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Posts posted by OKI DOKI

  1. no, if you play insane doesn't. For FB lovers it is not proper to do OD6 insane. Now, for lack of time guys and want to keep clicking every opportunity not doing pvp that require concentration and be focus impossible at work so OD6 insane do the trick to keep energy bar in the regeneration mode. When I have some time then I do farm FB but even during the farming for them the game give to me lots of empty or if get some FB are just rare. 🙄 Now, when I do farmOD6 is faster and I can accumulate more mix boxes in average and can do then legends faster. I did 5 legends just few minutes ago plus L30 5 epics for the next legends to be made as soon get crappy epics for transformation.




  2. Well, I will say that what you say it is true in some ways and it does affect the game with the cheaters inflating AP and that it is not as much at lower side just few clans. In the other hands, there are people with multiple accounts playing with family using same IP. That doesn't mean they inflate AP but instead they play with family using same network and same phone or comp etc. 

    I am one example, I do have multiple accounts but play with family. I have members are minors so I do not allow them to have e-mails accounts and ensure they use same equipment to have control. 

    In my opinion the game should not restrict multiple accounts at all. Some people also play for fun and create different to see results and enjoy a game with multiples accounts like me. I have been solo player from start never in clan just till recently and of course there are millions of clans here and their members asking to let then win for their ranks or clans need and that goes toward all clans including the top. I give free to many top clans asking so AP inflate not just only by having multiple accounts but by players asking and some granting like me during my constant test that sometimes I take 40 losses on the road for my data collection.

    No matter what, cheaters and inflating etc always will be there and locking IP will say it is not proper and as example I have 2 accounts that I p2w even my family use the account next to me so I let them play and test and learn. 

    Sure I get you but this game it is been like that according my family member player since 2012. Play one account or more it is fine. What you do as clan member or clan direction internally it is clan matter. All clans have different views how to make the clan a top or what more matter as team but inflate I will say it is wrong using accounts in that way.

    Some use frantics because nothing else, some are p2w unlucky having parts at FB's some are lucky with FB's and are f2p etc. Just focus in your own play and enjoy. I know that harm the clan I am but we are not focus in AP instead fights titan, tickets and war. 

    Do not take me wrong, yes I get you and you have a lot of reason and I agree but sadly not all play in that way so will lose accounts that with honest hard work build like me to be screw in that way it is wrong. Do you know how much work took me to L250 my accounts farming in an insane way 24/7 to make them in less than 10 months at that level and pay for some items not even in use but for future when I can accumulate gold  farming and crafting taking an eternity to make it happen? 



  3. 17 hours ago, Bluz said:

    Good day beautiful people, your corgi-obsessed 18 year old has arrived with a bittersweet feeling. New forums is now live and will have to let go of the old one (you know, I take back the bittersweet part. I'm happy that we have a new forum!).

    So, I'm pretty sure most of you know me for really liking corgis. I'm not sure why, but I'm most certain that it's because of how wholesome and genuine the smiles of these lovely creatures are, just enough to quickly switch my mood from bad to good. Take this floofy as an example: 



    Anyway, for my general information as a Super Mechs player. Currently, my in-game name is "Corgi Bot" (for obvious reasons), can reach Rank 3 in every season (Rank 1 if I go tryhard mode in 1v1 season), and main heat and physical. I am a member of WLGang for about two months now, many awesome people that I've met there! Been a blast. 🙂


    Next, general in-real life stuff. First off, my real name is Carlos (but please do call me as Bluz), 18 years old, and lives in an archipelago with 7,107 islands called Philippines. I am the youngest and the only boy in siblings of five. Don't worry about me, I've been holding on for the past 18 years without losing it. 🤣 Oh and yes, the age gap between me and them is also quite big. (5 years to my youngest sister and 10 years with my eldest)

    For my likes and dislikes, I don't like being around rowdy people. For instance, if my friends get a bit too noisy and start receiving unwanted attention, I'll start pretending that I don't know them. I like a good talk, but don't like talking for too long, kind of weird but it is what it is. And my hobbies, my most favorite is stuffing my face like there's no tomorrow then complain about the weight I gained.  Yes, I'm a guy with a huge appetite, but lately I'm trying to lessen it even though it's hard for due to personal reasons that I do not wish to disclose. Generally, I am not a sporty guy but I do like playing less dynamic sports like badminton, tennis, etc. Things like basketball, soccer I tend to avoid since I easily get tired. 😂 I've been enjoying watching anime lately, so feel free to suggest some through PM! 

    For some educational background, I'm currently unenrolled. But I should be in first year college undertaking BS Radiologic Technology. That's... pretty much it I guess. 

    So as to about what kind of a person I am, I do not want to claim that I have this kind of personality because different people will have different perspectives to what I am like. To others, I am a very kind and gentle person, to others, I'm a degenerate asshole, you name it. Which is why I'll just let you guys decide to what kind of personality I have. 😉 (sounds kind of dumb, I know). 


    Anyway, that kind of sums it up. It would be a pleasure to be in this new forum, albeit I still have yet to get used to it. As Darwin said, it's not the strongest nor the most intelligent who survive, but those who can be responsive to change.


    Good day ya'll and have a nice day! 😄 

    Love that dog smile. Happy dog mean cool owner.  Welcome Carlos to the forum, now I can say to some old players hi welcome to the forum. 🙃  

  4. 1 hour ago, Red Riot said:

    Im back, seeing that Alex had made a new forum means there may be hope for supermechs, 

    For those of you who dont know Im Red Riot, I was known as Unkept Darkness and Exetra on the old forums

    I am Retired from the game until further notice, i have also found life is quite boring with no one to talk to so feel free to talk to me whenever, Cause all i have is time,

    I am happy to be back and i hope everyone is great

    - Red 

    Hi bro. it is good to have you here. Do not feel alone. You have people here to have some fun. 👍

  5. 1 minute ago, Ad1tya said:

    Yeah I was in *THE* WLGang
    Death Gun was and is the leader of WLGang 2.0
    I'm leading WLGang 3.0..its been only 3 days since the rebirth of the clan we've hit top 15 😄

    Ah, cool. Damn. I had no idea the clan suffered and I mean 3.0. Last time I checked was doing ok. Nice, no matter what it is moving forward with you at the helmet. 👍

  6. Thank you bro. I saw you move from WL 2.0 cool team to WL 1.0 to another cool. Excellent clan and leader. Yes, it is fun to have pvp with you too. You were leader in 2.0 if not wrong. 

    Me one of the fav forum member! Holy moly guacamole. Thx man. I though I am like a plastic can see trough and not been noticed here not been important or famous. 🤣   Just an old guy playing a video game hiding from my boss

    to do it.  😆 I really like to have fun with the pilots doesn't matter from where they are from but to learn from them about culture, cool ideas, have something in common like this game and else. My old team mates from MECHWARRIOS we had met in person of course some of them are from places I used to live and some others I traveled to have the fun in person. 



    18 minutes ago, Red Riot said:

    Well, Your a Pilot in training now, same as me 😉

    Yes, I just saw that. How that happen? I though I have been in training all of this time. Finally not a full rookie player. Yeah, pilot in training for first time. 😂

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