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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by KingofKings

  1. Grind Campaign, I'd often recommend players don't buy paint and pay attention to top/high Lv players builds before you start investing into parts. But yeah grind Campaign and save tokens for the big boxes, but for the most part there's not much you can do in those scenario cuz they simply have better items
  2. Hahahahahahaha, didn't frantic Brute already get a nerf and ppl are still saying it's OP? Bruh you must not have been active when it WAS OP. That son of a bitch in the past could deal iirc 997-518 like that sucker was busted to a point where there was nothing but frantic Brute users. They nerfed it already to a point where it's just a gimmick. And that's coming from a player who faced them regularly and wins. Before I hear you say "that's just cuz of luck" lemme give you this brake down. I also fight the mechs with falcon and cockpit percier and still win the game after getting hit by both. And I'm letting you know right now I don't have the new items y'all got and I can still keep up.
  3. Wow how the times have changed, I remember everyone saying the windigo is trash and Zark is better. This is just hilarious, Zark is a good torso just not atm cuz of the time we are in now. Players are using either physical or heat mechs but sense the amount of phys mechs their are ppl are leaning towards the mpv. There is only 1 downside to this torse and that is heat capacity and cooling. No, currently the worse heat torse is Brutality, FBA, FHA and nightmare And I will stand by that remark. Zark is good imo but atm no one has been able to create a good build for it as of late sense it's all about HP and res
  4. He might've just dropped the game and decided it ain't worth playing as well. I've had to do that with another game sense it was dieing and it just wasn't worth posting stuff anymore
  5. Wow that glitch is still here? Its been like what 3+ yrs now. If they haven't updated it now then I'm sry to but it's probably not gonna be fixed either never or somewhere in the future
  6. Instead of an update I feel like a new reboot would be better in all honesty, but with better rewards for Veterans players since they have put in ALOT of time, money and grind into this game then anyone. But that's me
  7. Definitely legs, the other items are kinda shit now which sucks, modules you want to get the duel ones since those have better stats then the singles which blows my mind on how unbalanced that is.
  8. I will probably lose my stuff is hella outdated. Yes, so eat many bananas and be happy with your fellow monkes
  9. Heyo! Long time no see, how's it been y'all? I've just came back and idk how long I plan on staying since I'm just bored and need a game to pass the time...... Again Any OGs still here?
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