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Everything posted by Fordekash

  1. Can we expect a rebalance anytime soon? Anyone care to speculate on when and what we can expect?
  2. I was able to beat the insane mode. I died the first time and adjusted my build then had to revive twice. Aside from raid it was the hardest thing I have seen. I assume They test these things to make sure it is beatable and wouldn’t give us an impossible task for the purpose of draining a few tokens. In addition to the gold portal consider all the easy quest that Gato gives us such a five arena wins or destroy 70 structures that pay out 100 tokens
  3. Awesome deal! I bought $20 in tokens to get it. Given all the good will that Gato Games has shown I’m very happy to spend some cash for items I want. Keep up the great work Gato and thank you!
  4. Well good news is they are all definitely gone today so someone is taking care of the problem!
  5. Seems to be a bug that resulted in players getting more than the maximum allowable points in raid?
  6. I got the offer today. It was totally worth the 2k tokens! I do appreciate Gato games putting on their A game to engage the players!
  7. Hello everyone! I just moved over to Noble Warriors 2, to help lead the clan. I am R5-3 and we have people at the lowest rank! Noble Warriors 2 is a friendly, informative, low pressure environment. If this is what you are looking for we have room for you!
  8. I would love if I could just hit go and it would play the level until I ran out of fuel! As for the AI in battle I think it would be hard to improve what we have. I try to map out the logic to make it better but with all the variables I think the current AI is pretty well tuned.
  9. Dam that was way worth it!!! Congratulations! Nefertary are you also going to but the deal? You seem pretty excited about it!
  10. Must mean you are pretty darn good man! Congratulations!
  11. Let us know what you get in the boxes?
  12. If you have the money and don’t mind spending it, the offer seems like it is better than what you would normally get for that amount of money?
  13. That is for sure man! I hope the game keeps bringing in more good players!
  14. My all time best got there 3 times today but wasn’t good enough for r2
  15. Could be no fault of their own but given the history of raid I figured Alex should have visibility.
  16. @Alexander I intended to share this yesterday day. It appears the top top fellows were lucky enough to exceed the maximum points. I hope it is well intentioned but wanted it posted for awareness.
  17. Heck, many times I learn from those who are a lower rank than I!
  18. I mean it’s not that terrible of a thing but I will say it only seems to happen when I have clearly overmatched the opponent. Mostly right away when the match starts but some sometimes after a few turns and it is obvious I will win. never happens when I get my butt kick so it is definitely tied to them quitting
  19. Has anyone experienced having an opponent quit the arena match and it causes your game to freeze? When you restart the game you don’t get credit for the match. This happens to me about 5 times a week. It occurred on my old i6 phone and also my new i11 phone.
  20. I am not sure if the first clan is full but the second certainly has slots! If you agree to our rules, i.e. no hacking, no smurfing, and being involved (35 wins/week, be involved in titans and clan wars) then message SawzAll and he can get you all signed up!
  21. Welcome aboard man!! I have learned so much from everyone and am sure you will enjoy it as much as I do!
  22. Lol! Well you know I’m slow man.
  23. Don’t worry MC everyone know the lower the box the bigger the prize
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