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Posts posted by W.H.I.T.E.O.U.T

  1. Caution: This is a long topic. Reader's discretion and proper handling of GOAT or Long Topic allergies is heavily advised. You have been warned.



    "What is a GOAT?", you may be asking yourself as you look at this topic's title. Well, a GOAT is a concept that's been a part of SuperMechs for a very long time now that's well-recognized by the older side of the loyal pilot population and very well capable of confusing the hell out of pilots that have only just heard of it. This topic should bring you up to speed with this strange ideology of life if you are one of the pilots who are new to the idea or new to the game in general. BUT before we begin, I should clarify one thing..

    A GOAT is a GOAT, not a goat. The key difference between the two differently type versions of the same word? One is a mech lifestyle and the other is a 4-legged, furry headbutting machine of a farmyard animal. We're talking about GOATs. Got that confusion all cleared up? Good. Now then, let's begin.


    Part I: The History of GOATs

    With every ideology, there's a history behind that ideology. The ideology of GOATs is no different from ideologies out in the real world in that regard, even when it's really just an ideology in SuperMechs. However, like with all other ideologies, you must dive into the deep lore to get the full experience and reach peak enlightenment. Unfortunately, it's hard to say where the GOAT ideology originated but for the sake of simplicity, let's just say that it all started from an event. What's this event I speak of? Let me tell you a little "story".. Or loose description, I suppose.


    A very long time ago, during the Tacticsoft Era of SuperMechs (a time before the Gato Era, the time we're currently in), there was a special and unique event that took place within the SuperMechs community. Pilots of many different mechs, ranks, and notoriety partook in this curious event. This event was the GOAT Tournament. Though the name of the tournament sounds rather odd, it's quite fitting when you consider a special thing about it. Stay tuned to learn more.


    This tournament is unlike anything you would normally see in SuperMechs, however. Why? There were specific conditions for the kind of mechs that could participate, which was a way for make the tournament balanced between pilots with godly inventories and those who have scarce ones. I won't dive into those conditions since I'm saving the good bits for the next part of this topic. I don't want to ruin the best part before the reveal, after all. Haha....... Ok, all flatlined witty jokes aside, time for us to get back on topic. 


    The tournament was structured after what you would expect out of a tournament -- All participants get split into pairs, each pair engage in combat, the winner advances to be paired with the winner of another pair in the next bracket, the loser is eliminated. Rinse and repeat for every bracket until there is one pilot remaining. Nothing special or surprising there. I'm unsure of the final standing rewards of these tournaments since I haven't participated in said events but if there's one thing for sure, these GOAT tournaments always had one reward waiting for the winner -- The GOAT mech perk.


    The GOAT mech perk was something to behold, emphasis on something, and something that all pilots strived to get. The perk isn't any different from any other perk in terms of functionality, in case you were wondering, so it was just for cosmetics. You could say that it's comparable to the Pumpkin mech perk with how it changes your mech's appearance, except instead of the perk-equipped mech's torso being a pumpkin, it was a.. What's the best way to put this.. The perk turned the torso of any mech, that it was equipped to, into a "mech goat". Yes, you heard me correctly. No, that's not made up, that's an actual thing that happened. I wish I could provide an image to show the perk but that's something that only a player with the perk or was around at the time of the tournament could do. It'll likely be shown in the comments by someone, anyway, so there's that.


    Unfortunately, since Tacticsoft's departure, there hasn't been any public GOAT tournaments, at least as far as I'm aware, correct me if I'm wrong. But just because there hasn't been a tournament like that/those in a long while, that doesn't mean that they won't ever make a grand return in some way or form for GOAT lovers to do what they do best -- Be a GOAT or a goat GOAT with fellow GOATs in a friendly contest to the death to see who's the best GOAT of them all. 

    Now with that history lesson out of the way, I'm aware that I haven't told you about what a GOAT actually is. That's purely intentional. Why? It's because of..


    Part II: The Way of the GOAT and How to be One

    .. This whole section that's dedicated to the explanation of GOATs. So, what is a GOAT? The term "GOAT" refers to a kind of mech that is composed of epic level 1 mech parts or any level of common / rare mech parts. Does it matter as to what kind of mech parts you use? Nope. Does it matter as to how much of one part is used on your mech? Not at all. Can it be composed of parts that are epic level 2? If you have any part that's not an epic level 1 or lower, you're not a GOAT. Seems easy enough to understand, right? If so, good, you're partway to being a proper GOAT.


    Once a pilot has created a GOAT, what exactly do they do with that GOAT? It's simple, really. They engage other GOATs in one-on-one battles, regardless of if those battles are friendly sparring matches or a deathmatch to prove one's superiority over another. It may seem terrifying and to think about and complicated to get started with at first, but once you get your first steps down, you'll be aggressively assaulting other GOATs like a professional in no time at all.


    With the basics now down-pat and your GOAT in possession of a pride-worthy uninterrupted killstreak, you're surely ready to become one of the ultimate GOATS, right? Not even close and by a long shot. How so? It's always one thing to be a GOAT that's capable of headbutting the opposition to death and becoming an icon that people recognize and respect.. But to become a true GOAT, it takes much more than having wits and strength alone.

    It takes passion and dedication.


    When you have a passionate connection with a hobby or a lifestyle, you're bound to enjoy it more and do things more as second-nature. In regards to GOATs, there's no exception to that. With becoming a true GOAT, you can't just simply think about things during a battle nor can you simply go in swinging with no thoughts at all. You have to move away from thinking about strategy and instead put yourself in the mindset of a GOAT. Don't consider battles to be just another battle, consider every battle to be a stepping stone that pushes you closer to your goal of reaching GOAT-vana. Instead of thinking about the rewards that lie at the end of a victorious battle, think about the rewarding feeling you're getting from the current experience. Don't simply pick and choose between items, embrace all items equally and wield them to their fullest GOAT potential, regardless of if it's a common drone or an epic chaingun.

    Follow these steps and, with time and practice, you will become a truly ultimate GOAT. 



    Still here, huh? If not, I don't blame you for not reading through the topic. If you are, congrats, you just learned about GOATs to some degree you'll likely never use.. But hey, knowledge is power and with power, more is better.

    Anywho, that's all for this lesson topic. Let me know what you think and feel free to correct any mistakes that I've made (all humans make mistakes, so we gotta help each other out with fixing 'em) in the comments below. I hope y'all have a good day/night and remember:

    Stay safe and praise the power of GOATs, pilots. 



    Yes, I'll be reading comments, so don't worry about me overlooking something. 













  2. 54 minutes ago, Deimos said:

    Oh absolutely, 2v2 season has been broken like this since forever. If the game struggles to find you an opponent to match you up with you can end up facing people several ranks higher/lower than you even if that shouldn’t be the case given your equipment level.

    It gets even stranger when the game ends up pairing you with something that's in rank 10 with divine premiums while you're rank 8 without any divine premiums at all.

    At that point, the game's probably freeballing matchups in the hopes of accomplishing the task it's having a hard time understanding. 

    I've yet to see that dual divine Sorrow build since that day all that long ago but I'll probably be able to get payback if I cross paths with them once again.. Or probably not since they'll likely have a Platinum Vest instead of a Zarkares by the time that happens. Only time will tell, I guess.

    Yes, the dude was a smurf but still, dual divine Sorrows in rank 10 should be illegal.

  3. A 100 token reward comes, 3/4th of that reward goes.

    5 myth food items were just finished a while before, so will this item become a new myth..

    Who knows?

    (Yes, this was my attempt at making a poem out of getting a Selfish Guardian. Don't judge.)


  4. Overlord's Den 7 (Mission right before Bigboy) on Normal difficulty. There's 7 enemies (all energy; 3 dual sword mechs; 2 dual shotgun tanks; 2 dual shotgun buggies) that are relatively easy to kill but the chance for HP supply kits are low since there's only two supply crates in the mission. The enemies don't do as much as damage as you'd think, though (the most the swords can do is like 180 on Insane difficulty), so HP kits aren't needed as long as you have decent HP or a very good boiler/drainer setup.

    The mission only costs 5 fuel per run on Normal, so it's very cheap to do, making it a very good kill count grind spot. 


    Note: Don't try to do 2v2/3v3 campaign stages. Clusters of enemies are counted as 1 enemy each, not individually.

  5. 4 hours ago, Clan Red said:

    Only a win cheater …..

    Not necessarily. There's actually quite a handful of players in rank 15 that have have a myth item or two.

    Win cheaters (Smurfs) usually tend to have more than one maxed myth weapon, often opting to have divine weapons and a epic/legendary torso, which is how they fool matchmaking into giving them weaker matchups despite them having divine weapons.

    On Ashen Heart (my alt), I encountered several smurfs with full mythical/divine weapon loadouts, some with divine premiums. This screenshot's old but it's my greatest accomplishment on that alt because this guy had a divine Valiant Sniper and 230 cooling but he lost due to range abuse and cooldowns that kept him from being able to move and attack in the same turn.


  6. 1 hour ago, PlainBadLuck said:

    It was 1v1 season at the time, this match is from last week now.

    2 hours ago, Fordekash said:

    Oh- I know why that sort of thing occurred. It's because rank 15 has a 1v1 alternative mode (for those who only have one mech when entering matchmaking instead of two) that doesn't give any rewards but since matchmaking struggles to handle itself most of the time, it wouldn't be surprising if it takes potential matches from sources that it's normally not allowed to.

    I tried doing a rank 15 1v1 battle using a fully myth Zarkares boiler build a long while back and in the first match, I was pitted against a rank 5 energy counter and a rank 5 heat stats-heavy FHA + Claw physical build in the match after that, so the matchmaking likely has an issue with rank 15 1v1s during Top Ranks 1v1s when the rank 15 has a much better mech than what other rank 15 players have.

    Like that Zarkares guy with high HP for a rank 15. 

  7. Is it currently 2v2 season in Top Ranks? If so, there's a chance that the game doesn't know how to accurately differentiate the low-mid ranks 2v2 matches and the top ranks ones.

    It's just a guess of mine but considering how smurfs manage to trick matchmaking by using epic torsos and legs to get matched with low leveled players with an epic torso and legs despite said smurfers usually having mythical/divine weapons + modules + drone while the player they matched with doesn't, the way matchmaking works doesn't seem to be all that consistent. 

    Based on the screenshot, it seems like the matchmaking system took a look at your opponent and likely mistook them for an appropriate match due to the nearly similar HP level. Outside of that, I'm not sure how something like that could happen outside of just the plain chance that you and that person entered matchmaking at the same time and managed to match up like that. 

  8. 11 minutes ago, Electro said:


    Should try with other torso ?


    Here's roller size references for sizing your legs. You can try the legs with other torsos before you try sizing them to check if they're suitable for torsos other than Windigo, that sometimes occur due to Windigo being larger than an average sized torso like Naga and Avenger, which makes finding a suitable size for an item sprite harder than normal. 

    I hope the references help in some way and probably reduce the need for trial and error with finding that right size.


  9. As a player who ran a resistance-less 2,700 HP Rusty Energy Armor + Claw physical build, I can say that watching a physical mech take more than 1,000 HP in a single turn is a nerve-wracking situation. It has the kind of feeling that tells you that you don't have much time left before your mech goes boom and that you should take the opponent out immediately. 

    The situation itself is hard to call since it all comes down to who has the better damage output and stuff.. But man, it gets really pressuring when both sides can't afford to make a single mistake without risking their chance at victory.


  10. Would you be surprised if I told you that I've played SuperMechs since the final portion of SuperMechs: Legacy 2016 and yet I have never been in any rank above 12 until last year, when I got to rank 11 on my current main?

    I'm currently a level 220, rank 8 averager (with a personal arena best of rank 6, 4 stars) that barely does arena, in case you were wondering.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    The power kit production makes literally level 1 power kits or in other level? And how many cost the power kits? 

    Power Kit cards from factories are always level 1 but can either be Common or Rare. Without the Card Cost Reduction arena buff, each power kit card costs 6000 gold (600k gold to produce 100 power kit cards).


  12. Now that's a cool set of heat legs. Nice job on the sprite design, though you should probably scale them down so they're around the size of the torso. Rollers are usually around the size of a whole torso, so that size is good enough for your item sprite. 


    With maximum arena buffs, the legs have:

    HP: 389

    Explosive Damage: 97 - 140

    Heat Damage: 83


    For the stats, the HP looks good, explosive damage could be upped to 120 - 150 (144 - 180 with buffs) so the damage isn't too low but isn't too high as well, and the heat damage looks like it's not going to be a balancing problem considering the item's high weight and low stomp damage to level out the high heat damage for a stomp. Overall, looks like a nice start for the stats and could be refined with some adjustments, testing, and feedback. 



  13. Focus on getting all of your gold mines to level 15 then work on getting one other factory to level 15. This is enough to do power kit production and/or common card production for power kit food. Level 15 gold mines provide 15,550 or so at full capacity, so you'll be able to get around 60k gold if you harvest gold from 4 level 15 gold mines when they're full. 


    Once you've gotten that setup done, you'll just have to upgrade your HQ up to level 20 then your mines then your factories. At least 2 factories should be level 20 so you can produce Epic/Legendary cards, one should be at least level 15 for power kit production, and the 4th and last factory can be left at any level so that it can be used for common card crafting but it can be upgraded to level 15 if you want to mass produce 2 bulks of power kits. 


    Or you could go with the simple upgrading method of maxing everything. Though if you do that, just know that it's better to do mines before factories simply because of the gold production, which will get you more gold for purchasing base upgrades with, something that's really beneficial when it comes to base and its expensive upgrades.


  14. 4 hours ago, Electro said:

    The Float boiler would be legs that can jump and move 3 Space but in have smaller stats and cannot do damage .

    Fan art :


    Stats at level 50 mythical (arena booste not included) :

    Weight : 138

    Hp : 327

    Movement + Jump : 1 - 3

    Note: My bad for the text wall, I got invested in the idea, just a habit of mine that I've gotten used to doing, I guess. There's a TL;DR at the bottom, so skip to the bottom if you prefer not to look at the wall directly below this note. I also apologized for the wall down below, so this might be a "heads up" apology. 


    I think it's an interesting concept and a nice sprite to display it. Would definitely help with the "No Legendary or Mythical Heat Rollers" issue and would be pretty interesting to use on range-based explosive builds like Dual Deso, which usually get stuck in corners with Sparked Runners and are forced to stomp if they don't have Reckoning or they have Magma Recoiler but are energy broken and unable to use it to get a Repulser shot in. I think you get where I'm going with this.

    But yeah, it's a pretty nice item idea and a unique one, at that. 


    I do have a slight nitpick or two about it, though. The item sprite could probably be stretched out horizontally to have more of a roller look, but it's likely just me who thinks that, so there's that. As for the concept, I think it could have a "stomp" with damage but a stomp that's more on the heat damage side of things with less base damage per stomp.

    The stomp animation could be the legs making a Heat Bomb-like blastwave under the user's mech with its thrusters, but that's just a suggestion, so feel free to let me know what you think of it.


    Apologies for the text wall, by the way, I've been gone from the forums for a long while and I haven't gotten a chance to vent my texting energy like this. This is the first time I've text walled like this in a while, basically lol.


    TL; DR - Nice and unique item idea, I'm Invested in it. Would like to see it added to the game, whether it be L-M like Sparked Runners and Rolling Beasts or be an E-M set of rollers, the first of its kind.

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