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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. 6 hours ago, JoshuaSmith02 said:


    frantic only have 2 uses. once that runs out. you'll have a range gap. 

    also, imo, it's kinda pointless to put a monkey on claws. you don't need both if you just want high hp. get a torso with some res or get some res mods. also, with the potential range gap, you'll either need really good utilities (like a double tele), or you should swap the legs into something that have decent hp and can walk (namely, massive stone feet). 

    other stats are fine, could use some more regen.

    Also, whats the drone?

  2. First thing's first, is this really a bug?

    While upgrading today, i decided to use the mass select button because i had way too many common powerkits that i didn't know what to do with. (ofc, i didn't actually do the upgrade since that would be a real waste).

    Anyways, i had about 60 common powerkits plus some rare ones and i chose a lvl 1 legendary to upgrade. When I clicked mass select, instead of going down the list selecting the powerkits, it skipped around.... and the same skipping pattern appeared no matter what item i used to upgrade. 

    Here's a picture:


    So the question is just.... Why??

  3. 1 minute ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    (And yes if you got a notif of someone subbing its me)


    also, put some commas

    2 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    But i seriously dont want this game to get called as a "dead" game

    it's not gona die... or in any time soon.... there's plenty to do.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    even just one crap weapon is something it is an update

    i'd say, it's better to not add anything if everyone know it is gona be crap... kinda a waste of time... don't you think

    9 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    but the game isnt getting ANYTHING new to progress ... or make the progress faster

    well, SM is a small game and Gato is a small company. you can't expect things to all process like minecraft with a major update every few month. 

    9 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    Ok someone may call me a dumba$$ for this but because the game isnt getting like a major update (or an update in general) people can get bored quickly even just one crap weapon is something it is an update  but the game isnt getting ANYTHING new to progress it still has the simple system of get countered and lose or counter and win so keep the ppl playing somewhat intrested in the game they need to either add something or make the progress faster

    put some commas, pls... and for the future too

  5. 1 minute ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    So if this was like an event (such as the extra coins in arena) for one spesific day it could technically

    now, this is starting to sound like the idea someone mentioned some month ago of having a day where people with base can have silver boxes. I'm pretty sure that idea was rejected, or if not, no one really talked about it. 

    if this topic is going to be suggest an event, i'm sure it will probably go down the same way the silver box idea did

  6. 10 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    at one point in the game (usually rank 10-8) where you need a spesific item to progress

    and this... in most games is where you pray to get the item you want and hope that heavens will smile upon you. 

    Plus, rank 10-8 is called mid-ranks for a reason. 7 and above can be considered top ranks because thats where people got everything they need to be a pro. 10 and lower are where people are still learning how the game works and are just starting to get their feet wet. 

    The mid-ranks is supposed to be a struggle. if we make the line between noob and pro super thin, then most of the players would just get bored and quit. True, the struggle can sometimes be a real struggle, but that's the essence of a game. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    Just because it says its 1% doesnt means it HAS TO give a myth in every 100 tries

    but still... you can't get 300 tokens after a few hours of farming. coins can be farmed everywhere, so a few hours will give enough to buy a few of your boxes and .... well, this just generally gives a higher chance of getting myth items..... plus, it's been also made pretty clear that myth items cannot be obtained from boxes (excluding offers). 

  8. 2 hours ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    But what is your overall opinion on these boxes?


    50k gold is like 2 minutes of farming

    which means, if you farm for like an hour or 2, you have some pretty good chances of getting at least 1 myth

    at least make it cost 500k or more

  9. 29 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    and the only source of legendarys are premium packs/premium boxes)

    and from base

    you see, without base, you can only get prem items from prem pack/box, but now with base, you get free gold and an option to "potentially" get prem items with only coins.......

    free coins with "basically" free chance of prem items.... what more could you want

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