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  1. Hello. I want to describe the error that happened. Well, the season is over, even I didn't get the relics. The proof is in the photo How tf is even possible dont get any relics?? (I GOT THIS FROM RANK 11)
  2. Ok and? My mech and friend mech isn't full mythical. So now explain how i getting guys with full mythical mechs' on rank 14-13? Down below is original photo.
  3. Hello. I want to tell you what I met in the super mechs arena today. I am writing this post because, I think it is a bug, I was getting a ranking - and suddenly I see - a player with all the equipment myths - So I don't know what to do, my friend has it too. Do you know anything about this? Error if it should be like that.
  4. What the f**k is this?? "K" coins? Something new??
  5. Where tf is prize of Gold Portal? No relics, but tokens (i do that missions be4)
  6. Bruh i have two divine's and one mythical Fractured Heat Armor maxed
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