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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. When it comes to collecting resources in a game like this, there really isn't any fast way to get anything..... other than spending real money. 

    Farming is good. You get what you need in exchange for doing the same boring thing over and over again. But it does get boring over time. 

    If you do have base.... use the gold mines. 

    Now, I know there are a lot of people on this forum that does not agree with me on the effectiveness of the gold mines from base, but, it is still something good to have for some beginners and have it's benefits. 

    I know farming for hours can get your gold real fast, but science have proved that doing the same thing over and over again can drive you crazy. Also, if you want 400k to craft legendaries in base, that means: 

    1. you have a high leveled base, which means you also have gold mines
    2. spending the gold you just earned from hours of farming is not usually a good thing (especially in real life)
    3. if you don't want to end up like a crazy person ( or maybe not, depends), only using farming to get gold is not sustainable for the long run. 

    Which brings me to my point. Take some gold and upgrade gold mines. It's a long term investment with absolutely no risk of losing any of your gold. Then, when you are farming, not playing SM, or doing whatever other thing you want to do, you will always be getting free gold. 

    Just make sure you get the gold before it reaches the hold limit. Otherwise, you'll be losing efficiency (kinda). Also know that gold from gold mines increase at a linear rate so it doesn't really matter when you collect it.... as long as you do so before it reaches the hold limit. 

  2. 17 hours ago, UnrealRickAstley said:


    builds look weird. 

    unless if their stats and dmg are tripled or something, they won't last very long against 3 mechs

    only DRAGONFIRE look like a decent and useable build.

    the other's have way too many range gaps and ... issues. 

    the DRAGONFIRE build also totally have room for a energy grapple

    ARSONIST is overweight by a lot and needs some more cooling for those heat bombs

    and SKULL could use some more modules seeing that it still have an extra 95 kg. add some more hp and res. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Bring live your dreams said:

    Making a weapon blog again


    Triple Armor Disolver


    Damage: Level 1 35 — 57 Level 30 47 — 72 energy, heat, physic (random shot) 

    Drain Damage: —20 E, H, P resistance

    Cost: 57 backfire

    Range: 2 — 4


    Damage: Level 1 57 — 87 Level 40 76 — 113

    Drain Damage: —35 E, H, P resistance

    Cost: 97 Backfire


    Damage: Level 1 90 — 127 Level 50 123 — 178

    Drain Damage: —55 E, H, P resistance

    Cost: 153 Backfire

    that's some stats. 

    you have a E-M (higher drop rate) item that is an essentially better version of any res drainer in the game. 



    drains 55 of each at the cost of 20kg and 153 backfire

    comparied to :

    3 fat drainers: drains 60 at the cost of 24kg (total since 8 for each) and 540 backfire (again, total since 180 for each)


    The stats are.... somewhat overpowered. 

  4. The Tree Cannon may look like an overloaded EMP, but it actually shoots out bullets that can instantly turn your opponent's mech into a tree. It is also a great way to recycle old mech parts. 



    Here's the gif I made last night to visualize how the Tree Cannon works. 


    Note: Most of these assets came from WU. And I didn't mean to break any Copyright laws if I did break any. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Jajcyn420 said:

    To be fair, this is supermechs, “it defies physics” isn’t an argument

    eh, well, at least everything in the game so far somewhat makes visual sense. 

  6. 18 hours ago, NitronexuS said:


    too much

    18 hours ago, NitronexuS said:

    fires a laser with goes up and of screen, then hits from behind

    do you know any physics??? light don't curve by itself. 

    18 hours ago, NitronexuS said:

    Legendary                                                     Mythical                                                        Divine

    weight=70kg                                                weight=75kg                                                 Weight=75kg

    dmg=162-214                                              Dmg203-311                                                  Dmg=422-607

    Energy dmg=-51                                          Energy dmg=-97                                            Energy dmg=-173

    Max energy Dmg=-16                                  Max energy Dmg=-32                                    Max energy Dmg=-32

    4 ele res drain                                               8 ele res drain                                                12 ele res drain

    range 3-6                                                      range 3-6                                                       range 3-6

    energy cost=-20                                           energy cost=-60                                            energy cost=-60

    backfire=55                                                   backfire=110                                                 backfire=110

    As i said in your iceberg ionizer topic, there shouldn't be that much of a difference between your mythic and divine stats. 

    Res drain don't change, and dmg don't increase by that much

  7. 6 minutes ago, NitronexuS said:

    Dark eagle is a shotgun

    right, but the thing you're missing is that

    1. dark eagle have more than 1 physical gun barrel on the item

    2. shotguns don't pull. 

    3. dark eagle is ranged 2-4... that's still reasonable. 4-8 range is not. seems a bit far from reality

    i know it's going to be something "new," but having a shotgun that pulls its just .... wrong (pls don't take this as an offense, i just simply can't find a better word)


  8. 1 minute ago, NitronexuS said:

    it works like a shotgun (like mercy but pull in)

    .... very.... intesting......

    a shotgun.... with 1 barrel? mercy had 4, so it actually looked like a shotgun. perhaps another visual misconception to be a cannon. 

    and i've ... never... in my life.... heard of a shotgun that doesn't push....much less, pull

    also, shotguns are usually seen as a short range gun. so a 4-8 range shotgun..... doesn't really make sense. 


  9. 25 minutes ago, NitronexuS said:

    1 knock in

    so, a pully.....

    pretty heavy (maybe a little overweighed)

    really high energy cost. 

    seems to work like a hammer except range and pully

    dmg shouldn't double when divined (that's not how it works). divine stage usually only have like a ~10% increase... ish

    cooling and res drain also shouldn't increase when divined

    heat dmg should stay the same as a lvl 50 myth (whatever that number is)

    heat weapons should look red or crimson, not orange. could cause visual misconception. 

    otherwise, pretty good drawing 👍👍

    btw, how would it work? grenade? grapple launcher? alien beam that sucks you in? (i'm running out of ideas.....)

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