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Zylok's story time


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Hello pilots,

I'm Zylok, a fair lad to chat with. I first came in touch with SuperMechs back in 2012. I grinded the game a little and became rank 1 and fought against other well-known rank 1 players. However, I stopped playing in the beginning of 2013 as the game became fairly boring to me because there weren't any updates at the time, so I quit.

Somewhere in 2015 I fired up the game again and oh boy had it changed. There were new item tiers, a campaign and many more things. I played it for another solid 2 hours and then quit again...

I returned, once again, in March 2020 to find out even more had changed about the game. It would cost way more time to get to the higher levels and all my items were really bad compared to others. That was the time I came to the old forum to question what had happened to this masterpiece called SuperMechs. 

You guys were welcoming and very willing to help me get back to my roots, which is rank 1. As of today I am still grinding the game every day to get higher and higher. 

So far I went from rank 17 to rank 3 in just 8 months, and I want to thank a lot of people who helped me in the process of that. I won't do it publicly, but the people I am thinking of know very well that I mean them. So thank you for that 🙂

Right now have 3 old META builds ready to be upgraded.  So expect me to keep on climbing higher and higher through the ranks until I'm back where I want to be... Rank 1.


Legacy Messiah | Reign Forever | Rejoined March 2020

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