance plus he drained as he used, it will do more damage with the drone. Also, he had a recoil to charge if needed. The important here even I know I can win; it does show that the power at some point is high enough to derail a top player. Sure, other weapons do too from epic side. 

Because I do not play much at high, I do not know the game conditions with Frantic in general from R4-R1. Sure, at low ranks to R5 is loaded and hard to win even with 3K mechs.


8 hours ago, Kendall-Tempest said:

Ok im confused here...oki has a better res drainer and his weapons average over 280, and has 3k hp and they both started range 1. Clearly oki shouldve won he had the first few hits

I did not use drainer. He did. With his drone the effect will be higher and faster. Frantic affect resistance. 

20 minutes ago, AssClown said:

lol another frantic hate thread... *rolls eyes*

Need some tissue for those tears?


Brought to you by asshats to reelect AssClown to the Itty Bitty Titty Committee.

Never fail to attract forum members from the shadows to be part of the flame. 🤣

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Hahahahahahaha, didn't frantic Brute already get a nerf and ppl are still saying it's OP?

Bruh you must not have been active when it WAS OP.

That son of a bitch in the past could deal iirc 997-518 like that sucker was busted to a point where there was nothing but frantic Brute users.

They nerfed it already to a point where it's just a gimmick.

And that's coming from a player who faced them regularly and wins.

Before I hear you say "that's just cuz of luck" lemme give you this brake down.

I also fight the mechs with falcon and cockpit percier and still win the game after getting hit by both.

And I'm letting you know right now I don't have the new items y'all got and I can still keep up.

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4 hours ago, SawzAll said:

Yeah mine is divine, and my vest, and three platinums, and half the things on my mech. They still get through.

As ironic as this might sound this is honestly a concerning skill issue, from the replays you're just versing phys counters with frantics varying from ranks 5 to 4, in 2v2.

I haven't seen anyone that is an actual top rank complain about frantic since it's rework, because they simply do not exist in r3+, dual carnage is far more opressive and reliable. 

Have to also note that it's 2v2 week so having 2 heat/phys and an energy mech to counter counters is generally a good idea 😄

There's several people constantly racking r1 that haven't spent a lot (I've spent a little over 100usd) and people that spent nothing to little at all and even got solo medals (Mr Lord/Silver Shadow(?)). So throwing "i spent 1k usd on the game" as your first opening argument is a bit dumb in my opinion. 

Do take this with a grain of salt as I'm r1 every season but, learn to play better. 

silly goober

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I think there are three main reasons why Frantic Brute (FB here on out) is still hated:

1. It doesn’t feel fair

2. You generally have no recourse against it

3. The builds that use it are annoying

On the first point, despite its large damage spread, FB still hits hard on average (432 avg dmg). Low rolls of course exist (it should be noted that a low roll is only 47 dmg less than a Nightfall low roll), but the high rolls are still quite problematic. With its highest roll, FB hits for 438 through full phys res (180); by comparison, Nightfall would hit the same number on its high roll only if the opponent has 1 phys res. Nightfall of course has an advantage in the long run, but a dual frantic setup compensates for this (and if they roll high enough, the long run advantage pretty much disappears). Taking all this in mind, FB is at worst a diet Nightfall and at best effectively negates 180 phys res.

Following from this, the counterplay for FB is only adding more hp and res (assuming the FB mech is rounded), but as we’ve seen previously, FB has a tendency to negate a good portion of res through sheer force. That’s not to say that the res is useless - it just feels that way if the opponent is lucky. With just two FBs (and typically a recoiler), a mech can sustain itself. The only other case of two-use weapons sustaining themselves as the crux of a build is Valiant Sniper, which has counterplay options. Either stay close, preventing the use of both (or all) of them, or bait the opponent into using them up if you have regen and hp + res to tank it (with the Valiants used, most mechs running then will have exploitable range gaps). With FB, it’s just slapping on hp + res and hoping the opponent doesn’t get lucky - there’s no skill or thought involved for both sides.

Lastly, the mechs that run dual FB + recoiler are typically counters. Counters are themselves not fun, so FB just adds on to poor experience. 

Going nowhere with all the intent and purpose of going somewhere.

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12 wins out of 28 so far  1vs1 season.

Am using two frantic brutes.

Dont see a frantic brute dominance your talking  about ?

* Notice that you use HEAT mech with high counter and low HP*

This is the reason you kept loosing..(poor sport)

 The  Claw provides high Hp + only heat counter good luck  you will NEVER win ,there nothing you can do against those two.

you need to change your built  against the BRUTE .

Stop playing will not SAVE YOU or spending  all that money 💰 😞

YOU only  need to change ……, mech to energy  or other built 

Good luck and don’t leave the game

 You’re a GREAT player would be a shame to lose you or leave the  forum and QUIT YOUR CLAN AND FRIENDS 

Saad post 😪








Edited by AcE BaRoN
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