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Posts posted by Pavke

  1. 1 minute ago, OKI DOKI said:

    I remember back May 2020 I asked to the forum the opinion about selling coins to enhance arena stats and 95% said no to my wondering. The reason was because even I was new player the system match maker used to match me with higher up and good deal on arena stats against me not having them. Now the sales are around and I still have the opinion that it is good for those have the tokens and can advance because the match maker still punish those with low conditions.

    Sure now I am max etc and we need to look for other venues to use those extra coins. 

    Now, I have a question for you Old players

    What do you think about selling gold relics? Why I ask?

    Regardless the game it is a bout to progress and then enhance and that it is what I do and can see in my threads, the system still making matches a bit in the unfair way.

    I remember Nefty mention the unfair losses in the arena and sure it does affect but that it is different history and I do not want to go there. My question is base in the sense of match making regardless people at play in particular hour. 

    For example, the game have the tendency since I started the game to have adversaries 90% with higher HP. Every time I increase the HP the game compensate to keep adding that 300-500 above me at any rank and I do make those test for over a year. Every time I change a mech the game compensate with the opponent that will kill my mechs.

    Apart of that, many players play solo like I was and to get relics it is really hard but match making force the player to fight with those with that advantage. Even it is part of clan condition to get them, a solo player it is punished too hard not getting them to force the condition of clan. 

    Now, apart of those issues also some players in fortune boxes or clan or rank boxes barely can get a gold relic as I have seen some long term players frustrated not getting them. 

    I think a sale in the arena shop adding that option can help with tokens usage. It can help to make a part not divined for 6 months etc and bad luck to get them. I will think in 200 tokens per gold relic as a fixed price since it is hard to get tokens for a free to play player. 

    I am 1.5yrs player 

    In OKI. Pathetic when I face the best players of this game. Can I win? Sure but hard. Yes, it is about clan and progress but still a bit off when matches happen with tuff conditions. 

    Not controversy please. It is a simple question and to have your opinion about it. 


    O.D FARM even worse



    Iirc Alex said that he will add more ways to obtain relics soon.

  2. Just now, Jesper said:

    You don't understand because you don't have self-reflection. Create an account and play with it for 2 months and play golden gate on hard. How much will you earn? Don't think about yourself. Forgot your majority account? But Alexander said he would reconsider this over time. So you will definitely be satisfied too 😉

    For your information I already have an alt that is few months old and It can definitely beat hard mode. I guess people here prefer pew pew autopilot portals that are literally not fun over having an actual challenge. That says a lot. Also, just letting you know that not every event is for every player. If you can't beat insane that will just motivate you more to play the game and become stronger. I don't know in what game did you saw that insane is supposed to be easy😉

  3. 1 minute ago, Jesper said:

    Once again, please use self-reflection. We're talking about 20,000 players. We're not talking about the 200th Spock from STAR TREK, it would explain it to you like this: "The needs of the majority outweigh the needs of the minority."

    I fail to understand your logic. Easy and hard is literally the same as before and only insane is made harder for better rewards. In what way are majority in lose here when you already get better rewards just by doing easy and hard?

  4. Just now, Jesper said:

    And what did you expect them to reduce the difficulty for most players while leaving the amount of the reward? You don't count as a majority, you're almost a TOP player. Gato made a compromise. That's why Alexander called it solved.

    No, I do not understand why did you all call portal a scam when you get 100+ just by doing normal and hard and now we will only get 45 each gold portal if you do all the difficulties. Yeah 45 is much better than 110 if you dont include insane (230 then)

  5. 1 hour ago, Jesper said:

    I'm a little sad that you locked the topic about GOLDEN PORTAL, but I understand, you solved it ...
    However, there was a question about the differences in the accounts. The issue of account differences has been addressed several times in the past. If you didn't turn off the old forum, I'd give you a copy-paste thread where it was written about. TS devs also admitted that there were differences in the accounts.
    So I ask again why one account gets 20 claws and not one valiant or spartan. And another account gets 8 valiants and not a single claws. And this is happening permanently. It doesn't even matter how long you play. If you are an f2p player you may get maybe one valiant in 1 or 2 years.
    I guess if you invest a large amount at once, you will lose what you need. But that supports what I'm asking. Accounts are intentionally set in accounts so that the system knows what to give primarily.
    I hope you don't call it a conspiracy theory, because it would be embarrassing. Thank you for your response.

    I don't understand what do you mean by "it's solved". Now we are back to old braindead TS gold portals which give 45 tokens max. Also, TS never said that one account has different drops than the other one

  6. 8 minutes ago, Nefertary Meriten-Mut said:

    Nooooo .... Heat bomb doesn't work for insane. You will need at least 2 revives to get to the bigboy. And once you reach the bigboy you will find a 3000 HP mech that will deal 1000 damage with his weapons. Try everything, up close, far, with electric, with phys, with heat ...

    What is the point of doing an event that 99% of the players will not be able to complete? 

    I used 2 heat bombs, sorrow, hybrid cannon and swoop and completed it with no problem. If I got one repair kit I could have completed it without revives but without the kit I have beaten all the minions and had to use revive on boss

  7. 4 hours ago, Tirreggregars said:

    The game is obviously dying, ffs its a very old flash game with 2d graphics, redundant matches, a long grind and little appeal to newbies.

    Ofc alex and the mods are doing a lot to slow down its death, but it will inevitably die because its jsut not as appealing to gamers as other games are.

    And yes, stuff is being done, but I don't think even alex thinks this game is not gonan die, as soon as the OGs quit, it will inevitably die.

    If a 3d version, with less monotony was released on steam, then it could survive for a while longer, btu doubt that will happen.

    Thats not really how it works but okay.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Tirreggregars said:


    I think SM is generally a tedious game were it not for the fact that I love strategy games, I surely wouldn't be playing.

    I believe Alex is doing a lot, but he is just 1 person, more crew would speed up the process.

    As for what I said before, you can understand there are few new players because progress is sooooo slow, and new players quit before reaching r5, effectively meaning that for me, the matchups are the same over and over and over again.

    The fact that players are leaving is obvious, lg left, boss took a break, bestie took a break to name a few, I could obviously find at least 100, but I can't be bothered, however new players come in as well, and it is normal for people to leave a game. The problem is that since progress is so slow, new players all leave as well.

    Anyways, my point remains, without new items, the game is even more tedious, so I'd appreciate new items, or more events such as the one Alex already made, the 100 tokens for 10 arena wins event, which increased arena participation, making it much more fun. 

    I made a proposal to permanently increase arena participation, hoping Alex looks at it, it got very positive feedback 🙂

    Only LG left because he got bored. Other two is for other reasons. Also, its not only "few" new players.

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