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Everything posted by OKI DOKI

  1. I think it can. just remember your mech is energy dependable and your regen is low but portal at heat or phys it does work hard but can.
  2. good progress. Hmm, a bit heavy to spend that gold but ok if need to risk at base. Yeah, get focus at work and pay the bills. Your account is doing great and it does shows it is possible to progress in the game even with limitations.
  3. with sponge toilet paper "nice, good mech choice from Dw"
  4. but he had no idea and asked Kaio-Sama who can see the universe
  5. hmm, some players are farming wins at your rank. now, some are not. They recently developed but do not have modules to support higher ranks and play with what they have to win. When I was on development I had same issue. I had developed parts but unable to cross due to lack of modules to support power. It won't change. Also, energy mechs were on total disadvantages till recently. The buff few items to get back to close to normal as used to be before new modules even so still a bit lacking in some areas "weapons" to be toe to toe against heat and phys. I use the 3 kinds and I test a lot and for sure energy weapons no need nerf but a tinny buff.
  6. cool. I have been there with you in the past and now again. Yeah, SHABBA had internet connection back in his country and had issues to connect and in the end he needed to pass down the clan. I miss him too been a cool guy. Sad what happen to your old account. Should be super powerful now and I am happy that you has been able to move forward now back on a top clan. Hard work to get back. You are not the only one from our old clan happen the same and is back in business and clan leader in full 24. Glad you are back with us.
  7. were all digital pies are tasteless
  8. mixed in a blender with chocolate milk and
  9. hmm, it is not bad deal to be honest. Many players do not like Nightmare or no luck with vest type or Windigo. Monkey still relevant in different configurations for energy or heat and high hp on phys. Sure it is not God now but the price and given stuff and a player with bad luck and saved some tokens to enhance rank it is good. Sure you can debate but can help a lot to some players around. For players at higher ranks now with new meta around sure it is not a good deal in particular they already have the items. Let think in basics, the offer is good having 3 monkey for 2k and perks in the side. It is not a total waste. We set up some others mechs using them even now.
  10. sure nothing wrong as the perk for Christmas. We can have a hat or the snowball in the portal with some goodies in the own portal as relics or good tokens. For those that want typical "lets spend" mentality for Christmas can have a great drop rate for relics-weapons and can have a super sale of 10 relics-2 weapons premium not that common that might help finish a build. Some have the weapons so no need the items but can go for the drop and try for relics-weapons etc. Having 3 choices as a tuff year for players "covid-year" mess can give an start up and happiness to players. The option can be good for free players needing relics at low ranks at lower clans having at list one premium item like a VEST just for saying but can't get relics unable to fight all the way the portal getting frustrated unable to divine the item. Sure GATO is been doing good deals and enhancing for those now. We have the Eastern Egg so we can have Santa Christmas magic Bag gift too. We can have a good portal or so at end of year of course not all celebrate same date but just saying and I remember living in Latin America and they celebrate the Three wise man "Kings" those who gave Jesus Christ gifts in his birth day on January 6 so that day can be a good sale as well or portal for a Middle east hat or crown or maybe a lot of gold as one of the Jesus gift given. The game need to get in touch with countries local traditions and add some stuff for fun. We have St. Patrick day so why not Oktoberfest beer hat maybe Bavarian style etc. Anyway, this Christmas should be one super duper awesome cool day for the players and those who miss it let them cry. OK OK, too much but lets be crazy
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