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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. I normally buy deals with discount boxes. If I have an awesome day and feel lucky I will buy a premium pack. this has yielded some amazing items I really wanted for a long time.
  2. Gestu it’s great to have you onboard!! for anyone else seeking a clan I’m certain you will enjoy it as much as I do! Please ask any questions you may have!
  3. If you don’t hack or Smurf noble warriors and noble warriors 2 would love to have you!
  4. The post says it may be delayed a few days and will show up in notifications. I was just asking if anyone can upload a picture of what a notification looks like as I am unsure if I know what it is. lol I panicked and just downloaded the windows app to get the reward. Thanks again Alex!!!
  5. How exciting Getsu!!! I know you will really enjoy the clan!
  6. I bought one from the store. Really nice event Alex. I do feel the past couple months have set a really nice tone by Gato games! I don’t have my free one yet and am a mobile player. Can some one upload a screen shot of what a notification is? I’m not familiar with this term.
  7. Would you be willing to elaborate on the variance in the drop rate? Does it depend on the day of the week? Monday’s = 15% and Fridays = 30%? The rank of the player? The amount of cards purchased already? Lunar cycles?
  8. What is your name in the game? Do you know how to search for the clan and request to join?
  9. At the lower levels this does make sense and should be implemented. If ranks 1-2 are all about arena multiplication (as the forums lead us to believe) just make it R4 or R5 and below.
  10. F15 is my favorite but much respect to those three!
  11. What aircrafts did you work on?
  12. Hey man as long as you can pull 35 for the week it doesn’t matter what days you get your wins in!
  13. True! The next person is a member of the “noble warriors” clan.
  14. Clevername. Are there physically dollars somewhere that equate to the values of stock traded on wall street every day? in other words is there actual cash to back the value of stocks?
  15. Fun fact #1 there use to be no weight limitations for your mech. #2 you also couldn’t upgrade your items back then. What you bought was full strength already.
  16. Voltage Regulator? That’s what a VR reference designation is. or throw a / in the middle and call it current because (voltage divided by resistance) V/R = Current?
  17. It’s a pretty sweet deal. Kind of a bummer for Gato that the advertising could have been better. Always do pictures I don’t read anything!
  18. I feel like people who do it only cheat themselves and kind of waste their time? it seems like it would take a while to drop a few ranks. Sure you get a win streak but you will then be back at your regular rank again. the way the arena points are tied to rank these days you don’t gain anything. So I voted maybe. Reason being for everyone they crush on the way up they also give free wins in their way down?
  19. Sorry to hear that Alexander. If you need a new clan send me a PM
  20. I was super mad about base as well but I have learned to love it. Get it all maxed out and give it a try you may love it as well. I feel I can’t spend my gold fast enough and can max items in two days. Also the chance of legendary is a nice touch
  21. Wow little fox! That’s pretty good. I do big boy insane at least 20 times a day 7 days a week and am not getting drops that high. I will say it seems to have gone waaaay up after Gato games took over.
  22. Did anyone else get a legendary for their arena award this week?!!!
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