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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. Sorry, game froze Nice madboy fight and max out. Scope meat?
  2. 1- Careful with the finger intro. Nice raid and max out. I still need to make lots of those weapons and missing one or two. 2- Nice intro. I remember capturing crab every year living at the island with my dad military service. Funny intro. Good 2V2 PVP. Relaxing music. 3- Funny intro. Yeah, that cost a lot. Get the discounted tokens offers. Cool fights. At list a party crasher. 4- Haha. Not familiar to me the intro but familiar to some old friends. I still need to work out those parts. Oh well, will take long. 5- That was you in the intro? Nice fights even with 2500 on health. 6- I do not remember Tom and Jerry listening that song before. Funny. WOW. Another $100 box. Get the $75 offer. Are you living in USA? Vietnam? Deleting the game after so much work and investment? I know what you mean. I get crappy stuff all the time I open a box. At list you got few decent items if needed. I am just working current inventory.
  3. cool mechs. good music theme. excellent fights. Sorry. give you a like later
  4. 1- Start this game due to family request. I am MechWarrior player from release time. Over 30 years. 2- No mistake because is as I wanted to play but never joined a clan till last December so no doing war, less TITAN coins grants, never trying to rank up just leaving the mech power rank itself not me trying to move up of course all of that I missed many relics to progress as divined. 3- Develop 8 powerful accounts at the same time then give away 6 of them to family since I can't play them. 4- Waste money in 2 free to play accounts my main and alt and barely can do pvp. Family-Work unable to play much. 5- Been an old person and still playing video games like when I was back in the 70's playing when kid. 6- I build parts for fun never making mechs for combat just parts and do not know what I will do with them but is the fun to make parts and test them at any rank even at R1 been R10 mechs. 7- Losing on purpose all the time and see the account what will do as match trending. Still doing the same every season.
  5. Nice videos. Need to add comments later. no time.
  6. funny intro. Few nice items drop and a lot of meat. cool music
  7. The intro reminds me my own person every day at work trying to do 5 wins if I can getting calls on my break and losing because distracted or trying last shot before lose because can't play. I do not remember the song author. Description? shield destroyer? nice fight. I have tried similar configuration with less results. With molten and and Platinum. video stayed cool with the music intervals from high to slow to high speed.
  8. Hmm, interesting. Never tried with valiant. Nice fight
  9. don't get into trouble. fun but careful.
  10. some more words can be flexed
  11. 530 How is doing your bro Darkstare?
  12. Hi Just as side note, I will be reducing play time even never it is been that much on pvp due to work and family to take care. I won't be normally playing for high rank as I decided some months ago to test my capabilities to play against the best in the game for R1 so I will stay generally speaking playing at R5-R3 with some lucky moments not intentional rank movement. I guess top players will be happy to no see me around with my crappy mechs. That not mean I won't keep progressing my account. Yes, the account will keep moving up on power always doing daily basic of farming as I always do and game basics of clan. Sure will be good accounts no like now too weak and not having essentials parts I need but I am happy with results so far. Back to update I do not have much to add this time. I was able to reach 70millions and my intention now is to keep increasing a bit gold reserves for another week or maybe two to balance a 70 millions base for now as I have been doing for the last 6 months reaching gold reserves by 10 millions base targeted and next one will be 80 millions if I do not going crazy and do lots of craft and max out many parts ready to be max. I am controlling that for now but it does get boring to see parts always at L1. Anyway... My gold reserves are moving up. Nice and I like it. I am not crafting anything at this point but will do later. First time reaching 70millions. Finally clan war I got some relics. Too long without get them. I am happy now. Rank boxes are been just epics meat not even rare relics. I was leveling up few weapons and I think I made a myth part but I do not remember well. I was making some legends from epics and I made 2-3 already. Few more in process. I will make like 30. Increased again the storage space 10 slots now at 590. Nice. CHEERS
  13. Hi Just as side note, I will be reducing play time even never it is been that much on pvp due to work and family to take care. I won't be normally playing for high rank as I decided some months ago to test my capabilities to play against the best in the game for R1 so I will stay generally speaking playing at R5-R3 with some lucky moments not intentional rank movement. I guess top players will be happy to no see me around with my crappy mechs. That not mean I won't keep progressing my account. Yes, the account will keep moving up on power always doing daily basic of farming as I always do and game basics of clan. Sure will be good accounts no like now too weak and not having essentials parts I need but I am happy with results so farm. Back to update I do not have much to add this time. I was able to reach 70millions and my intention now is to keep increasing a bit gold reserves for another week or maybe two to balance a 70 millions base for now as I have been doing for the last 6 months reaching gold reserves by 10 millions base targeted and next one will be 80 millions if I do not going crazy and do lots of craft and max out many parts ready to be max. I am controlling that for now but it does get boring to see parts always at L1. Anyway... My gold reserves are moving up. Nice and I like it. I am not crafting anything at this point but will do later. First time reaching 70millions. I saved this few boxes opened but do not remember few of them if clan or rank box. I think this one was rank I think this one was war I know for sure this one was war I have been making like 4-5 legends parts already at legend status and preparing more to come from epics stash for myth transformation. I will be making like 30 or so. easy to do. Have fun pilots Cheers
  14. That suck and sad bro. So many bad people screwing countries just to harm or to take advantage. MF's
  15. I live in Oregon and we had some big fire few years ago and some towns burned and others really damage. Weha ve a lot of forest but with dry season is bad. Sad what happen over there. Hope all improve. I have seen some news about it.
  16. you have more divined than any of my accounts, more torsos and legs max out. quit
  17. unreliable drone can work a bit. Now, since the drone have backfire and your modules are weak you need to go for modules to support that drone plus health because drain health. Just careful. Do modules that can transform to myth E-M.
  18. Use Nightmare. The possibility to get it is ok and it is a torso to be use at top rank. Upgrade. Premium parts are hard to get but this one work as one of the best heat torso maybe the best. If you do not have any Lava leg and have trouble to get an epic version you can use as heat leg Scorching feet even later will have to change to use Lava to damage resist but this one also help to overheat and affect health. No the best choice now but can make a decent option at your level and depending how much you farm to get other parts possibilities. Fort heat bomb you can max and the 2 top weapons also can be max since been in use at all levels generally speaking. For your drone it is not good but seems you do not have anything else. I used that one when I was at low and mid rank. If nothing else show up you can work with it but hold back a bit keeping it at L30 till you can your torso to nightmare and legs. Do not level up current torso or leg. Will be a waste of gold and parts. You can max the recoil as well if have too. Do not waste on sword but if nothing else for now go for it but I do not recommend to waste the gold on it. Do not use flame battery armor. It does require a lot of heat cooling and energy regeneration. It does help a bit on power output to the weapons but you need good modules to support and still tricky to be use. I was user as my original second mech when I was new and was released as new item. I do not recommend you that one now and will be bad for top so Nightmare is great option for you now and in the future
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