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Posts posted by Ad1tya

  1. 47 minutes ago, NAME_NOT_FOUND said:

    With fuel in the mix now, running through PVE is still limited by fuel regen, so a 5x or 10x would just alleviate the time sunk into PvE grinding, freeing time for PvP.. its not a terrible idea.

    The idea is brilliant but the execution of the idea ...

  2. Titan is basically a clan event similar to Clan War and all the clan members have to work together in order to defeat the titan

    You cant attack the titan just like, in order to unlock the titan event you have to reach a specific number of titan tickets

    most side missions have clan tickets, if you go to campaign and look at the side missions, you'll see green tickets in the rewards. Those are titan tickets

    The best spot to farm titan tickets is 2v2 Overlords Den last side mission on Hard 11 titan tickets for 9 fuel

    If you cant beat this mission try doing it on normal

    When you gather the clan gets the required number of tickets, Y'all can proceed to attack the titan

    You get clan coins if you farm titan tickets and attack the titan

    From these clan coins you can buy many things from the clan shop

    Hope this helps 🙂 

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