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  1. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
    Yeah, They are cute.  She is my second one. My previous one past away. I Miss her.

  2. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Zarkares in Hi   
    Hello my real name is Bao, getting used to this format is gonna take a while
  3. Like
    JamAnime reacted to BossParodyOBLITERATED in Hi Friends, I’m BossParody! :)   
    Hello all, so I know that many of you may recognize me from in game, or from the older tacticsoft forums, but I thought I’d introduce myself here as well. As you know, my in game name is BossParody, and I’m the leader of WLGang, but I’d like to tell you a little bit about myself as well. My first name is Alex, and I attend university in Canada where I live. Next semester I’m switching into an English major, but previously I was studying mathematics. English is my first language and outside of SuperMechs, I enjoy volleyball, rock climbing, hiking, snowboarding, and canoeing (yes, feel free to make any and all Canadian stereotypical jokes lol). My favourite foods are steak, and Beavertails (deep fried treat), and I drink excessive amounts of caffeine in any form. 
    Apart from that, I have one pet. His name is Butter, and he is a crested gecko. I adopted him a couple of weeks ago, and he is roughly two months old. He loves hanging out with me while I study and play video games, and he also enjoys watching documentaries of crested geckos in the wild! I have attached a picture of Butter below. 
    Other than that, my life is pretty normal for a university student! If you have any questions or comments, feel free to respond 🙂

  4. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Zylok in Zylok's story time   
    Hello pilots,
    I'm Zylok, a fair lad to chat with. I first came in touch with SuperMechs back in 2012. I grinded the game a little and became rank 1 and fought against other well-known rank 1 players. However, I stopped playing in the beginning of 2013 as the game became fairly boring to me because there weren't any updates at the time, so I quit.

    Somewhere in 2015 I fired up the game again and oh boy had it changed. There were new item tiers, a campaign and many more things. I played it for another solid 2 hours and then quit again...
    I returned, once again, in March 2020 to find out even more had changed about the game. It would cost way more time to get to the higher levels and all my items were really bad compared to others. That was the time I came to the old forum to question what had happened to this masterpiece called SuperMechs. 
    You guys were welcoming and very willing to help me get back to my roots, which is rank 1. As of today I am still grinding the game every day to get higher and higher. 
    So far I went from rank 17 to rank 3 in just 8 months, and I want to thank a lot of people who helped me in the process of that. I won't do it publicly, but the people I am thinking of know very well that I mean them. So thank you for that 🙂
    Right now have 3 old META builds ready to be upgraded.  So expect me to keep on climbing higher and higher through the ranks until I'm back where I want to be... Rank 1.
  5. Like
    JamAnime reacted to SawzAll in Intro: SawzAll   
    I am SawzAll from the SuperMechs game and (previous) Tactisoft forum.
    I'm working on a graduate degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling.
    I was an airplane mechanic for the United States Air Force for 20 years.
    I love the color blue and energy mechs, as you can probably tell.
    I have been playing roughly 3 months and am roughly arena rank 11 (at this time).
    I am a Pay-to-Support (P2S) player who spends his birthday and Christmas money on the game, as well as doing the $5/month subscription.  If it's good enough for Netflix, it's good enough for SuperMechs.
    I have helped test software both for the military and for the Linux community.  I also love math, spreadsheets, and science.
    Ask me anything you want.
  6. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Monke King in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
    Yeah, They are cute.  She is my second one. My previous one past away. I Miss her.

  7. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from OKI DOKI in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
  8. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Alexander in So, I am Alex and I sort of run this   
    Hi guys 🙂 
    Let me give the good example and introduce myself!
    My name is Alexander but everyone calls me Alex. I am 28 years old, I am into sailing, ski-ing, reading, writing, anime/LNs, games and cooking. I started playing a game called BattleDawn back in 2006 when I was 14 and was asked to help test SuperMechs by a BD Admin back before it was public and just kind of stuck around. I lead a team called NCR (New Corgi Revolution) in Battle Dawn with Josh (Malicewolf) and am a member of the Shiba Revolution in Super Mechs. 
    I studied Software Engineering, but frankly I find most things interesting.
    Some years ago I was hired by Ilona to be Community Manager (we talked a lot and she suggested I apply if I really want to improve BD/SM so much, so I did), she however didn't stick with the company after that so I had to kind of learn the job on the spot on my own. And take parts of her job (Product Manager) while at it. This went pretty well and I formed a pretty natural gear in the SM and BD teams, but when the SM Team grew it became harder and harder for me to feel like I was making a meaningful impact. I went to Michael (Tacticsoft CEO), told him to either give me something else to do or I'll have to walk away eventually. He asked me what I want to do then and I offered to take over Battle Dawn instead, which was orphaned without a manager and close to a shutdown.
    I took it over, it went pretty well, Battle Dawn didn't get shut down, grew a lot. We recruited Josh and Elcent who are awesome human beings and eventually Michael passed me onto a guy who was buying the rights to make a Battle Dawn sequel. We got along and after spending a lot of time discussing with each other, we decided to buy Battle Dawn itself as well. I re-recruited Ilona to the team (sadly she left a while ago again :P) and re-recruited Simmen, Gato Games was born. 

    We improved Battle Dawn's servers a lot, I got the title of CEO, we recruited Gaurav, Fluffeh and Kenny and eventually got a chance to buy Super Mechs... Which at the time we couldn't. Got another one and this time we could and did. 
    So yeah, here we are and here I am. Please be nice to me. 😛 
  9. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Monke King in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
  10. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Marija in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
    I hope you appreciate Toby at least 1% of how much I do 🥰

  11. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Mechzilla in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
    This is Liam. I bred and raised him. 16 year old stallion. 

  12. Like
    JamAnime reacted to Malicewolf in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
    My Luna 🥰

  13. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Manolis109 in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
  14. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from rc in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
  15. Like
    JamAnime got a reaction from Shared-NW in Pet Picture Posting Thread   
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