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Posts posted by AftoKrator

  1. 16 hours ago, OYUNCU25 said:

    It's better to turn epic item into legendary with items from several silver boxes and you have a chance to get epic from silver boxes

    This way you can make any robot you want

    silver box cheaper

    A happy and successful life is built with good opportunities. (especially in life) 

    true that the SB is can be cheaper and better in some ways....

    Factory in base opens up to 20 more buyable options for obtaining items. 

    Also, note that there is a pretty high chance of only getting commons in a SB. in base, you can get 1 common item for 1k gold. In comparison to a high chance of getting 2-3 commons for 6.5k gold, base is much cheaper. 

    Although base have some expensive buyable options, certain options, like pwrkits, are only for pwrkits. Just consider the drop rate of pwrkits in SB.... not that high. 

    And, ofc, most of the base crafting options are useless... only ones I'd say are useful are Commons OnlyUltra QuickPowerkits, and Chance of legendary. I don't use any of the other ones. 

  2. On 7/12/2021 at 3:56 PM, Berosanakoyar said:

    Well shet i got 2 epics in a row from a prem pack

    last time i bought the 1k token deal that had 4 prem packs, i got 2 full packs of epics... and most of them were non E-M epics. very sad. wasted half of the deal. 

    but still, that doesn't give any reason to stop trying. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Rudolf said:

    But can you get silver boxes back when you disable base ?


    but you'll also lose the ability to get free gold

    12 hours ago, OYUNCU25 said:

    There is a high probability of giving 300,000 gold and not getting legendary.

    yeah, well there's also a high probability of giving 75-335 tokens and not getting legendary. and tokens are a lot harder to get than gold. 

  4. 5 hours ago, lerv said:

    I'm confused on how the score in Raids are computed. What are the factors considered? Does the remaining health of your mech matter?

    From what i know and seen in raid T1-T4, taking 1 dmg can cause you to lose around 50 points. like in raid T1, perfect score is 1300 pt, but if you use one hp, your new score will be dropped to 1258. I've also done some experiments with other tiers but get generally would only use 50 points per dmg taken. 50 plus or minus 5 or so points. 

    For lower tiers like T1-2, having backfire also drops you score, dramatically, since that technically counts as taking damage. I'm not sure about this for higher tiers since i rarely use backfire drones or backfire weapons. 

  5. 2 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    First off i use selfish protector and the drone was the FIRST. EVER. THING. To attack on the titan so it didnt had a - res it was the skull like one (who just sits there and doesnt moves) i think it was 2 stars but no. I didnt use ANY SINGLE RESISTANCE DRAIN. It had like 10 res when the drone shot the boss

    visual bug...

    btw how far did the titan's hp bar go down?

  6. 1 hour ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    "Come back later" i have been waiting for like 4 months for the videos lmao

    ads are limited to 30 ads per day ( i memory serves) 

    from my ad watching experience (which is not much since my ads glitched and disappeared after like 2 weeks of watching them), the "come back later" thing means that you gota wait ~15 minutes for the next ad. 

  7. 17 minutes ago, Berosanakoyar said:


    several things here...

    1. which titan (name and star)
    2. what element is your mech (phys, energy, or heat)
    3. what drone do you have/use
    4. do you use prem res drainers
    5. what was the titan's res/negative res at the moment
  8. 1 hour ago, Spam said:

    Ad farming is the only way other than portals and campaign.

    My ads glitched... which can happen to anyone. 

    Another great option is RAID. complete higher tiers and get higher scores in RAID can get you some decent tokens every week. 

    If I really farm the game, i can get to tier 5 raid almost every time. that gets me to the top 1000th place in raid and that's 50 additional tokens every week. 

    12 hours ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    So lately i have been rich with coins. I just farmed OD6 on insane like 8 times without refuel and i just got 600.000 coins or something and now i have 3 mil coins. But what about tokens? There is some easy missions with a lot of tokens, there is raid (which i get 35 tokens each season btw), there is random quests that i was so bored to do with a little bit of tokens, there is a few new missions i can complete, there is new portals with 40 tokens (i cant beat insane tho make it 30) but what is the best one among them all? 

    do new missions if you haven't already completed them

  9. 12 hours ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    I honestly couldn't choose what to add when you dissemble i legit thought for like 15-20 minutes and the only thing that came into my brain was ascension relics / power kits / coins

    I had the idea of power kits too but i removed it thinking like: "bruh you can get more upgrading power out of any item" so i removed it

    Convert to gold... sure, but gold is kinda useless since you can get them from basically doing nothing. Plus, converting legendarys and mythicals to gold is a real waste. 

    Tokens.... would be nice. sorta like recycling prem box/packs. 

    Relics.... well just compare the drop rate of any ordinary legendary item to the drop rate of a legendary ascension relic across all sources. you can do the math. there's a big big difference between the numbers. 


    Powerkits... the only thing that kinda makes sense. Legacy converter worked out pretty well, just need to give back a little more. maybe give powerkits worth half of the upgrade power in the item itself. 

    So if it is a maxed epic with 85.8k upgrade power, then it'll convert into about 43k upgrade power worth of powerkits. you get the idea. 

    If that's not enough, it can always be increased to give back the exact amount of upgrade power you spend on the item at it's current level. 

    However, that would mean that things at lvl 1 (un-upgraded) would give back nothing... so I propose, maybe give a lvl 1 powerkit of the same rarity level. lvl 1 common item converts into lvl 1 common powerkit... and so on. And a lvl 1 Mythical item would convert into a lvl 40 legendary powerkit because there are no mythical powerkits. 

    Phew... that was a lot. 

  10. 1 hour ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    Legendary items - 1 legendary divine relic - 50k coins

    that's incomparable. make it cost like 1000 tokens or something. 

    1 hour ago, Berosanakoyar said:

    Mythical items - (idk why you would dissemble a mythical item but i have one that i can dissemble and there is some people who has useless mythicals too) 5 legendary divine relics - 250k coins

    now that would probably instantly make any player a top rank. not happening

    The only way your proposal would make sense is if a legacy converter was implemented to convert other non-legacy items into powerkits

    Note: i said powerkits, not gold, not tokens, and definitely not legendary ascension relics. 

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