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About Bluz

  • Birthday 05/18/2002

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  1. Bluz vs. @warrior5639 Again, for the comfort of just copy pasting the code: 2EE8D Cheers.
  2. Bluz vs @anklav4ik Such a close match. For the comfort of just copy-pasting the code: EC241 Cheers.
  3. You may have mistook this portal as the same "Gold Portal" which gives guaranteed legendary items on your first try on hard and insane mode (those are called "Special Portals"). It's not a Special Portal, this is your traditional Gold Portal that offers a respectable amount of gold + tokens. To differentiate Gold Portals and Special Portals, pay attention to their names. As you can see, it's Golden Prison—a gold portal. Special Portals' mission names varies and it indicates that you can get a mix box. Please do take note of that in order to avoid confusions like this in the future. The main prize of Gold Portals are tokens, and you have already cleared it which is why you can't see it anymore.
  4. Bluz (ign: Pembluzke) vs. Algeriano (ign: ***PL***) Replay Code: DAE0E Have a good day.
  5. Not really. Though I'm always around in-game, not so much in the forums. And I don't have any plans to be an active contributor here.
  6. Here are what I believe to be the only usable and/or worth maxing torsos at the moment for convenience's sake. I've crossed out the Cyber torsos as they're literally just the Monkey torsos with different sprites. You may use this for future references. PS. Use Windigo.
  7. Thanks for the kind words! And yes, I barely visit this forums nowadays.
  8. This idea is very simple. We can choose only one item from a pool of three random L-M items, and you will be able to purchase your item of interest for 750 tokens once. This is in order to avoid further widening the gap between Supporters and Non-Supporters. The item pool will reset every two weeks. You have 24 hours to decide which item you will pick, and another 48 hours as a time allotment given to collect the needed amount of tokens for it. Potential questions and answers for this suggestion: Q: "Wouldn't this take away the sole purpose of Premium Packs/Boxes?" A: Possibly. However, you are waiting once per two weeks for a specific item to appear in these offers, and they are also randomized. In addition to that, its token cost is also more than doubled of what a Premium Pack would normally be priced. It's only the matter of your status in this game — either you are only missing one item to complete a build, or you still need plenty more weapons to finish your mech. Q: "Why aren't legend tier E-M items included?" A: Because they're generally way easier to acquire than L-Ms. And it also takes away the meaning of having to wait three random items to choose from per two weeks, right? If you need a crucial E-M, get a pack instead or perhaps grind plenty of mix boxes —you'll eventually get them. (...in case someone misses a very very important piece of information...) Q: "Wouldn't this feature be broken for those who have a surplus amount of tokens?" A: I am very well aware that anyone could buy a full set of Fortresses, 5-8 Platinum Platings at once, or even ten of the heat/energy modules. Hence, we can only buy whatever we choose one time only. Q: "Wouldn't this feature take away the purpose of Exclusive One-time item offers?" A: Probably not. In my opinion, item offers are far superior value-wise as you get other goodies from those. So, item offers should still be better. Also, I've mentioned this plenty of times already, but the items are random. You never know which items would be offered, in which adds a bit of spice. Please feel free to ask if you have further inquiries! And also make sure to let me know your thoughts/perspectives on this. I hope you have a good day!
  9. Good day everyone! So I've just thought of a way to potentially stop people from running hard counters, particularly the ones that completely disregard their energy stats despite having four to five items in their mech (drones included) that consume energy. If your build has more than three items (drones included, but energy consuming utilities are not) that need energy to fire, the game would request the player to have a minimum of 600 energy capacity and 200 regeneration before being able to enter arena (these values would be based on the rank of a player, lower rank = lower minimum requirements. The aforementioned are applied for top ranks). This way, people are more encouraged to actually have rounded stats instead of just hoping to get the right opponents for their counters. Thoughts?
  10. I would like to object. Archimonde indeed needs a buff. On paper, it has some really solid stats, especially for rounded mech standards. However, its hit points is far too low given how weighty it is. Which is why nobody uses it, very heavy and little HP. Either way, both HSA and Archimonde are horrible torsos, imo anyway. But I would far rather use HSA over the torso in question. Best thing to do is just give it some bump with its hit points.
  11. I like the sound of that! I may come out a bit biased since I myself run a Dual Desolation build, but these proposed values do make sense even to the perspective of someone who has never touched a Desolation. I did the maths, and the final damage value for our hypothetical buffed Desolation would be around 298-440 (please do correct me if there are miscalculations). If anybody here thinks that it may be a bit too much as its damage is very similar to the damage output of a Spartan Carnage (286-490), hear this out: the Desolation weighs 15 kg more than a Spartan, while also having a more complex range, and twice the heat generation. Either way, I do honestly think that we should up its weight a bit in addition to the heat generation cost increase. Probably increase it from 66 kg to 68 kg (or even up to 70 kg) so it can at least have a balancing factor. Whatever path would be taken, I'm sure people would like to see one of the most reliable weapons that an F2P player could run receive some love. Would also motivate people more to try out new builds with energy free heat mechs, and not just Burning Showers everywhere.
  12. Keep it. It's very likely that this torso would receive some love.
  13. So far, I'm really enjoying the Vest buff. Been rocking with this build lately: And here is a build that I wish I could make, but can't: Looking forward to more balance updates!
  14. Bad eyes really suck, been wearing glasses for 7 years.
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