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First energy mech help


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11 minutes ago, Zylok said:

I think its better to use Unreliable Protector as you have a damage based energy build. Idk how that will be with weight though

Don't think backfire would fare well on a build with this little health. I'd use railgun if I had it though.


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On 12/25/2021 at 5:49 PM, Deimos said:

Is this an alright energy mech? Doesn't need to be meta just decently good, I'm getting tired of only paying phys and heat. Made entirely out of items I already own so if you suggest something go mostly for E-M's.

Snímka obrazovky 2021-12-26 o 0.35.01.png

Maybe don't fill al weapon slots

Goals are useless if you are not striving to achieve them.

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Overall it's look decent but can be remplaced 1 evac spark by a malice beam and a spinefall by a 2th valiant sniper, the malice beam is probably one of the best no premium energy weapon with a decent energy drain and Infinit use, for spine fall i think it's better to replace by a valiant sniper of course for the drain and with the meta more concentrated on the hugger you will go a few time be at distance of the opponent ( especially without teleporter) and the fight is generally finish when you used the 4 use of the valiants sniper .

( I could be wrong )

Edited by Electro (see edit history)
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47 minutes ago, DragonsIayer said:

Is your focus more on draining or damage?

Damage. Don't have the items for a good drainer except that single valiant.

58 minutes ago, Electro said:

Overall it's look decent but can be remplaced 1 evac spark by a malice beam and a spinefall by a 2th valiant sniper, the malice beam is probably one of the best no premium energy weapon with a decent energy drain and Infinit use, for spine fall i think it's better to replace by a valiant sniper of course for the drain and with the meta more concentrated on the hugger you will go a few time be at distance of the opponent ( especially without teleporter) and the fight is generally finish when you used the 4 use of the valiants sniper .

( I could be wrong )

Trust me, I would use a second VS if I had it. This is a build oriented more towards damage than draining since those are the premium energy items I primarily have (valiant, 2X evac spark, spinefall and bunker shell)

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