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Everything posted by WarrMachine

  1. One of, if not the best topic I've read on this forum. Yes, yes please.
  2. This thread is a copy paste of a reply I made back on the old forum, on a thread about helping SuperMechs improve. You can find the original post here, at least until the old forum dies. I've gone back through the post and believe all the ideas have stood the test of time, so I'm reposting it here. Thanks in advance for reading. ___ In my opinion, one of the best ways to improve the player experience while increasing retention and revenue is to greatly increase the reward for top clans and players. Below I’ll elaborate a list of changes that will provide incentive for everyone to keep playing and paying. First off and most importantly, provide the top 6 clans with rewards instead of the top 3. It’s always baffled me that the top 6 clans get recognized in game but only the top 3 get rewarded. Increased reward range to top 6 offer huge incentive for a wide variety of clans (which encapsulate a larger margin of the p2w playerbase) to play and spend more to get better at the game. Top 3 clan rewards changed to the following: 1st - 3 Epic Power kits and 5 Premium boxes ( + Gold Clan Medal) 2nd - 3 Epic Power kits and 4 Premium boxes ( + Silver Clan Medal) 3rd - 3 Epic Power kits and 3 Premium boxes ( + Bronze Clan Medal) 4th, 5th, and 6th placed clan rewards get added as follows: 4th - 2 Epic Power kits and 2 Premium boxes 5th - 2 Epic Power kits and 1 Premium box 6th - 1 Epic Power kit and 1 Premium box This offers at least some incentive for lower ranked clans to grind their way up and have a chance at some rewards, as opposed to getting top 6 for nothing. I’d also like to see increased rewards for the top 3 players, as the gold rewards seem a little low given how much gold it actually takes to upgrade items. Top 10 players rewards are also added as follows. Top 3 player rewards changed to the following: 1st - 5,000,000 Gold ( + Gold Solo Medal) 2nd - 2,500,000 Gold ( + Silver Solo Medal) 3rd - 1,500,000 Gold ( + Bronze Solo Medal) 4th through 10th player rewards get added as follows: 4th and 5th - 1,000,000 Gold 6th through 10th - 500,000 Gold It’s really that simple. I’ve come across a lot of players who are in this position of ‘good, but not great’ and have diminishing incentive to play the game. It’s somewhat depressing watching their efforts go to waste without any reward, and no chance to break into the top 3 clans/players. You don’t even have to increase the drop rates for these rewards to provide a huge incentive, although I’m sure we’d all appreciate it if a ‘% chance of a L-M item not currently in inventory’ feature was added. Just my 2 cents.
  3. Tried and true classic for F2P rounded physical. Pair with Windigo, Zarkares, Nightmare, Brutality, Molten Platinum Vest, Fractured Heat Armor. Can swap out the Iron Plating for something else as per preference.
  4. No offense but this is a poor example, because the effects of resistance are cumulative. As a counter example I'll use divine Fractured Heat Armor on divine Claw. This combo has 3045 health without any additional modules. If I add a divine platinum plating (40 kg) it's health increases to 3377 but resistances stay the same. If I add a divine mighty protector (only 28 kg) it's health remains at 3045 but it's physical resistance increases to 88. Assuming the average physical weapon and drone hits for 300 damage (fairly realistic), the platinum plated mech will survive for about 3377 / 300 or 11.25 action points. I'll round this down to 11 because physical weapons and drones do added resistance drain. The mech with mighty protector survives for 3045 / (300-88) or 14.36 action points, rounded down to 14. Keep in mind that in this example an "action point" can be a weapon shot, weapon shot, drone shot (normal for 1 turn). As you can see in this crude example the mighty protected mech survives for an additional 3 action points, about an entire turn longer than platinum plated mech! On top of this, it's also 12 kg lighter. An important thing that I think you've missed is that resistance reduces the damage taken by that amount every time that type of damage is dealt. It's for this reason that you'll see top ranked mechs with resistances ranging from 80-180. Hoped this helped, resistance is extremely important and much more valuable than health!
  5. This is a difficult question to answer, as the utility a player gains from resistance can vary greatly depending on factors such as mech type (phys speeds up battles, heat slows them down) and season (1v1 fast, 3v3 slow). What I think you should be using is approximately how many times each player's mech (important: singular!) takes damage in battle on average. This is equivalent to how many times resistance affects a match, after all. This means factoring in every drone, weapon, and special item hit. If I were you I'd do some testing with varying sample sizes, but equal amounts of each mech type to alleviate one of the problems I've listed above. Although without any replay sampling, I'd estimate the value to be somewhere around 15-18. Like I said it's a difficult thing to accurately measure, but I think you can get pretty close. Best of luck.
  6. You can get a lot of value if you upgrade a myth drainer an extra 20 or so levels, afterwards is diminishing returns. Unless the rest of your mech is maxed, I'd recommend leaving it there, then max myth it last.
  7. Resistance drain is applied after damage is dealt. Hope this helps! I like the new item too, just don’t know how many I’m going to max.
  8. F2P Phys is definitely the strongest of the 3, but I think this is viable. Maxed with maxed arena stats, this should be a free pass to rank 5.
  9. I didn't set out to make it equal to heat bomb. It shouldn't be, because heat and energy aren't the same. My proposal doesn't do any electric resistance drain. Please reread the stats before hitting me with an unnecessarily verbose text wall, it doesn't accomplish anything. My proposal drains the opponent's energy regeneration and energy capacity by 75. These are two incredibly important stats for a mech that need energy. Energy is weak because of the combined modules allow mechs to have ridiculous energy stats for very little weight, so by cutting their en cap and regen, you're providing viable counterplay to energy mechs. The suggestion is definitely a buff, as it's lighter, still has viable drain, and stronger effects. Although I'm debating if 55kg is too heavy, best to lean towards a slight buff to avoid an immediate runaway meta shift.
  10. Not nearly enough to give energy a fighting chance in this meta. Since EMP is an E-M item, making it easily available to all players, I suggest the following buff. I got the idea for this buff from Elcent, credit to him. AT DIVINE 55kg 20-30 electric damage 250 en drain 75 en regen drain 75 en cap drain 380 energy cost, 120 heat cost, 1 use With max arena buffs applied, it's energy drain comes out to an even 300. I believe this to be a big step in the right direction for energy mechs, as this version of EMP does effectively 375 energy drain, and it's effects hurt the opponent more in the long run, as it's now doing a great deal of regen drain. I've also made it lighter, while tweaking it's costs to ensure the user is mindful of their own heat. Let me know what you think!
  11. Woah, settle down there buddy. You can clearly see in the screenshot provided that Lazy Falcon won't fire because of insufficient range and lack of HP. The fact that it's 2021 and you don't know about this bug disturbs me. Sorry Kirubi, but I think this was just a programming oversight by Tacticsoft. This is partially why I don't use any of the backfire scopes, as they're simply too heavy, too costly, and don't provide nearly enough utility over the normal scopes.
  12. Nope, I'm entitled to my opinion of what I think is his best course of action. He's allowed to act how he wants, but I view that continuing to complain about the same problems with suggesting solutions is a waste of his time. When, for the past year, I continue to read pages like this from Lake about his distrust and displeasure for the game and it's developers, I wonder if it's best for him to simply walk away. I have come to that conclusion, especially after reading that he is "sick" of how "unbearable" the play experience has become for him (those are his words by the way). Genuinely sounds like he isn't enjoying his time spent playing SuperMechs. There is no shame or dishonor in simply finding a new game lol Must you always attempt to manipulate my words into things that they are not? Not once did I claim that I was "thinking" for him, I was stating what I think he should do - find a new game. There are thousands of different games he could play offering different adventures with levels of complexity and strategic thinking. How about, instead of constantly going out of your way to contradict what I say on this forum and the old forum, you don't? Note the proverb, live and let live.
  13. I think you should quit the game. Sounds like you're wasting a lot of your time for no reward or satisfaction.
  14. I mean it's not a terrible idea, but it would need to be banned in raid and clan wars. If those two requirements are met, I'd be down to see a healing drone comeback. That being said, it's stats need to be taken very seriously. The healing drone is unlike anything else in the game and needs to be handled with extreme caution, otherwise you'll slip right back into the cancerous legacy diamond shell healing meta. Not fun. Since the point of the healing drone is to provide more utility than the opponent's drone, I suggest the following stats. AT DIVINE 45 kg, +150 heal, +3 en/heat/phys resist, 50 energy cost, 50 heat cost.
  15. The quickest way to get better at this game, as a beginner, is to focus on obtaining (and efficiently using) as much gold as fast as you possibly can. This starts with the deactivation of base, because all new accounts created have it enabled by default. You'll want to politely ask a developer via PM on these forums, and be sure to include your player ID. Once you have base disabled, congratulations! You've just gained access to 1x and 5x silver boxes, which can now be purchased for gold. 5x silver boxes are going to be what you should be spending your gold on. They technically have the chance to drop any non premium item in the game (disregarding perks and paint) which will give you the tools required to make a viable mech for completing campaign missions. There are a plethora of players with too much time on their hands (myself included!) willing and able to help you develop a solid well rounded mech. Progressing through the low ranks of this game really comes down to how hard you're willing to grind the campaign. Using up all your fuel everyday to complete harder and harder missions to reap the additional gold, spending said gold on 5x silver boxes, then using even more gold to fuse silver box contents into your mech's items to make them more powerful. My personal favorite mission to grind is 1v1 Overlords Den Mission 6 on Insane. It takes me about a minute to complete, and offers a great gold reward for the fuel cost. It's not an impractical goal to grind this specific mission all the way until the SuperMechs endgame. Once you've maxed one mech, and finished the 1v1 campaign in it's entirety, it's possible (while grinding efficient missions like OD6) to completely max myth a different item every 5-6 days. tdlr - disable base, grind od6, buy 5x silver boxes, upgrade go zoom, gg no re.
  16. Why are you attempting is deflect/invalidate Miron's point by bringing up his clan? What does that have to with anything? That's called ad hominem. If we closed the gap between all clan war boxes by making low ranked boxes "better, at least equal" to those of the top clan rewards, all strategy in clan war is essentially out the window. Why would a clan try to win if it means getting a higher ranked (and therefore worse) box? You'd be turning wars into a competition to see who can lose the hardest, and get the lowest ranked box for the better rewards. A better solution would be to simply increase the rewards for lower ranked boxes, and at most setting the droprates from S boxes equal to that of S+. Then add to S+ an extra (albeit trivial) reward, like a level 1 epic power kit. This benefits the f2p playerbase by increasing their divine relic intake compared to that of the top players. It also provides incentive for the top warring clans to actually try to win, because they get a nice little bonus if they earn the S+ box. Fixing clan war to display the correct damage % for both clans would also help a bit too.
  17. No offense but your inexperience in top ranks is showing here. Energy free phys and especially EFA mechs get messed up by damage based energy mechs like triple bunker. Just because something doesn't require energy doesn't mean it's automatically leagues ahead of everything else. You have to consider for a moment the bigger picture of how all mech types interact and force each other into varying degrees of viability. Now I'm not blaming you for not knowing this but it's something you need to be aware of, because you're saying a lot of things matter of factly that are simply just not true. Buffing WindForge would help energy mechs vs En free mechs because it directly translates into higher damage output due to energy drain carry over. Doubling down on energy free weapons - they are not the end all be all of this game. They don't break the game, they nerf the user to energy mechs quite hard actually. Energy free weapons have been around since as long as I can remember (2014) and sure they've had their moments of high viability but they've never been completely game breaking as you so insistently imply. Damage to weight ratio is more often than not incorrect. Easy counter example off the top of my head is Purifier and Lazy Falcon. Extremely high damage to weight ratios yet their usage rates are disgustingly low simply because there's almost no viable mechs that can use them. Swoop was arguably the worst drone in the game before it got buffed. I had never seen it used before it was buffed, simply because it was outclassed by pretty mech every other heat drone by a landslide. WindForge isn't very either good right now either. Look at pretty much any top ranked energy user and you'll find that they opt for Unreliable Guardian/Protector, because they can actually lay down some damage on top of doing good energy drain. Also remember that WindForge is a premium item, it's supposed to be viable, if not great in the current meta. This is why I'm not giving up on this buff.
  18. And I’m telling you, as someone with almost 7 years experience playing this game at top ranks in both legacy and reloaded, that combined modules are what killed energy. Energy free weapons existed far before energy was dead, but it was only after the release of OP, CEU, and QC that energy got absolutely shafted. This didn’t fundamentally break anything about the game, but it did make energy the weakest type since it gave everything insane regen. Please stop using weight to stat ratio as a point of comparison between items. It doesn’t accurately judge how the meta functions in this game. A better point of comparison in my opinion is usage rates across all ranks, as it provides a more realistic vector at which to compare an items viability. Buffs are not popular at all? If I’m not mistaken this is the first buff we’ve seen in at least 8 months, last one being Archimonde by a tiny insignificant amount. Suggesting buffs may be popular, but it doesn’t translate to in game change. Buff WindForge.
  19. Simply amazing how people can vote no to this when WindForge has essentially zero usage while being a premium item. Take a look at the last 6+ months worth of top 10 player’s builds. Historically speaking energy is by far the weakest and (consequently) underused type. Don’t understand why some people want to keep it that way but okay?
  20. 360 tokens in (12 refills) and I've gotten 3 legendary relics, Sparked Runners, and... cracked.
  21. That's not a bug, that's just how portals work unfortunately. But seriously this portal is cracked. One of the best I've seen in awhile actually.
  22. Given how diluted the pool of potential legendary items is, I see no reason why a 10-15% legendary droprate on this portal is anything but reasonable. 15% chance on a 5 day portal that comes every 2-3 years seems fair to me.
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