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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. I can totally hear it. What does that thing shoot? BBs, paintballs, pellets? Sounds fun
  2. Start a new account and never forget this lesson. You won’t be able to recover the account. save yourself the stress and get to work on a better account!
  3. I would first be mad that I don’t have a fourth good build for area or campaign. but I would then enjoy doing the campaign and making new builds!! I vote yes!
  4. Pretty mean looking! I wouldn’t want to mess with it.
  5. I hear you. I have been considering maxing some brutes myself. I guess I need to dust off the one I have maxed and see how I like it first
  6. Sad boy makes total sense. I’m on board. 50000x speed? That’s a bit much. Maybe 49,999x?
  7. Mr. Fox, I fully support your suggestion sir!
  8. I do like the idea! Heck I think blind clicking on a computer might work better than a touchscreen as well!
  9. Have you tried closing your eyes and touching the screen a bunch?
  10. My experience. I activated because I figured they will force you in to base at some point and I didn’t want to be behind the ball when that happened. at the time I activated I wasn’t playing much so the base produced items at a good rate for me to fuse. things changed in my life and I play a couple hours a day now. The base does not produce items at a satisfactory rate for me. As a result I can’t get my gold under 40mill so there is wasted potential there. all that being said if you play less than an hour a day, the base is awesome once you get it built. If you play more than an hour a day don’t active it because it will hinder your ability to upgrade items.
  11. It’s good to hear what everyone has been experiencing! At first I personal didn’t think the nerf was enough. But now I feel it was a good change. I still hate (and fear) the things but just a little less than before. On the other hand they still seem like useful butt kicking machines!
  12. Seems like a solid idea! Good thinking sir!
  13. Good idea but I voted no. I love fighting counters and other extreme builds. It pushes my to innovative ways to overcome the challenges!
  14. I vote yes to making the channel! The game needs more exposure and YT is a great way to put the SM brand out there.
  15. Hard to argue with LG. I’m on board with your proposal good sir.
  16. For your build go EFA.
  17. Well we are a couple weeks in and the double brute builds are still pretty dangerous in ranks 5-3. I am happy to report no more 750 damage hits anymore but still a bunch over 500
  18. I do have one max protector that I bought but it doesn’t seem to be doing the trick
  19. I was hoping Alexander would take the bait but I’m guessing he is going to surprise us when the time comes?
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