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Experienced Pilots
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Everything posted by WarrMachine

  1. Dynamite Boots, Grave Diggers, and Recoil Stompers all do 2 knockback.
  2. But, pre-buff, it was quite literally one of the worst drones in the entire game? Of all my time spent in top ranks, I can't recall a single opponent who used Swoop. Damage to weight ratio is a poor choice of comparison for meta items as it often times inaccurately represents how well an item actually preforms. Right now I don't see too big of a problem with Swoop. It is much stronger now, yes. However it still requires energy, and has pathetically low damage output. I suggest waiting for the proverbial dust to settle on this one. Give it a few weeks, and check to see if energy has developed a way to exploit Swoop's en cost. Otherwise I agree that a very small nerf might be in order. I don't have one myself, but I don't think we should jump straight to "nerf it to hell" immediately. It is a premium item after all, it's supposed to be good.
  3. No, like that's the point of pay to win games. That's how they keep the servers up and pay the staff. There needs to be objectively better versions of "free" items to give players incentive to spend money.
  4. This is the entire point, you pay, you get objectively better items. SuperMechs is not an esport, it's a pay to win flash game. +1 to everything jiyoon said. Take one look at top player replays and tell me if HHC and HEC are broken in any way. Spoiler alert, they're both trash in this meta.
  5. Hello! Here's a little thread where I'll be updating a list of unlisted SuperMechs videos that I've made over the past few months. These are usually short, high quality montages that I've made for fun while riding a short burst of motivation or inspiration. Doubling down on this point, don't expect any regularity or pattern with these uploads, they're randomly made. Enjoy! Halloween 2020 Edit Phys Hugger Montage Boiler Montage Frame Interpolation Test Stepback 3 Baby Pluto Remix Pirate ⠀ Outplaying
  6. Strongest competition in the arena coming from this clan!
  7. Hello, thanks for stopping by! My real name is Maxwell, but I've gone by Maxx for awhile, my in game name is WarrMachine, and my previous forum alias was REVERZE. Good luck trying to keep track of all that! I've spent quite a lot of time in and out of the SuperMechs community, and although my legacy history may not be squeaky clean, I'm hoping to start anew with this nice new forum. A little about myself since I imagine that's why you're reading this. I'm 20 years old, currently attending WMU (Go Broncos!) and am majoring in Computer Science. I love to snowboard, get super competitive in table tennis, and played varsity soccer in high school. I enjoy a wide variety of music, but some of my favorite genres include EDM, Hard Rock, Power Metal, and Rap. Currently I'm in Trolls fast, and am a consistent rank 1 across all seasons in SuperMechs. Thanks for reading, hope to see you in the arena!
  8. Decreasing the backfire of heat and energy items is a good idea in my opinion. Another possible solution is adding more arena stat bonus levels to heat and energy's respective categories. For example giving an 11th/12th bonus level to Heat/Energy Damage and Explosive/Electric Damage. These would have to be tweaked carefully, but I think it's a possible route for balancing top ranks.
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