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Posts posted by JamAnime

  1. How did I miss this. This one comes up a lot. I even posted so many in the old forum. There should be a ARENA SHOP Buy for the item slot. Like an extra 10 for every buy slots. Then price rises after each buy.  High prices would be awesome also.

    lvl 1 = 2

    lvl 2 = 4

    lvl 3 = 8


    lvl 11= 2048

    Make that 110 after finish. Get some extra slots.


    Then in the titan shop, you also can buy slots for 10 for 1000


    There is also more cons on limitation. Unlike Clever who upgrades using maxed items and rare legendary, other players like to save unused items, that have been Maxed out and rare legendary items that have not been maxed.  That ads up little by little.  You are basically forced to buy inventory slots with tokens, when you have items you don't want to get rid of.

  2. 4 minutes ago, AftoKrator said:

    When it comes to collecting resources in a game like this, there really isn't any fast way to get anything..... other than spending real money. 

    Farming is good. You get what you need in exchange for doing the same boring thing over and over again. But it does get boring over time. 

    If you do have base.... use the gold mines. 

    Now, I know there are a lot of people on this forum that does not agree with me on the effectiveness of the gold mines from base, but, it is still something good to have for some beginners and have it's benefits. 

    I know farming for hours can get your gold real fast, but science have proved that doing the same thing over and over again can drive you crazy. Also, if you want 400k to craft legendaries in base, that means: 

    1. you have a high leveled base, which means you also have gold mines
    2. spending the gold you just earned from hours of farming is not usually a good thing (especially in real life)
    3. if you don't want to end up like a crazy person ( or maybe not, depends), only using farming to get gold is not sustainable for the long run. 

    Which brings me to my point. Take some gold and upgrade gold mines. It's a long term investment with absolutely no risk of losing any of your gold. Then, when you are farming, not playing SM, or doing whatever other thing you want to do, you will always be getting free gold. 

    Just make sure you get the gold before it reaches the hold limit. Otherwise, you'll be losing efficiency (kinda). Also know that gold from gold mines increase at a linear rate so it doesn't really matter when you collect it.... as long as you do so before it reaches the hold limit. 

    I disagree with this.... For beginners, if they start upping mines at the same time they are upping there mechs, they will just be wasting time.  They should focus on the mechs.  Up the mines and factories little by little. Beginners get so many items in the beginning. They even get campaign boxes. They can save and do missions and all. Wasting away gold for base is a slow down. Just farm for boxes and gold, and you will be fine. Upgrade your 1st mech. Then once you start your 2nd, then you can balance out base and builds.

  3. 2 minutes ago, monjursayad said:

    Overlord Den Mission 6 Insane give me 10000 Gold and take 7 fuel. Is it okay?

    Yep... That is the best way, for a beginner.  You get more gold in that mission, than any other, worth the right amount of fuel. Math out the difference your self, and you will see.


    For those that have 3 full mechs, there is another one better. Though, that one is in 3v3 campaign.

  4. 3 hours ago, iSwarky said:

    So i was scrolling thru the ranks and saw the last rank grandmaster. Idk how many points or whatever it costs but who is gonna be the first one to reach it?

    Im gonna post this in spam because half of my main forums page is filled with posts about spam.

    Strike that.... We will just have to see...


    1 hour ago, Atusiff said:

    CleverName (if he become active again)

    Did he stop playing SM, or is it just not active in forum?

  5. 24 minutes ago, monjursayad said:

    Hi, how can I get more gold easily?? I try to get gold from campaign final boss 1v1 in easy mode and only get 10000 each time and some time get 15000 from hard mode. But after upgrading 1 item I lost my golds. I can't get enough to 500000 golds and for legendary crafting it needs 384000 which is costly.

    I take it that you are new.  The best way to get a lot of gold and fuel use is to farm OD6 Insane(Overlords Den Mission 6).  The best mech to use is a physical. Have HP 2k or over. With a physical, you can run on auto.

  6. On 7/16/2021 at 1:23 PM, Blue demon said:

    Suggestion the creators should make it to where once you make a clan you can get special boxes for a clan titan so that way we can have our own clan titans to fight the titans ingame.

    Hmmm. I was thinking of Something Else.  Each Clan Creates there own titan. Then they Go too Titan Clan War. Each Member gets one Shot of trying to eliminate the other clans titan, with there arena build or a custom build. Which ever clan does the most damage or eliminates the other clans titan first, wins.  Each Member can help out in upping the clan titan.  The titan uses no tokens in upgrading or getting weapons. Everything Cost Gold to build the titan.  Like a Head Can cost From 5 - 20 Million Gold.  Get 20 members to pitch in. Same as legs and the rest on the items.  Upgrading also cost gold.  Each Clan will have a bank Safe. Each member can help in donating gold for the titan.  In doing so in donating, there can be a poll when deciding what item the clan should get.  The ones that pitch in for the titan, get to vote.  In the Beginning, each clan gets 25 million or more for a clan start.  So, if you create a clan you get 25 - 50 million. Defeating the game titan also gives the clan money. Depending on the titan lvl and destroying it, the clan can get a lot of gold for the clan. Yep, another idea that is not going to happen. But, had to let it out.

  7. 52 minutes ago, 40985204 said:

    Hola chicos y chicas, en este tema publicaré todos mis avances a partir de ahora, antes no podía hacerlo porque no sabía usar el foro, mis viejos avances estaban registrados en los servidores de Discord.

    Me presento, mi nombre es 40985294. Gusto en conocerte : D

    Hello boys and girls, in this topic I will publish all my advances from now on, before I could not do it because I did not know how to use the forum, my old advances were registered on the Discord servers.

    I introduce myself, my name is 40985294. Nice to meet you: D




    55 minutes ago, 40985204 said:

    Bueno, sigo presentándome. Soy un jugador veterano desde hace 3 años, actualmente estoy en CANDELA INC. Es un muy buen clan que me recibió hace 4-6 meses. Llegó al rango 3-2 con mucha facilidad en todos los modos.

    Bueno, eso fue todo take care of yourselves until next time = )



    Well, I keep introducing myself. I am a veteran player for 3 years, I am currently at 
    CANDELA INC. It is a very good clan that welcomed me 4-6 months ago. 
    He got to the 3-2 range very easily in all modes.


    Well that was all take care of yourselves until next time =)

  8. 11 hours ago, Akuma_Samurai said:

    So i was playing super mechs and i wanted to log in to my alt account on facebook . Then it logged me in into my old alt account which was rank 12 so i played about 5-10 mins in it.Then when i wanted to go back in my rank 9 account. It logged me back into that rank 12 account  again (but it was the same user and pass as my rank 9) then i tried again but it again logged me back into rank 12.after that i logged on facebook on my pc then it logged me on rank 9 account .Then i was confused about that bug so can this bug be fixed because i want old user/pass of my rank 9 not rank 12?

    (now on my rank 9 account i dont have any SM user/pass but it signs that i have SM account)

    This has happened since SM connected with FB.  If you create an account on FB, then another with Just SM. You will eventually have this problem.  Happened with me in the old game.  If you have a SM acct and try to switch over to a normal ap or online acct, you are screwed. Switching over with the same window messes it up also. If you log into SM and log out then click log in with FM with same window, you are screwed. That is why I stopped playing games on FB or have a game acct with FB.

  9. 22 hours ago, SawzAll said:

    Not even.

    Also, this helpful image:


    This image shows the best way to do it. Max out common and some at lvl 5. Then you up the rare with the common. After that use the rare to up an item. That is the best way.

  10. 19 minutes ago, The Great said:

    Nice, however, I don't recommend transforming kits ever.

    If you transform a rare kit to epic and max it, you spend slightly more power than you get.

    Every old player knows that. You don't transform pk. you max them at the lvl they are, especially base users. If you don't have base, then it is needed to transform a common to rare. You don't ever transform a rare to epic, or epic to legendary kits.

  11. 9 hours ago, monjursayad said:

    Should I only use Max Common Power Kit to upgrade or Use Rare Max Power Kit??

    You your gonna want to max out common power kits, and some to lvl 5.  It takes 3 common to get it to lvl 5 or one rare item.

    Then you use 3 max common pk and a lvl 5 power kit to max out a rare power kit

  12. 28 minutes ago, That1Guy said:

    Finally, the most efficient way to upgrade kits if you’re using base is for one factory to constantly craft kits while the other three craft commons

    I would not do this, especially for new players. Cost too much gold, when you can farm for boxes.  Just farm for boxes and save them up like crazy. When ready to upgrade, open the boxes.  You save gold for upgrading by doing this.  If you craft common, you are wasting gold.


    I use to farm like crazy on OD6 and get around 30 to 50 boxes a day.  Math that out for 7 days, and you get around 200 to 400 boxes.  Times that 200 by 3, and you get 600 items that are either common or rare, and sometimes epic.  Crafting 600 common cost 567,000 gold. I rather save that then spend on crafting. If you are going to be a full on f2p player, it is best to save as much gold as possible for upgrading.  Gold is more essential than tokens, especially for f2p players.  You don't throw away gold for common, when you can farm common.

  13. 31 minutes ago, monjursayad said:

    Hi, what you mean by OD6 and Mission 5 3v3. I use hard in 1v1 to get gold sometimes insane

    OD6 = Overlords Den 1v1 insane. It is the easiest and fast way to get gold and boxes.  Having it on auto does the job. Using a physical build makes it faster, and easier.


    Mission 5 = The Dry Lands Mission 5 in 3v3 insane. You get the most gold and boxes using 5 fuel. This is if you have 2 or 3 fully build mechs. Physical being the best to use, with high hp.

    42 minutes ago, monjursayad said:

    Do you only use Max Common Powerkits for upgrading or use Rare or Epic??

    Here is a post on how to upgrade.  There are more, but this is what I found atm.


  14. 32 minutes ago, monjursayad said:

    Hi, Which Item Is Best To Craft?? Common, Rare, Epic or Epic/Legendary?? Also For Boost Power Kit

    Here is how I did it.

    - Three factories always crafting Epic/legendary

    - One factory crafting upgrade kits

    Then I would farm Mission 5 in 3v3.  Though you can also farm OD6. This is to get gold and boxes. This was to have stuff to upgrade kits.


    This is if you have enough gold. Like over 20,000,000.

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