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Everything posted by OKI DOKI


    Ayo wtf?

    I know you can do it. Just seat and relax and will come to you.
  2. This is my first Heat Bomb since I play the game. Finally made one. nice (-1000) resist damage.
  3. yeah. it is about kill kill kill even your bodies or match maker or looking for the forum. Nice set up for MW5 or regular. When I started with DOS MW was fun with terrible graphics at home with my IBM computer but improved a lot with MW2 and was cool then MW3 was awesome. Sure online or MW4 are nice including assassins. Sad I do not have time to play. Is my fav game. Let kill that leg and get overheated
  4. Gold increased but decided to Myth few parts and make legends from epic and making epics L30 but gold is dropping. Also leveling up many parts to L20. Forgot to add I am crafting power kits. Transformed to Myth. Forgot to take screen capture. Rank box. Leveling up parts Made more L30 but used like 10 today War box
  5. Yes and no. Yes I change of mind even I am increasing gold reserves. I was bored of acc status and decided to divine modules to have some set for a mech of different items plus needed to make some room too and decided to make few Myth parts around post making enough legends from epics parts on reserve. Gold dropped but I am recovering back since I am not crafting. I got this one on clan 2k wins today Rank box. Not playing for high rank. No time. Bad drop. Cheers
  6. energy just in case, you need good modules to support energy mech. as I can see you do not have the support. OE will drain you. Seems you have some decent heat parts around. Maybe deso having more heat in your set up. Now, Deso need extra fire power weapon since current game force to have some extra due to new modules compensate to recover faster. Your mech will be to damage not to overheat generally speaking.
  7. A Virtuoso (ISTP) is someone with the Introverted, Observant, Thinking, and Prospecting personality traits. They tend to have an individualistic mindset, pursuing goals without needing much external connection. They engage in life with inquisitiveness and personal skill, varying their approach as needed. Few personality types are as bold and practical as Virtuosos. Known for their technical mastery and willingness to improvise, Virtuosos are good at finding unique solutions to seemingly impossible challenges. Virtuosos’ desire to explore and learn new things is invaluable in many areas, including their own personal growth. CHEERS By the way, I work on Engineering but also as leader
  8. nice. very interesting. tiers and weight. selections options.
  9. Flexing to play again in very long time with Jam. COOL. Hopping you are back in full.
  10. nice drop. The acc it is getting strong. Nice acc.
  11. Gold increased but decided to make few Divine modules. cheers
  12. Nice maxed parts. Hard to recover gold.
  13. I am an old gamer person. Sure from MW1 Too long ago when many here were not been even cooked to be born.
  14. Hmm, sure what you indicted have some good observation. TS used to sale some decent items but also some of the worse. Sure you can see some items like bunkers, magma, valiant, selfish, mercy and others because when I joined I saw all of that. Now, GATO reduced prices on similar items and some extra bang. It is been focus on boxes but also basic that are modules like today offer plating offer many times and people need those. If you refer about a valiant as example at GATO so far it is not been there. I was hopping to get some summer offer of weapons apparts of the discounted paint etc that are fine and cool but yes we need some parts. ALSO can be goo a or bad many having same parts like before everyone with FRANTIC killing each other no one moving up. The game now got messy again in the arena. Same mechs everywhere.
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