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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. For the general public, go for Common Items, Powerkits, and Chance of Legendary

    • Common Items - Lvl 1 Item factory
    • Powerkits - Lvl 15 (i think) 
    • Chance of Legendary - Lvl 20

    For me, Common Items, Powerkits, Ultraquick, and Chance of Legendary

    • Ultraquick is 1 lvl below powerkits. 
    • Ultraquick is expensive, but only takes 2 minutes to craft. I use it for "emergencies"..... tho emergencies don't really happen

    For Boosting, 

    • 1 max Common Powerkit  = 19 common items
  2. 19 hours ago, Darktide said:


    probably a 3.5/10

    you probably won't need that much hp. get some more res. 

    can you show the other stuff? like teleport, grapple, charge and modules slots? 

    you should remove a frantic and get a recoiler. sure, double tele would be nice, but you have way too many range gaps. that'll give you a big disadvantage. 

  3. so you want to raise a killer robot to play the game for you.....? 


    correct me if i'm wrong, but....

    you are the pilot of a mech. you built your mech to fight titans and save the world. 

    now, you want to build a mech that builds another mech to fight titans and save the world and get 2 times the reward???


  4. 23 hours ago, Spam said:


    I don't think you'll need that many weapons. 

    drop a frantic and put on some more utilities (i.e. Teleport and grapple)

    On 7/15/2021 at 3:15 AM, Darktide said:


    can i see your other stuff? like drone and modules?

    Based on just this, probably a 6-7 out of 10. 

    EMP is good, but you won't need it at your level. 

    Get the energy hammer (Viking Hammer). physical type hammers won't be any good for energy drains. 

    Get energy legs. Recommended: Charged walkers or Massive Shocker Feet

    You'll only need 1 frantic. imo, frantic is a suicide weapon. really high cost per shot and needs an extreme amount of good rng to be of any good use. 

    Grim reaper torso is good for now, but if you find any other Myth-able energy torsos, i recommend you switch it out.

    For modules....

    Grim comes with a lot of energy cap and regen, but having some more regen won't hurt. That said, the main thing you should focus on is heat cap and cooling. 


  5. On 7/12/2021 at 1:33 AM, iSwarky said:

    Buying coins with tokens.

    for emergencies... if they exist. 

    and for those that are stupid enough to do so

    On 7/12/2021 at 1:33 AM, iSwarky said:

    Campaign bots using theit teleporters to move 1 tile

    i bet that's just a coding thing with auto-play

    On 7/12/2021 at 1:33 AM, iSwarky said:

    Even though the mechs are fighting in an arena, they can easily jump or walk past the stick on the sides. 

    Getting LITERALLY penetrated by a LAZERBEAM FROM HELL but still not losing any of your legs or arms.

    it's a game.... not real life. if it was a beam of light in real life, you wouldn't even be able to see it

    On 7/12/2021 at 1:33 AM, iSwarky said:

    Titans having mythical weapons but dealing the same damage as a maxed epic version of that weapon.

    if baby 1 star titans came out with 500 dmg every shot, people would quit the game immediately.... too hard. not to mention, it it's like that, the black maxed titans will 1 shot you with like 2 million spare dmg. 

  6. 5 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    Just request a base disable and call it a day.

    Now, here's the thing you're missing. 90% of people on this planet do not have what "normal" people call "patience". 

    When people sends a request, they expect it to work almost immediately. And that is not the right mindset when asking someone for help. 

    Base is great (i'm biased), it has it's pros and it has it's cons. It's definitely not perfect. But it's something. Just having base itself present more potential benefits that having Silver Boxes.

    The most obvious good thing about base is the free gold. INVESTMENTS 💹... without the risk of losing gold


    20 hours ago, AionionWindWeaver said:

    exactly like titles said , makes the base choosing option either one time permanent option straight up ahead in game , no more randomly popping off into your screen whenever you relaunch the game and end up in misclicks , how are the game's devs still keeping this shitty pop up in game to make people misclick into it and have to beg forum for help , after so many countless base disable request posts both from the old and new forum , enough said

    Which is why..... This ⤴, IMHO, would be actually a good thing. It pushes people to make the right decisions.... or if not right, at least the decision they want. There's no misclicks, think before acting

    Of course, legit misclicks will still happen.... as in accidents.... which is why I recommend also adding a conformation tab of like Yes or No and a check box for enable/disable base incase legit misclicks actually happen. 

  7. 4 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    100k gold EACH DAY

    it doesn't fill that fast... it's more like 75k in 3 days.....

    4 hours ago, fake unsub said:

    spending gold for free gold? -5 iq

    It's the whole point of investments. 

    unlike investments in real life, the gold mines in base does not have a risk factor. 

  8. 17 hours ago, fake unsub said:

    gold mines are very slow. 

    imagine getting that much free gold without a gold mine

    .... it's free.... what more could you want?? 

    it's a 1 time purchase (excluding upgrades) and you get much much more gold than you paid for in the long run. 

  9. 3 hours ago, B4sH said:

    you are wrong, games update to not get boring and get improved with new content too

    Everything gets old... eventually...which is why humans don't live forever

    SM can't live forever, but it still have room to grow... i'd say it's at its mid-40's ... ish. 

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