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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. since the content is short and it is pretty tweaked compared to the original... especially the animation, you could label it as fair use. 

    also, if you just redraw each sprite with some slight unique tweak, you can file a copyright for it under your own name. 

  2. all the current in-game items are in WU (Workshop Unlimited (workshop-unlimited.vercel.app)), i don't think there was anything new in the past few month

    meta is all the same, vest builds with res drainers, heat huggers with sword and axe... blah blah blah

    forums got the new badges and rank update. gets exp from posting and giving reactions to get higher ranks. badges are handed out like achievements like in the old forum. 

    thats about it. nothing special happened (corrected me if i'm wrong)

  3. 14 hours ago, Spam said:

    Even without it guessing the password is pretty much impossible unless you know the person and what they might put for the password.

    hmm, i was thinking more of generators.... random number generators and random letter generators... and ofc, weird symbols too, for those who have it

  4. 6 hours ago, Spam said:


    is ... this... a flail/mace... it certainly looks like one

    nice design tho... a cannon grown into an arm

    looks like something a pirate would do... except it's a mace-looking cannon instead of a hook

    2 hours ago, Spam said:


    the center of the sword (between the guard, grip and blade) looks kinda like the eye of Sauron

    also, for graphics (this is just from experience), when things glow, the glow is usually blurred. like a separate layer of blurred color

    6 hours ago, Spam said:


    and... you should totally remake the t-mex titan with the hell theme

    6 hours ago, Spam said:


    ... and, sorry to make this merged post so ridiculously long, i still don't quite see the eyes in the torso... 

  5. 6 hours ago, Nikos said:

    how easy is for someone to get access in an account with knowing only the username?

    still, be careful about your account. DON'T EVER GIVE ANYONE YOUR ACCOUNT INFO, unless they're your parents or smth. not even siblings... they'll mess with things...

    also, you never know when a hacker is stalking you


    and... i'm not a hacker... i barely have enough programming knowledge to generate random numbers. no kidding. I just started learning python this summer


  6. well....

    i'm a real person... i don't know about other users on this forum, but i know that i am a real person.... not a robot. 

    as for swallowing a pill... just drink more water or swallow harder (if thats a thing)


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